Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I am feeling back to the gym today! I am super excited because I just signed up for a "greatest loser" contest at a local gym. Its kind of like boot camp, 3 times a week with a personal trainer for 12 weeks. The person who loses the most % body fat wins 500 dollars! That will def motivate me to eat well, I can win my money back and then some. I paid $197 for the 12 weeks, which is good, since it calculates to a little over $5 per session which is absolutely phenomenally cheap compared to the trainer I was going to hire @ $200 a month and I kept putting off because of the money issues. I am super excited, its starts Jan 18 but I plan on keeping up with exercise and eating well until then. I am prob gonna be slightly lenient with the eating on Thurs and Fri, but back on track the next few days. Hope everyone is having a great week!

    Less than $200 for a personal trainer and you have them 3 x a week for 12 weeks, YOU CAN'T BEAT THAT!!!! I wish I could find something like that b/c I could definitely afford that and the money would be a HUGE motivator. Good luck w/the training sessions and when it begins please keep us focused.

    I'm heading to a friend's house for Christmas dinner so I'm unsure of the menu and how well I will do but I plan to take it all in stride. Since the gym is closed on Xmas day i've already decided that I will do one of Jillian Michael's dvd's to get in some type of exercise.

    Happy holidays all.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning and happy Wednesday/Friday! I am so ready for some extra time off!!!! I am so glad that I went to the doc Monday, because whatever steroid shot he gave me knocked my sinus infection right out. I don't know if it was the steroids or what, but i ran 6 miles yesterday in less than an hour, which is totally fast for me! Anyways, I probably won't post again until after Christmas because I will be doing the family thing...Soooo Merry Christmas to all!!! Give yourself some leniency on Christmas and eat some good food, you deserve it!!!!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hey Ladies!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better vrdz! And WOW on the training you signed up for. Such a good deal, a good motivator, and possibly an awesome prize in the end!!! I found something similar at our local rec center but I'm debating on doing it just yet. It's a group of 8-10 meeting Tues & Thurs for 4 weeks for $140. You keep a journal and get assigned homework too. Th only thing is that you have to be accountable to the whole if you mess up, the whole group pays for it. Sounds scary!!! I might try signing up in Feb, after I've been going strong a full month.

    Choco....I think you should take Christmas Day off!! You have been going strong and definitely deserve a break! Way to go!

    I worked out again last night. Went down to the gym and did a walk/jog on the treadmill for about 30 minutes. Burned about 200 calories. I'm sooooooo sore from the video that it hurts just to try and sit down! My plan is to hit the gym again today and get some cardio in and do a video too.

    Hope you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy yourself!! I'll check back in after the holidays.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I am trying to relax a little more this week so while I worked out Monday and Tuesday, I decided to have a rest day today and perhaps even tomorrow. I'm still eating healthy and staying w/in my allotted calories. When I was in boot camp I never missed a session or homework assignment so that meant I was working out 6 days a week and burning well over 500 calories a day. I relax a bit this week and maybe even next week and hit it hard in 2010. I'll be working out just not as hard.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Im baaacccckkkk! Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! FI know I did, I was totally lazy and ate way too much...I wont get on the scale cause Im sure I gained a little......but its back to the mission today, I am excited about working out today and starting fresh. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey Vrdz, hope your holiday was great. I had an amazing time hanging out w/friends. I have no family here and never go home for the holiday because don't like dealing with the unpredictable weather of Boston but I had such a great holiday. While I stayed within my calories the majority of the time I did allow myself to have a few indulges. I'm slowly getting back on track as of today and I hope i'm able to finally get over the plateau I seemed to chillin at.

    Anyway, my workout is complete for today. I completed 45 minutes of Jillian Michael's boost your metabolism dvd. I will probably hit the gym tomorrow.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    So, I am slightly disapointed this morning as I started my new gym last night and they have this body fat percentage calculator thingy and I got on it. You input your age, height and body fat % you are shooting for and it tells you how many pounds you need to lose in order to get there. Well, I want to be 18% body fat (which may be a little extreme, but I shoot for the
    Not only had I gained 5 lbs (because of the past week) but it said in order to be 18% body fat I needed to lose 27 lbs! :huh: that is insane!
    My friend who was with me looked at me and said " if you lost 27 lbs you would look anorexic!" and I really think that I would. I am at 161 now and it said I need to be 133 to acheive that goal. I am 5'9' too so these weights may seem high, but I am slightly taller than your average woman.... The smallest Ive been since I was a little kid was 138 and I looked sick at that weight. Sooooooo I guess being 18% body fat is out of the question! I am shooting for 145....either way I am going to be one hot moma by summertime this year!!!! :happy:
    On a happier note, I burned over 500 cals yesterday at the gym and plan on trying out one of the Body Pump classes at the gym tonight and getting n a little extra cardio...Only today and tommorrow and I am off for 4 more days, I am totatlly getting spoiled with the holidays off!
    Everyone have a fantastic day! :happy:
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Hi everyone, I am back! I know it has been a while since I have posted but with the holidays and hectic at work I just didn't have the time or energy really to post. I was also super lazy and ate a ton over Christmas, I am not weighing myself until not this Friday but next Friday. I am sure I will get curious at some point and go ahead and do it but I don't want to know what it says. I am starting back on eating normal and exercising in the gym this week, the end of this week will be bad though. I am going to see Widespread Panic on Thursday and I am sure I will drink a few while there and then probably pig out afterwards! But that is going to be my last excuse, after that I have no more excuses for being bad. Vrdz, as long as you feel happy with the way you look and feel I wouldn't worry about the numbers. :smile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all. Boy will I need to find some motivation today. Since I am a morning person I generally like to get my workouts over with as early as possible but today I got an unexpectant work assignment so I wasn't able to do it as I had hoped/planned. My gym offers a variety of classes in the evening so my plan is to head to the gym immediately after work but I soooo hate working out in the evening. I will admit that the group challenge of completing at least 30 minutes of exercise this week is helping me stay focused but I can't lie, I'm not looking forward to this evening workout. I'm sure I'll be soooo happy when its done but cursing all the way to the

    Have a great day all.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    mkwrose-I am totally jealous that you are going to the panic it the new years eve show? you :) there is no way you can go to a panic show and not have a beer or two or glad to c you back! Have fun and be safe!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Yeah we are going to the new years show, it is going to be so awesome. I just really hope the rain will end early that day!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Morning Ladies! Yay its Wednesday (My Friday this week) ! I am feelin good today, I took my first Body Pump class last night and I loooooovvvvveeeed it!!! I also ran 2 miles and wound up burning a total of 530 cals! I am in love with Body Pump, because I have been so bored with just lifting weights in the gym, this class makes it fun! I plan on doing another class today called Active and then running for atleast 30 mins after. Hope everyone has a great day and a happy new year!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My workout is complete for today. Since I was unable to make it to the gym I decided to complete another dvd. This one is called "Melt it Off" and it's a combination of cardio and strength training and if you complete all 4 cardio sessions it totals about 60 minutes. I decided to give it all I had and according to MFP I burned approximately 429 calories. I have a hrm but can't seem to get it to output calories burned....I guess I have to take another look. Whatever the actual calories I'm satisfied that I gave it my all, so, I'm happy.

    I decided I would enter 2010 not only with a new body, mind and spirit but w/a clean house so after I ate breakfast I hit the ground running. Cleaned both bathrooms, washed and folded laundry, swept and mopped the kitchen and dusted the entire house. Once I'm done posting here on MFP I will complete my last task of vacuuming. I won't count the calories burned doing these activities. This is just the cherry on top. I can't wait to bring in the new year with all aspects of my life heading in the right direction.

    Have a great day all!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I hope all my workout buddies have started 2010 off in the right way. I relaxed yesterday but headed to the gym this morning. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then took a 45 minute kickboxing class. It has been so cold in Atlanta lately that the likelihood that I will be heading to the gym the next week is pretty slim so I purchased two workout dvds so I can add variety to my life. I bought the Biggest Loser "30 Day Jump Start & Cardio Max" dvds today and I already the Biggest Loser "Power Sculpt" dvd and Jillian Michael's "Boost Metabolism and Trouble Zones" along with a few others. I hope this variety will keep things interesting b/c I just don't like going outside when it's cold.

    On a side note, I can now do 30 standard push ups w/o stopping. I'm very proud of myself b/c when I began my weight loss journey on November 4, 2009 I could not do any. I had to complete the modified (on knees) version initially and eventually was able to complete 11 standard push ups. I moved from 11 to 15 then 18, 22 and today I knocked out 30.....GO CHOCO, GO CHOCO, GO CHOCO!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited.

    Have a great day all.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning and Happy 2010! I have def started my year off right, I took two classes on Saturday, ran/elliptical on Sunday, and took a spin class this a.m. before coming to work! My bootcamp doesnt start til the 18th so I figured I would get a jump start!
    Choco, glad to see that you are keeping the thread alive! Now that holidays are over I will be posting more often!
    It's Monday....and its back to the grindstone, no vacation in sight....Have a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good Morning and Happy 2010! I have def started my year off right, I took two classes on Saturday, ran/elliptical on Sunday, and took a spin class this a.m. before coming to work! My bootcamp doesnt start til the 18th so I figured I would get a jump start!
    Choco, glad to see that you are keeping the thread alive! Now that holidays are over I will be posting more often!
    It's Monday....and its back to the grindstone, no vacation in sight....Have a great day!

    VRDZ, WAY TO START THE NEW YEAR it sure sounds like you burned tons of calories. For some reason I can't wrap my head around exercising on Sundays unless it's in the spring or summer and I go for a walk around the park other than that I'm just in pure lazy mode. I like to lounge on the couch, watch football, basketball or read. I commend you for getting all that exercise in.

    My workout is complete for the day. I did 40 minutes of the Biggest Loser "Jump Start" dvd.

    I'll admit keeping up with this thread is hard since so many people have fallen by the wayside but whenever I see you post I feel compelled to keep you company. I'll try as long as you do.:smile::smile:
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Happy 2010 people! Back to normal schedule now. I will be starting back at the gym today, I had a stomach bug all weekend so no exercising at all, not fun at all. Looks like this week could be another short week if it actually snows in north ga like they say it could. It is certainly cold enough.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Morning ya'll! work out for today is complete, I am just completely sleepy! Gotta get used to getting up at 415 in the a.m.! I only burned 300 cals, but its better than nothing! Trying to keep my eating under control but that is a battle with in itself. Hope yall have a good day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Morning ya'll! work out for today is complete, I am just completely sleepy! Gotta get used to getting up at 415 in the a.m.! I only burned 300 cals, but its better than nothing! Trying to keep my eating under control but that is a battle with in itself. Hope yall have a good day!

    Vrdz, glad to know you have your workout completed for the day. Why are you having to get up so early in the morning these days?

    I had to get up at 4:30 am when I was participating in boot camp but b/c I'm generally a morning person I didn't have any problems getting up and I usually felt energized after boot camp BUT I would get a bit tired between 12 PM and 3 PM. Keep up the good work.

    My workout is complete for today. I completed 50 minutes of Jillian Michael's Boost Your Metabolism dvd. I just don't want to leave the house in the morning b/c it's sooooooo cold here. While the dvd's are giving me a good workout I know I'm going to have to venture to the gym sooner or later. Since we're furloughed on Friday I may go then and I'll probably take the kickboxing class on Saturday otherwise i'm remaining within the comforts of my four walls....LOL

    Hope you have a great day.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hey ladies! I just caught up on all of your posts over the holidays. I was off work for over a week and not doing a darn thing as far as eating well or exercising so I didn't have a reason to get on. BUT, I missed reading what everyone was doing. Sounds like you all stayed pretty strong and I'm so jealous!!

    I'm off to a good start as of January 1st and more motivated than ever. My goal is to stay focused, keep up with it all, and feel awesome come summer time. I plan to post and log like no other! :tongue: I got a heart rate monitor over the holidays and have already used it several times. I really love it!

    New Years Day I went for a one hour trail walk and did Jillian's 30 Day Shred...burning over 500 calories. OMG I was so sore that night and worse the next day after doing all that, since it's been a while. But I hung in there and the following day I doubled up my walk...went on a casual 1 1/2 hour walk with a friend, then did the same walkf but fast-paced for an hour & 15 minutes...totaling 770 calories! I was super sore on Sunday so I took the day off to watch some football & chill.

    I'm back at work this week and watching my diet once again. Logging all my food and trying to keep within my calories. My fiance is working hard at it too, so it makes it easier when doing it together....he's even allowed me to plan his healthy meals which is a first.

    Anyway, glad everyone is still keeping up with this thread. I know checking in daily helps me stay motivated and feel accomplished. Keep up the good work ladies and I'll check back in tomorrow. :heart: