Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Choco and I will admit that I am frustrated, but not giving up and still determined. I think my prob is that I was eating most all my exercise cals back which results in slower weight loss. I am going to just go with eating when I am hungry and stopping when I am full rather than worrying so much about "starvation mode". I have also started to pay more attention to my sodium and sugar intake which I feel will definately help me in the long run. I feel like my stomach looks and feels leaner than it was last week and since the begining of Jan I have lost 3.5 pounds which is around a pound a week. In actuality I really just want to tone up and get rid of the fat around my stomach and hip area. I know it will be a long journey to get where I want to be because I have set myself to such a high standard. Also if I did not congratulate you already...congrats on achieving your goal! When I hit mine we ought to meet half way for a drink,:smokin: your continued support has really helped and been an inspiration to me as well! Thanks again:heart:

    You have definitely been putting in a lot of work since the beginning of the year so congrats on that 3.5 lbs loss thus far. I don't doubt you'll reach your goal b/c you seem very determined and focused. Boot camp will definitely push you in the right direction. I know about 2 days before my weigh in day I begin watching my carb and sodium intake and the day before the weigh in I try to eat by 6 pm and I don't have very few if any carbs (grilled chicken and spinach salad) and this has been successful. I think you've probably loss the pound but depending on what you ate last night and how many hours between your last meal and your weigh in enough time had not elapsed for it to be totally out of your system.

    You've got a date! When you meet your goal we can/will meet half way to celebrate.

    This website and the friends I have found on it have been instrumental in my success and I'm hopeful I will keep the weight off this time with the continued support. Thanks for the congrats and I can't wait to celebrate w/you when you reach your goal.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hey Ladies! Sorry so late checking in.....working like a busy bee today!

    Congrats Choco on reaching your goal weight!
    Cograts vrdz on your 5k Sat!
    Congrats Ang on your great workouts!!

    I had a pretty good weekend but ate a little too much. :blushing:
    Friday night I went on a walk/jog outside and burned about 300 calories. I took the day off on Saturday and we went out to eat, so I ate pretty bad. I can't even figure out the calories to enter but it was at least a 2000 cal day. Sunday I went for another walk/jog and burned about 350. I ate Saturday's leftovers, so went over again. :cry:

    But it's all out of my system and I'm off to a good week and a strict weekend! Last week I did well working out 5 out of 7 days and plan to keep it up this week. I told myself this morning I need to set a goal to burn at least 500 cals every workout this week. I'm just scared to set myself up to fail. BUT I'm going to try it to see if I can do it. Wish me luck!

    Thanks for all the inspiration really are keeping me going!! :heart:
  • Is it to late for me to join this group? I am 25 and I just joined this site and I would love to be apart of a great support group. Let me know. Thanks in Advance.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Is it to late for me to join this group? I am 25 and I just joined this site and I would love to be apart of a great support group. Let me know. Thanks in Advance.

    The more the merrier, welcome to the group.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey Ladies! Sorry so late checking in.....working like a busy bee today!

    Congrats Choco on reaching your goal weight!
    Cograts vrdz on your 5k Sat!
    Congrats Ang on your great workouts!!

    I had a pretty good weekend but ate a little too much. :blushing:
    Friday night I went on a walk/jog outside and burned about 300 calories. I took the day off on Saturday and we went out to eat, so I ate pretty bad. I can't even figure out the calories to enter but it was at least a 2000 cal day. Sunday I went for another walk/jog and burned about 350. I ate Saturday's leftovers, so went over again. :cry:

    But it's all out of my system and I'm off to a good week and a strict weekend! Last week I did well working out 5 out of 7 days and plan to keep it up this week. I told myself this morning I need to set a goal to burn at least 500 cals every workout this week. I'm just scared to set myself up to fail. BUT I'm going to try it to see if I can do it. Wish me luck!

    Thanks for all the inspiration really are keeping me going!! :heart:

    Amk, how long does it generally take you to burn the 300 -350 calories that you currently burn? In order for me to burn at least 500 calories I generally have to workout 60-75 minutes at a pretty intense pace. Don't sell yourself short though. Just commit to it for at least this week and see how you do. I did the crazy challenge of 500 calories a day for 30 days and I about pulled my hair out towards the end but I think a week is reasonable.

    Let me know what you decide and good luck with the workouts regardless of how many calories you burn.

    Btw, what the heck did you eat on Saturday that was 2000 cal, just curious b/c it had to have been GREAT?
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Morning All, and welcome newbies! Got off to a good start today with a wonderful bkfast. Today is a cardio day for me and I will do that after work with the DBF. I am feelin good and excited because I got my tax return today, woot woot ! I plan to buy myself a Coach purse after I pay off my bills! We have a Coach outlet like 10 miles from my house and I am excited to finally be able to buy the purse I have wanted for the past 6 months! I am also going to put a little money aside for new clothes for when I reach my goal! :tongue: I cannot wait to be able to get some cute summer clothes! I signed up for 2 more 5K's in February and my first 10K in March! When it gets warmer I am gonna start training for the half marathon that is on Thanksgiving day in Atlanta. My friend and I are also planning on running the "Princess Half Marathon" at Disney world next March! I am excited about that one because I have never been to Disney how cool will it be to run through it for the first time seeing it? Anyways, I want to invite anyone on the board who thinks they may want to run the Princess next year or the Atlanta Half Marathon to run with me! I know we may not be close enough to train together but it would be fun to meet at the races!
    Hope you all have a blessed day! :heart:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Amk, how long does it generally take you to burn the 300 -350 calories that you currently burn? In order for me to burn at least 500 calories I generally have to workout 60-75 minutes at a pretty intense pace. Don't sell yourself short though. Just commit to it for at least this week and see how you do. I did the crazy challenge of 500 calories a day for 30 days and I about pulled my hair out towards the end but I think a week is reasonable.

    Let me know what you decide and good luck with the workouts regardless of how many calories you burn.

    Btw, what the heck did you eat on Saturday that was 2000 cal, just curious b/c it had to have been GREAT?

    Lately, it's taking me almost an hour to burn close to 500 calories. I've been doing the videos and I'm burning around 400-480 and tose are roughly 50 mins to an hour. I've been going on walk/jogs and burning 300-350 calories for about 50 mins. I know the 500 is do-able, I just have to commit more time which is sometimes hard during the week with everything going on.

    So Saturday, I hate to even reminisce about it, but I had 2 draft beers, shared avocado eggrolls and ate 1/2 a mediteranian personal pan pizza. Then I ate at least 1/2 of a pint of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ice cream (my favorite!). It was way too much for one day, doesn't hurt to do it every once in a while.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Good morning Ladies!
    Wow are off to a good start in your pocket and planning away! :wink: How awesome to get ready for a 10k and training for a half marathon...props to you! I'd love to join you, but I'm still working up to accomplishing a 5k without dying. :tongue: Don't you just love getting tax returns!! My plan for mine this year is a vacation for sure! My fiance and I will have been together 4 years in June and we have yet to go on a vacation alone together!! It's about time!!!

    On the same note, I have to tell you guys I'm signed up for a 5k on Valentine's Day with a friend of mine and then we are doing another 5k at the first of March, which will be a similar route to the first one I did (same area/location). So, I've been trying to jog a few times a week to get my endurance back up. I have to be better prepared than the last time.

    So yesterday I lived up to my goal of burning 500 calories. I went down to the gym and did the eliptical for 30 minutes. Came home and did part of Jillian's Last Chance Workout (25mins) then did an ab circuit from No More Trouble Zones. A total of 1 hour 20 mins and 540 cals burned! I felt very accomplished afterward. :love: I'm hoping to do it again tonight and still have time to watch Biggest Loser. (looks good with the red team girl getting chewed out!!--can't wait)

    Enjoy your Tuesday!! Choco- you out there??
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies. I tell you the past few days I have not been motivated to workout at all BUT have dragged myself out of the bed and committed to it. Since I had a slow start this morning I could only do 35 minutes of cardio b/c I had to get to work. I decided to spend that time on the spinning bike (I like that bike so much better than the other stationary bikes). Since I've taken a couple of spinning classes I tried to increase my intensity by doing a few of the moves the instructor does during the class. All in all the workout is done. I don't really know how many calories I burned since I still haven't figured out how to work my hrm and the spinning bikes to calculate the calories for you. I know I worked up a sweat and my heart rate was up so I'm pleased.

    Vrdz and Amk, I have to give you all your props for the committment you have to jogging/running and participating in all these races. While my interest was peeked a bit from hearing everyone post about how much they love to run, I truly don't think i'm cut out for it. Perhaps I'll give it a try when the weather warms up but i'm not 100% sure just yet. Good luck w/all the upcoming races.

    Amk, it sure sounds like you over did it this weekend but it happens and one day won't cause you got regain all your weight. The major thing is that you did not let it totally derail you. Monday, you definitely worked it out and have a solid plan for tonight so I you're heading in the right direction.

    It's tax season, it's tax seaon....I need to get mine done. I usually don't get a huge return since I don't have any children but whatever I get i'm putting half in the savings to continue building the "rainy day/emergency fund" and I'll split the remainder between doing something for myself and purchasing something for the house.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Hope everyone is doing good.

    I had a very relaxing pigout weekend. Then Monday I was back at it. Went to step aerobics last night and burnt 764 cal. Then this morning did level 1 of BL cardio max for a burn of 326, then did level 1 of BL power scult for a burn of 241. Feeling really good, but back is a bit sore. Back to step aerobics tomorrow night.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Same ol' same ol' here. Worked out today and had a great upper body workout, tomorrow it's leggs :drinker: I've just decided to quit logging my calories. It's made me crazy!!! I still wear my HRM to get an idea of how many calories I'm burning. I've never had a problem wanting sweets untill I started logging my calories and I just don't think I'm eatting enough. I have lost another .5 pound since I upped my calories. Anyway, that's what's new for this week with me :happy: If I happen to gain weight back, I'll start tracking again.

    Oh and my husband got me a pair of weight gloves yesterday :love: He says I need them if I'm going to be lifting as often as I am. I must admit I feel kinda silly wearing weight gloves when I'm lifting 20 pounds :blushing:
  • After reading several of the pages of post, you all got me inspired to join in.... I joined the site a couple of weeks ago. My workout buddy got me started. We've been working out together since before Christmas and have motived a few other folks to work out with us. So two days a week we have three people in our training sessions with our personal trainer. and 4 people on Saturdays. It's a good variety of workouts. I play soccer on Fridays and just started throwing in the 30 day Shred this week. I'm hoping to keep the eating under control. I have to admit, I'm a weak person around food! Anywho....I'm hoping to drop more weight for the 1/2 marathon I signed up for in October! Running sessions will resume probably in March.

    Thanks everyone for the motiviation!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Amk- you totally have plenty of time to work your way up to a half by next March, think how awesome it would be to run through Disney World! just a thought :happy: Congrats on your up coming races, I know you will do great. I am so totally addicted to races now, they have been my hobby for about a year now and I have finally gotten a couple of friends that will do them with me now...for a while I was doing them all by myself. Although we all have different paces, and finish at different times, its still nice to have some one there with you for support before and after the race!
    Choco- I dont have kids either, but I dont claim anything either so I pay the max amount, but I go to a wonderful tax man that some how always gets me a really decent refund. He fills out the long form, I really dont know what he does but I am happy with the results! If you start on the running band wagon, I think you would really like it...but its def not for everyone. I have tried to get DBF to run with me and his response is "I only run when people are chasing me...or Im to old to run "(hes an ancient 38 years old :laugh: ) there are people at my races that are in their 70's running a 5K in 20 mins and under!
    okay i will shut up now....:heart:
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    LMAO! vrdz you made me laugh outloud at work..."only run when people are chasing me". That's awesome!

    My fiance (DF?? :smile: ) is finally jogging with me again. We started out jogging very small intervals last summer and then he stopped and I started jogging with a friend. He's getting back into it which is motivating me to do it more. He runs so much faster than me (longer legs) so he's way ahead and it makes me jog longer to catch up to him. But hey, it's working. He's thinking of doing the Feb 14 5k with me but if not, I'll still have my friend to do it with. She's so much more advanced though....she's running 3.5 miles after work on a regular basis. She'll blow me outta the water!

    Anyway, counting the minutes to get outta here. Trying to decide what to do for a workout tonight....gonna try to do 500 cals again!
  • I would like to join the post as well. I'm a 26 year old woman. I had a baby in Sept 08 and hadn't done anything to get the 60lbs I gained off until July 09. I've lost 20lbs so far but I'm in a wedding in May and I desperately need to lose at least 20 more before May 23, 2010. My problem is nutrition. I HATE VEGETABLES!! I don't eat anything green. I usually snack on fruit or nuts. I have the fitness down. I love going to the gym. I didn't go for 3 weeks over the holidays and my husband noticed that my mood turned sour and he said I seemed to lose some of my perkiness. Anyway, as far as workout is concerned I do 90% cardio and 10% toning. MWF I do an hour of Zuma, Tuesday I walk briskly for an hour, Sunday I do 2 miles on the elliptical (about 20 mins), an exercise I hate for 10 mins (bike, treadmill or stair master) arms and abs and I swim for about 40 mins then 10 mins of sauna. Depending on my husbands schedule I may or may not get to the gym on Saturdays. If I do go I just do the same workout that I do on Saturdays.
  • Midg
    Midg Posts: 6
    is it too late to join???
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Welcome Biggieshorty and Midg. If you haven't already I would suggest you read some of the posts to see what we discuss but in all honesty post what you like...good, bad, ugly. We don't have official weigh ins but feel free to post any lbs lost as well.

    Good luck w/your weight loss journey.

    Biggie, you may have to challenge yourself to eat some type of vegetable at least twice a week initially. Can't really offer any other suggestions since I actually like vegetables.
  • Hey ya'll......would love to be a part of the group...looks like you guys are great motivators from what I have read. Worked out today and burned 600 is calories!! Yeah...only 2000ish for the rest of the week to burn....Love the way I feel after going to the gym though!!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Welcome newbies! The more posters the more motivation!
  • set401
    set401 Posts: 15
    Good Morning All! I have read many of your posts and I would really like to join your group. You all are very encouraging to each other and great motivators. I joined Sunday and have thoroughly enjoyed using this website. I really think it is going to help me in my weight loss goals! My lifestyle may be a little different than most. I work night shift as a nurse so my eating schedule tends to be different. I usually try to go to the gym after I get off work in the morning because I have never been one to wake up early for ANYTHING! I just got back into going to the gym after taking 2 months off and gaining much weight. I meet with a personal trainer 3 days a week for 30 minutes and usually do about 30-45 minutes of cardio on the days I meet with her as well. I try to at least make it to the gym 4 days a week but I am really bad about not going on the days I'm off work. I would like to find some kind of workout video or something I can do at home on the days I don't make it to the gym if anyone has any suggestions. I tried p90x and I hated it, it was a long time ago. I may need to try it again but I'm open to any suggestions! Thanks in advance! And good luck to you all heading in to the weekend.
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