Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • Hey everyone.....Last night I beat my time on the elpitical!!! I normally do 10 minutes and 30 minutes on the treadmill. Well because our gym has so many new members!! Which is good (although annoying at times because ALL the cardio was taken) plus we are a 24 hour gym so you can come at anytime and they allow 10 or 12 year olds and they can work on some of the stuff there. It just frustrates me that last night 2 younger kids or close to that age were using them with their parents next to them. While other people wanted to use I went on the eliptical and did 21 minutes!!! My longest time yet!! Then did 20 on the treadmill on with a max incline of 12 and my average speed was 3.5 mph with a max of 3.7!!! Sorry about the venting but if I had my child there and noticed that people were waiting for a machine I would have made them go sit down so that the adult could use the machine. And because everything was taken when I arrived I did my strength training for the first 30 minutes because I knew that it free up some of the cardio. So I am thinking that I need to start going earlier in the morning because the evening has so many people. But I am loving watching the scale just fall down....makes me know that all the hard work that I am doing is paying off!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all, It seems like everyone's day is starting off in the right direction, I'm always glad to read positive posts. My legs are a bit sore from completing the P90X, Plyometrics dvd but not nearly as sore as I thought they would be. Despite the soreness I got up and completed the P90X, Kenpo X dvd for a total of 56 minutes.

    Vrdz, I'm sorry to learn you slipped off the smoking bandwagon but pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try it again. Since I've never been a smoker I can't imagine how difficult it must be. I know when my cousin tried (unsuccessfully) years ago she gained a ton of weight b/c she dealt w/her urge to smoke by eating Haagen Daaz ice cream and you know how much fat is in that. You are such a determined and focused individual that I believe that you'll be able to successfully kick this habit and you'r body will be so grateful to you for it.

    Great job to everyone who has managed to get their exercise in this week and remained w/in their calories.
  • I'm totally in. I just started my diet & working out, & really think its a great idea to support each other, & exchange ideas & motivational thoughts. Its really tough starting a diet & working out, & trying to stick with it. :smile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey everyone.....Last night I beat my time on the elpitical!!! I normally do 10 minutes and 30 minutes on the treadmill. Well because our gym has so many new members!! Which is good (although annoying at times because ALL the cardio was taken) plus we are a 24 hour gym so you can come at anytime and they allow 10 or 12 year olds and they can work on some of the stuff there. It just frustrates me that last night 2 younger kids or close to that age were using them with their parents next to them. While other people wanted to use I went on the eliptical and did 21 minutes!!! My longest time yet!! Then did 20 on the treadmill on with a max incline of 12 and my average speed was 3.5 mph with a max of 3.7!!! Sorry about the venting but if I had my child there and noticed that people were waiting for a machine I would have made them go sit down so that the adult could use the machine. And because everything was taken when I arrived I did my strength training for the first 30 minutes because I knew that it free up some of the cardio. So I am thinking that I need to start going earlier in the morning because the evening has so many people. But I am loving watching the scale just fall down....makes me know that all the hard work that I am doing is paying off!!!

    Vinbelle, way to go with increasing your time on the elliptical. I remember the first time I ever did the elliptical and I thought I was about to die. It's amazing how in the very beginning I could barely do 5 minutes but now I can easily knock out 65 minutes. If you continue your workout regimen your endurance will definitely increase.

    Continue to rock it out.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hey Workout Buddies! Glad to hear everyone got a workout in already. I always feel like the late bloomer because you guys get it in first thing in the morning and work out at night. But, it gives me motivation to rock it out when I get outta work!

    vrdz---Sorry to hear you started smoking again. I know how much it sucks! I've tried to quit several times over the past few months and then I'd go out or go to a party and smoke again and have to start all over. It's true, you can't have just have to buy the whole pack, which are expensive, then you smoke a few and can't bring yourself to throw the $$ down the toilet so you smoke the whole thing. My biggest problem is when I drink, hanging out, my friends smoke so it makes me want one. Very rarely would I just smoke one by myself unless I was stressed. Anyway, I feel good being somke free for almost a month. I know it's hard, but you can do it if you put your foot down!

    So Choco, I started looking into the P90X yesterday and it looks kind of cool. I never realized how expensive it was though. That completely discouraged me. I really think my fiance would like it though. It looks like it has different variations to do to lose, then get really muscular, etc. It might be worth the investment. Do you like it more than the Jillian videos we've been doing?

    I have a confession :blushing: .... I went to lunch with some friends of mine and we had mexican food. My goal was to skip the chips, eat a salad or something grilled and light. BUT....I ate chips/salsa and got fajitas with rice/beans. I only had one fajita but polished off the rice/beans and topped it off with a sopapilla/honey. I'm sure my calories were through the roof because I'm still full right now and it's 4pm. :explode: Not sure what my deal is with the food & willpower but I have to overcome it somehow.

    I plan on working out tonight as planned and trying to burn 500 calories. Not a busy evening, so I might even work out harder & longer to burn a little more. And eat a small, teeny tiny dinner to help make up for such a big lunch. Wish me luck!! Have a great evening ladies!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Amk, don't feel like a late bloomer b/c the bottom line is you get your workouts done. I'm just a morning person and I can clearly talk myself out of a workout if I leave it for after work so I just suck it up and try to get it done. It will be interesting to see if I can keep it up when I resume working in the office. I've been working from home for the past 3 months and beginning sometime in February we will be back in the office. I'll probably have to get up earlier which will suck since I already don't sleep well but I guess I'll cross that bridge later.

    I haven't seen all the P90X dvds yet but I like what i've seen thus far. I like Jillian's too but I think I would get bored faster w/her simply b/c it is one or two videos and there's no rhyme or reason to how you're suppose to do them. Historically i've done better w/weight loss when there was a program that I followed (boot camp, personal trainer) which is why I think I'll prefer P90X. It tells you what dvd to complete on what day which takes all the guess work out of it and makes my life simple.

    The P90X program is kind of pricey which is why I'm glad a good friend of mine allowed me to use his. He purchased them about a year ago and NEVER used them so I finally convinced him to let me use them. If I happen to get bored w/it I may switch out a dvd for something else but we'll see.

    I've never smoked and NONE of my close friends do either so it makes for easy sailing but good luck to you and Vrdz on the smoke free journey b/c I know it can be a difficult habit to kick

    My friends don't really like going to restaurants with me b/c if it's too late or a restaurant w/no healthy options I won't eat. I'll go to keep them company and to chit chat and sometimes they hate it. One of my friends actually asked if I could at least put a plate in front of me so it didnt look like she was the only one eating. It didn't bother me any, so, I told her feel free to put the plate in front of me. Don't get me wrong though, I do have moments of weakness but I can honestly say it doesn't happen often.
  • Hey chicas and chicos! I'm an addict to MFP now (thanks Cat1110 for introducing me to the site)! Gotta give a HUGE shout out to Chocolickkyss who has taken me under her wings and made me feel welcomed. Thanks girl!

    Anywho, I just bought Jillian Michaels's 3 DVDs 30 day shred, no more trouble zones, and banish fat/boost metabolism on Amazon for an amazing $26 plus free shipping! Yay for me!

    I hope to add something to the community and not just take but as a newbie, not sure what I can add other than motivation and enthusiasm. GOOOOOO MFP!!! (that's my motivation for the day LOL)
  • Quick question for y'all: if you're doing a DVD, how to you calculate the calories burned? Do I need a HRM for that?
  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    Wow, Choco, you are a stronger lady than I am. I don't think I've ever gone to a restaurant without ordering at least an appetizer. But, I am impressed and I will totally consider sitting and chatting with water as an option next time I'm faced with an unhealthy restaurant situation.

    I have quit smoking so many times only to fall into old patterns at the bar with smoking friends. This time, I realized that I'm certainly not the only one at the bar not smoking. I also realized that there are lots of friend NOT at the bar that want to do non drinking smoking things on weekend nights, or just go and dance without getting drunk. I'm trying to become one of these people and not the talkative drinker, smoking and and consuming 1000 calories of beer on Friday and Saturday night. I was feeling a little isolated, but now I don't care. I'd rather get up and play on Saturday morning than waste the whole day hungover and then eat a bunch of crap because I feel like crap.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Wow, Choco, you are a stronger lady than I am. I don't think I've ever gone to a restaurant without ordering at least an appetizer. But, I am impressed and I will totally consider sitting and chatting with water as an option next time I'm faced with an unhealthy restaurant situation.

    I have quit smoking so many times only to fall into old patterns at the bar with smoking friends. This time, I realized that I'm certainly not the only one at the bar not smoking. I also realized that there are lots of friend NOT at the bar that want to do non drinking smoking things on weekend nights, or just go and dance without getting drunk. I'm trying to become one of these people and not the talkative drinker, smoking and and consuming 1000 calories of beer on Friday and Saturday night. I was feeling a little isolated, but now I don't care. I'd rather get up and play on Saturday morning than waste the whole day hungover and then eat a bunch of crap because I feel like crap.

    I totally feel you! A couple of years ago I was a VERY avid weekend drinker and never got up earlier than Noon on Sat and Sun because of partying. I ate like crap and felt like crap all the time. Once I quit that lifestyle, I lost 15 extra pounds with little to no effort. I had never realized how many calories are in alcohol. I wont say that I have totally quit drinking, but its like a once a month thing and I very rarely get drunk (its not worth being hungover the next day), I have also noticed that since I quit drinking so much that I dont get sick as often as I used to. I used to go to the doc once every couple of months with a cold or upper respiratory infection, now I havent been to the doc because Im sick in almost 2 years! I have friends that smoke whether there is beer or not and it is really hard around them not to smoke. I am determined to quit for good on Feb 15th.
    Check in for today, Bootcamp done for the day...she kicked our butt and I burned 674 cals in one hour! Hope everyone has a spectacular weekend and keep up the good work!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my workout buddies! Despite feeling absolutely CRAPPY due to TOM cramps and a stuffy head, running nose, sniffling, sneezing head cold type of thing going on this morning I climbed out my bed and completed today's workout. Since I didn't have alot of energy I decided to take it easy this morning and completed 3 miles of Leslie Sansone "5 mile fat burning walk" dvd for a total of 36 minutes. It helped rejuvenate me just a tad bit and now i'm enjoying a hardy bowl of oatmeal which I'm hoping will add to my energy level.

    I also have officially MET MY GOAL WEIGHT and have actually exceeded it by a pound and i'm super excited.

    I want to thank all my workout buddies for all the encouragement and support along my 3 month weight loss journey. This process would not have been as fun without you all.

    I will continue posting b/c it's been extremely fun and clearly beneficial.

    Thank again ladies and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!
  • That's awesome Choco! I wanna be like you when I grow up! I'm here to lose 15 lbs and you're my inspiration. I'm going to try for 3 months but as long as it's before May, (my LA trip) it's cool with me.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Crmldlyte, I'm glad you decided to join us. This is a very supportive and encouraging group. It took me about 11 wks to achieve my goal so I have no doubt you can do it too. With a 1.5 lb loss this week you're clearly heading in the right direction so stay focused, work hard and you'll hit that goal before you know it. There probably will be setbacks and days you lack motivation but don't allow that day to turn into DAYS.

    Congrats again on the 1.5 lb loss this week.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hi All, Just did a small workout this morning, did level 1 of cardio max for 320cals, and then did 2 circuits of Jillian's No more trouble zones, for a measley 96cals.

    Never lost any weight this week, stayed the same, but at least it isn't a gain.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Quick question for y'all: if you're doing a DVD, how to you calculate the calories burned? Do I need a HRM for that?

    You should purchase a HRM for an accurate calorie burn but if it's not currently in the budget I logged the Jillian Michael's dvd under circuit training to have MFP calculate the caloric burn. Many ppl have said that MFP calculations are too high but since I don't usually eat my exercise cals it hasn't been a problem for me. I usually calculate my time for each dvd by using the warm up and the entire circuit. I don't count the cool down as part of my overall time. So if the entire dvd was 55 minutes I would enter 50 into MFP to account for the 5 minute cool down session.

    Hope this helps.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Quick question for y'all: if you're doing a DVD, how to you calculate the calories burned? Do I need a HRM for that?

    You should purchase a HRM for an accurate calorie burn but if it's not currently in the budget I logged the Jillian Michael's dvd under circuit training to have MFP calculate the caloric burn. Many ppl have said that MFP calculations are too high but since I don't usually eat my exercise cals it hasn't been a problem for me. I usually calculate my time for each dvd by using the warm up and the entire circuit. I don't count the cool down as part of my overall time. So if the entire dvd was 55 minutes I would enter 50 into MFP to account for the 5 minute cool down session.

    Hope this helps.

    Choco-try ebay for a hrm when your budget allows can get one for half the price! with chest strap works the best!
    I dont know how I ever worked out with out my HRM, its def worth the $$$$!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hello workout buddies! I'm sooooo late checking in today and had to get caught up on all the posts. Great job on your workouts today. And are a machine! Truly inspirtational knowing you don't eat bad at restaurants and workout even when you are felling crappy. Keep it up!

    So yesterday, you know I did horrible at lunch, felt guilty, etc. I went home last night motivated like no other to burn off all the crap I ate. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and actually jogged for a full 25 mins straight! The best I've ever done. :love: Then I jumped on the eliptical for another 30 mins, came home and did the 10 min arm circuit on Jillian's Last Chance Workout, then did an ab circuit & core circuit on No More Trouble Zones. A total of 1 hour 38 mins burning 692 calories. That made me feel so much better after eating so horribly yesterday!

    Only bummer is my stupid shin still bothering me. I iced it last night because it was in pretty bad shape. I'm starting to think it's something worse than just a pulled shin or splint. It feels maybe bone related??? Not sure what I'm going to do for workouts over the weekend. I want to give it a rest but don't want to be completely lazy either. I guess I'll try a few things and see what's even possible.

    I hope you ladies enjoy your lovely weekend. TX is supposed to be freezing and possible snow tonight but gone tomorrow. I might be hibernating a bit when possible! Enjoy!! :flowerforyou:
  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    Hello workout buddies. Congratulations, Choco. I'm aiming to reach my goal between Halloween and Thanksgiving. I hope the victory is as sweet as I hope.

    Yesterday I hit the roads behind my school for an hour walk/run and did 30 minutes of core and stretching in the school gym. It wasn't an insanely hard workout, but I sweat for an hour and a half and was still pretty sore from lifting the day before.

    The scale was a little kind this morning: lost 1.4 pounds. Not the two I was hoping, but it's the end of my TOM so I will assume it;s that and keep cranking along. Teaching modern dance class today and we are going to WORK. Then eat lunch at a healthy place (maybe my house).

    Good luck everyone. Saturday looks pretty good over here in Asia.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good evening ladies! Just checking in to say hello :). I am super excited to say I am down 3.1 this week!! Hope everybody is hanging in there!
  • set401
    set401 Posts: 15
    Hey everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend! Thursday was a good day, I ate great and was under my calories for the day. I also did 60 minutes on the treadmill followed by 30 minutes of curcuit training with my trainer. Friday was a pretty good day too. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the elliptical and then my trainer decided to mix it up a little and we did 30 minutes of kick boxing (which was AMAZING! I had such a blast!). But friday also kicked off mardi gras season here in Mobile, AL and I made last minute plans to go to the mardi gras ball. I did good eating mostly fresh veggies off the food lines but did enjoy a small helping of chicken and pasta! The worst was all the beer I drank. Although I only went over by less than 100 calories (which I'm sure I burned dancing for over 2 hours) I was still kinda bummed. I also smoked a good but more than normal. I keep saying this is my last pack and I'm gonna quit....I just have to quit saying it and actually do it!

    Choco congrats on reaching your goal! that is truly inspiring! Each of you ladies inspire me and keep me motivated each day! I managed to work out 4 days this week and if I;m not to hung over before work tomorrow night I plan on making a trip to the gym. You all keep me going, so I want to thank you all! ENjoy your weekend. Hopefully the next ball I go to will not be as bad as this one!
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