diana79 Member


  • Happy early bday! I'm 36 too and need of a motivational buddy as well. Let's do this together! :) Feel free to friend me
  • I understand, it can definitely be a challenge. But the best way to get thru it is with a winning attitude. I've openly said... "Yup I'm fat! :)". No denying the truth but not about to get down on myself. :) Just enjoy life take it one day at a time and see your body transform.
  • This tool is great! Feel free to add me. ;)
  • The girl is jerk. Some people definitely need to get over themselves. Keep doing your thing :) Running is great :)
  • I think it's awesome that you, like many of us, are taking the initiative to take control and put "you" first. My best friend lost over 100lbs. It's quite a journey and one that reaps many rewards. One day at a time is all it takes.. it's okay if we loose ground every now and then.. it's just part of the journey to get us…
  • Good job loosing those pounds! Motivation is key to our success. I would be more than happy to support you on this journey! Feel free to add me :) ~Diana
  • Welcome!! :) Feel free to add me onto your friends list.. I can be here for you to motivate you and we can do this together!
  • Hi Marina! It seems that you and I share a common goal :) I would love to befriend you. We can do this together!! ~Diana
  • Listen to your knees. I've known many people with knee injuries. Running while over weight puts on a lot of stress on the knees. Remember to stretch and take it easy and make sure you invest in a good pair of shoes. I've known people who were severely over weight and could run without a problem. I've also known people that…
  • Wow.. I know this is an older post.. But I just had to say at how great you look. Thank you for posting the pictures
  • I joined a while back buI just recently started to encorporate friends. I've realized that people's words of encouragement tend to go a long way. So far I've lost a couple of pounds and have a bit more to go! I always welcome new friends so that we may encourage each other :)
  • The posts are inspirational. I will continue to cheer you on :)