

  • Good luck - Couch to 5k app is great, eases you in nicely :)
  • 21:50! That is incredible lol - if I ever get near that I will prob cry!
  • That's brill, well done :)
  • Well - I timed myself! Admittedly I didn't go all out, as I was testing the water to get a bench mark having not timed myself before... It took me 33 mins - work to be done! But at least I've got a starting point :D
  • Ooh - will have a look at that to see if there are - I'm in Bromley :)
  • I'm in the south east (technically classified as Kent but in fact closer to London really)! They sound really cool, though I've not heard of one near me before.
  • Ooh good luck!!
  • 25 mins or 45 mins it doesn't matter billieljaime - it's still 5k!!
  • Thanks guys - that's really helpful!! Some of you are around 26 mins - that's amazing :D I'm going to time myself for the first time today, I have a feeling I'll be around the 30 mins mark, we shall see! Once I have an idea of my time at each K I'll be able to start figuring out how to pace myself best. Fingers crossed!
  • Interesting, thanks for that :) yes I think I'm the same - I don't like pressure!!! Either that or I haven't learned to pace myself properly at speed...
  • I used to go walking/running with my horse when he was a baby - we were quite a sight!!! These days he is old enough to ride so I do that for exercise now :D
  • I don't "work out" as such - too busy! I walk around 3 miles a day getting to work, and I also have a horse which I ride every day and care for, so I am active, but no I don't work out!
  • I have a proper dinner at dinner time, but during the day I tend to just snack most of the day - I find it helps me stay full. Otherwise, if I am really busy at work, i will keep thinking "oh I will have lunch when i have finished doing this" and then 2 o clock goes, then 3 o clock goes and before i know it i am so hungry…
  • Even small losses are to be celebrated in my opinion, and you obviously didn't do as bad as you thought otherwise you would have put on weight. If you are saying your face looks heavier though, (think I read that right), is your diet very carb heavy? I don't pay too much attention to my carb levels (I should), but I think…
  • I can't see that it would affect you in terms of weight gain. Of course artificial sweeteners are said to cause some people to crave sugary things. I sometimes drink diet coke if I really really want something sweet but don't have the calories for it. So I guess it helps me!
  • The more you weigh, the more calories you burn just moving around. You should use a TDEE calculator to determine what your BMR is and you should not eat below that. For someone of your kind of size I would have thought you should be eating more like 1700, but there are loads of TDEE calculators on the internet, and it will…