Who eats smaller meals several times a day?

I have seen a lot of studies about eating six to seven small meals a day. Has anyone tried this if so what do these meals look like?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    eh...those studies all say if you eat many small meals over a day you will keep your metabolism humming...

    They are bogus..you can eat as often as you want just stay in a calorie deficet.
  • karenh
    karenh Posts: 44 Member
    I eat small meals/snacks...mostly it just helps to keep from getting starving and losing control all together. It's almost like a lot of days I eat a regular size meal in parts, over the course of 2 or three hours. For instance breakfast is listed on my diary as a meal but I will have an apple and coffee around 7:30am and then go about my day, workout etc and then have the oatmeal around 10am. A few hours later I will have part of lunch like a shake or sandwich, then in couple hours I'll eat the yogurt or fruit. Same with dinner, as I may have a side salad an hour or so before the rest of my meal, usually while I'm cooking whatever else we are having. It takes planning and packing up what you are going to eat that day so it can be done while on a break at work etc. I don't do it for the metabolism benefits if there are any...It seems to help me stay on track. I don't get too hungry but I also never really feel full, just comfortable.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I'm an all day nibbler. I don't usually go more than 3 hours without eating something. But, I don't really think it matters whether you eat every few hours or just a few larger meals. If you are looking to lose, you need to maintain a deficit.
  • LaurenDanielle014
    LaurenDanielle014 Posts: 88 Member
    I eat 5 small meals a day. Mainly to keep myself from binging and keep my hunger satisfied. A day is something like this:

    While wheat bread
    1 tbl spoon natural peanut butter
    1 banana

    Snack 1
    Greek original yogurt
    1 cup of blueberries

    3 oz chicken breast , 1/2 cup brown rice
    Salad with yogurt ranch dressing

    Snack 2
    Carrots, celery, 2 tablespoon hummus
    Pre work out Shake

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Eat at times that work for you. Stay in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    I also eat 5 meals a day, similar to what LaurenDaniell described.

    3 Main meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), 2 small meals (one after Breakfast, one after Lunch).
    I try to eat breakfast within 2 hours after getting out of bet and max. 6 hours between the big meals.

    The small meals are often fruit or yogurt (and here and then, a cupcake or something similar, especially if I go out to a cafe or something). The main meals always contain carbs (bread, oatmeal, rice, noodles or rice, mostly) veggies and maybe fish or meat (some veggies with meat would not be enough for me)

    But as many already said, what mostly matters is your calorie intake at the end of the day. Whether you eat 5 meals or 2. It has more to do with your lifestyle and if you are a person who needs to eat often, or if you prefer quite big meals where you put everything together. :flowerforyou:
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I have seen a lot of studies about eating six to seven small meals a day. Has anyone tried this if so what do these meals look like?

    By "studies" I'm assuming you mean articles on Yahoo Health
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I also eat 5 meals a day, similar to what LaurenDaniell described.

    3 Main meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), 2 small meals (one after Breakfast, one after Lunch).
    I try to eat breakfast within 2 hours after getting out of bet and max. 6 hours between the big meals.

    The small meals are often fruit or yogurt (and here and then, a cupcake or something similar, especially if I go out to a cafe or something). The main meals always contain carbs (bread, oatmeal, rice, noodles or rice, mostly) veggies and maybe fish or meat (some veggies with meat would not be enough for me)

    But as many already said, what mostly matters is your calorie intake at the end of the day. Whether you eat 5 meals or 2. It has more to do with your lifestyle and if you are a person who needs to eat often, or if you prefer quite big meals where you put everything together. :flowerforyou:

    I do this too, and it works perfectly.
  • TinyBriony14
    I have a proper dinner at dinner time, but during the day I tend to just snack most of the day - I find it helps me stay full. Otherwise, if I am really busy at work, i will keep thinking "oh I will have lunch when i have finished doing this" and then 2 o clock goes, then 3 o clock goes and before i know it i am so hungry that all i want is bread and a mars bar! Lol.
  • nurssassy
    nurssassy Posts: 71 Member
    I graze instead of eating three large meals. Started eating this way years ago when I wanted as an experiment to get off drugs to control my reflux (it's worked for me). I do feel better and have more energy when I eat a little every two to three hours. What do these meals look like? Well that depends on you. You can take a full meal and split into two smaller meals or take different components of large meals and eat them at separate times.
    Large meals trigger my reflux and zap my energy so grazing works for me, but it may not work for you. I recommend experimenting to see what works for you.
    Good luck
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I think it depends on the person, I for one like to eat in between main meals cause I'm hungry. Every day is a trial and error to learn what works for that person.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I agree with several others - all that matters is your deficit. Doesn't really matter if you eat several small meals or eat all of your calories in one huge meal. Just burn more than you eat.
  • seamonster1203
    seamonster1203 Posts: 118 Member
    I have seen a lot of studies about eating six to seven small meals a day. Has anyone tried this if so what do these meals look like?

    Portion control shrinks your stomach. Of course it requires self control in the beginning which is why so many people speak against it.

    I usually carry around 10 extra pounds, but once a year I want to get my abs back and portion control is the only way. Check out my diary to see what each meal looks like. There are no meals actually, it's just snacking all day long.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks. I find that if I don't allow myself to get really hungry, I am less likely to binge or make poor calories choices.

    Breakfast = 300 ish calories
    AM snack - 100 ish calories
    Lunch = 400 ish calories
    PM snack = 100 ish calories
    Dinner = 600 ish calories
    Evening snack = 100 ish calories

    Of course today being Paczki Day, breakfast is higher and dinner will be lower. :)
  • seamonster1203
    seamonster1203 Posts: 118 Member
    I agree with several others - all that matters is your deficit. Doesn't really matter if you eat several small meals or eat all of your calories in one huge meal. Just burn more than you eat.

    This is true if you have 100 lbs to lose. Try losing the last 12 without portion control.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Depends how I feel. If I am not too hungry I'll have small snacks/meals throughout the day. If I'm hungry I'll try to have a filling meal and maybe one snack a little later.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Meh. When I've tried this I find that I'm constantly hungry, because each "meal" is quite small. I was never satisfied. Personally I'm much happier with three squares and a large snack in the evening.

    You still have to control your portions no matter how frequently you eat.