I was looking at the biggest loser boot camp too. I figure it doesn't really matter all that much which ones I get as long as I do them I'll see a difference, right? lol.
In other words I agree with vallandingum
I happen to be a very consider it smoker, because my best friend is allergic to smoke, but still people go out of their way to walk over to me and tell me that I should quit smoking. Smoking is an addiction, some stranger telling me to quit isn't going to make it happen. Also, living in a city you will breath in just as…
I think you have a good point. It's certainly an interesting way to think about it, in any case.
Your topic was perfect timing! lol. Last night and this morning, in two unrelated situations, people were talking about McDonald's. I haven't eaten fast food in at least a year, and I haven't had meat at all in 6 months, but I wanted it sooo badly I almost went and got it. But then I read your post! :love: Your a lifesaver!
thanks for the tip, I'll check out collagevideo for sure
My friend lent it to me, it's great! Have you gotten bored with it though? I'm afraid I might :noway:
My personal trainer at the gym went from 310 lbs to 230 lbs just walking, because she had rheumatoid (sp?) arthritis. Once she got down to 230 was when she got involved in physical strength training etc, but it wasn't because she plateaued or anything, she was still loosing by just walking. Moral of the story: It's totally…
"you telling me makes me want to light up while eating a chocolate chip cookie" hahahahhaa I laugh because it's so true. Oh man. Can I use this line in the future?
personally, as a smoker and obese woman, I have some strong opinions about both situations (strangers suggesting I quit smoking/go on a diet). First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to mention to anyone who might feel the urge to tell a stranger smoking a cigarette that it's bad for them- WE KNOW. And…
I changed my weigh in day to Monday specifically for this reason, the weekends are really tough! It got easier though when I started inviting people over for dinner instead of going out, since I like to cook. Since we are all college students, no one was going to turn down a free meal! But if there is no getting around…
I'm glad I found this thread! Everyone else I know that's dieting has 10-40 lbs to loose. When I reach my goal weight I will have lost 110 lbs...sometimes it just seems like it will take forever, but then I remind myself, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle, and if I can get ALL that weight off, then I know I'll keep it off!…
Hey all! My starting January weight was 247. Today was 239 March 1st goal is 234 or better :-)
I've found that it's bad when I don't eat the extra calories. It took me a very frustrating plateau to figure out that if I work out and then don't eat enough my body will go into starvation mode.
Yeah me too...well I'm glad we got lots of advice on this, lolol
I eat lots of raw veggies on those days. They have lots of fiber, a good amount of water, and very very few calories. Also, I double check with myself to see if I am really hungry, or if its a response to stress, or some other emotional motivation to eat.
Plateaus are the worst! The best advice I ever got was to radically change the way you eat for a week. I.E. - I tend to eat the same things a lot, because I like them and I know their nutritional value. So for me, I would eat none of "the usual" for a week or two, and then I could go back once I started loosing again. Or…