lucacaretto7 Member


  • I know . but as you were saying it is a life thing and therefore I can't be doing this all my life. obviously at the moment I am a bit worried. as I want to eat a bit more but I am scare to put weight back on. And yep it's true maintaining is harder than loosing aww
  • Oh OK I thought so. Will do it and see how it goes. I hope it works =) thank you very much again
  • Thanks for your answer . This is great stuff and I will follow your advice..However I am a bit confused . when I go to the gym and for instance I burn 300 Cal through running. should I add them to my call... which is 2500+300 or the 2500 should be enough either way ?? Thank you
  • Hi Guys, Thank you so much for your help and support! .. and yes like everyone says it is so hard to switch to a more relax life. On the other hand not switching would mean frustration as well. As you can not keep controlling every single meal you eat for the rest of your life. Relaxing from the other side is very hard. So…
  • I know this is the right thing to do.. however after 8 months on a diet it is not that easy to switch and not "controlling". I do not want to lose anymore weight but i am concern that if i let it go then it will be impossible to get back on track aww
  • The blanket example seems good to me lol:) Also 2800?? Dont you think is far too much? o.o
  • I have got the same issue! .. butt more sensitive too.. Is that due to less fat .. maybe?
  • thank you very much for your reply. Let's put this way, the way lose slowed down considerably since I increased the amount of food i eat. however what annoys me the most is the fact that I feel like I think to much about it. no that I feel hungry of anything but all that planning and measuring is tiring me . I know that…
  • Hi there! I believe you are in the right place! I know how you feel however i want to tell you that is not impossible! The tomorrow thing you are describing is actually the same attitude I had. I was keep postponing to a tomorrow that would never come. But today I can tell you I have lost a 66 pounds, so I can tell you…
  • To be honest the whole thing is about 320 calories which should leave me with enough calories for the rest of the day. Besides as you said it is very filling
  • per 100 grs It says 55 kcal fat 0.2 g satured 0.1 carb 4.8 which sugard 4.2 fibre 0.4 protein 7.6 salt 0.2 what do you think?(obv everything is times 2)
  • it was fat free indeed. 0 fat Greek yogurt.! that OK than? :P
  • 1200 was what was suggested to me by fitness pal. All I want is lose 0.5 kg a week. and it is working so far. I am not loosing much more than that. I am regularly going to the gym too. I am on a healthy weight, now, finally and I would like to introduce some food back in. I am too scare tho to put everything back .. :/…
  • Well trust me it is not impossible. and here is writing someone who lost about 30kgs by sticking to 1200 calories. Let's put this way, the first week it is not easy however from the second week onward everything becomes easier , especially when you get on the scale and you are surprisingly lighter:P .. bear in mind you…