

  • I understand completely. I lost a lot of weight at the beginning of this year and then got back together with my boyfriend and I stopped the fitness plan. We got engaged, I broke it off recently and have been so down and depressed that I haven't wanted to do anything. It's hard to start back up when all you want to do is…
  • I'm with everyone that is happy to see the girls get smaller. I'm a 42DDD at the moment and am looking forward to being smaller. I hope I can get back to my normal 36C and feel comfortable in a bikini again!
  • I just tried the Yoplait fat free stuff and it's DISGUSTING. I can't stomach it. I'll have to try some of these other brands. I'm not a huge fan of regular yogurt to begin with and I was looking for something different. I just couldn't get even 1/2 through the container. Maybe I should use it as a savory flavor instead of…
  • This is totally what I want to post at the end of February!!! Congrats now send some of those success vibes my way!
  • I haven't tried this but would be interested to know as well. I'm trying to get into green tea but the other day when I had a cup, it smelled like dirty feet. Gross! It tasted like who knows what but it took me hours to get one cup down. If I can add something to maybe make the dirt flavor go away, I will try again.
  • I'm just about the same height and started my journey at right about the same weight too. It's so motivating to see photos of you before and after because that's going to be me at some point this year! thank you so much for posting them!
  • Mine is actually getting to my goal calories. I eat all day long but it's all so low in calories that by the time I go to bed, I'm still at 900 net calories. I can't eat anymore. I don't want to put myself in starvation mode but I literally have something in my mouth all day long.
  • I'm 5' 8" and you can see by my signature below that my goal weight is 135. I just took the lowest and highest pounds in the healthy BMI range and averaged them. When I get to a point where I feel good and I'm physically fit, I will determine if 135 is the right weight for me. I just didn't know how far I wanted to go and…
  • Wow I love this group already. :) I put on a ton of weight over the last year from going out all the time and drinking way too much with the boyfriend. That relationship is over and so is my relationship with too much alcohol. I haven't had a drink in 8 days and I feel so good. I have lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks and I'm sure…
  • I'd like to join as well! 1) Stacey 2) Current weight 205 3) Goal after 90 days 187 4) Boot camp - Wed, Fri, Sunday and 30 minutes of tread mill on other days
  • Thanks for the encouraging words! I just set my mini-goals. Should I have more than just a few? I heard with this boot camp program, I can lose about 1-2 pounds a week as long as I faithfully follow the nutrition plan as well.