

  • If your looking to gain muscle mass and strength you need to be working muscles groups at least 2-3 times a week. This why people like yourself tend to get better results on a full body plan. Plus full body routines emphasize compound exercises like lamps1303 listed. If you rotate through a few different "heavy lifts" on…
  • When you do get referred and cleared to work out again, I would be adding a decent amount of core stabilization exercises. I do NOT mean sit-ups and hanging leg raises. I mean a lot of planks, bird dogs, glute bridges and progressing into single leg exercises to help stabilize and support your lower back.
  • Have you changed any of the variables in your workouts (sets, reps, volume) since the New Year?
  • Probably tuna salad or something with eggs. I can not cook for the life of me, but I can make an omelette (sort of)
  • Typically when I'm sick, I'll do light cardio, just to keep the blood flowing. You don't want to do anything too taxing because you risk spreading your immune system thinner than it already is and overworking your body through recovery. If it's a head cold, don't be too worried, but if it's the flu or something more…
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