Am I losing too fast?

I've been on this wagon since June, 2013 (duh), and for the most part my weight loss has been slow and gradual - it's had its ups and downs. During my good times over the past half a year, my average weight loss was 5lbs a month. My lowest average was 1 pound a month. So far over the course of January I've gone down 8 lbs...

Could this just be my body responding to my increased efforts & management? I've been trying to eat at my TDEE - 20%, which I've calculated to be about 1750 calories per day (with working out 6 days a week, doing P90X3).

My stats:
20 y/o woman, currently 156 lbs (formerly 220 lbs; goal is 135 lbs). Started off the month at 163.
Work an active job 4 nights/week, stocking at wally world.
Work out 6 days a week, burn between 200-400 calories per HRM.
However, the rest of the time I'm almost completely sedentary, on my butt at the computer or in class; so I put myself as "moderately" active.

Should I increase the amount of calories I'm eating by 100 or 200, or stay where I am and see what happens?

For reference:
My loss chart since Fall 2012:

January chart:


  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    I would say you are right at the max you want to lose. Are you losing significant strength and endurance? If the answer to that is yes, then slow it down by eating more. If it is no, countiune on with your awesome work.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    I would say you are right at the max you want to lose. Are you losing significant strength and endurance? If the answer to that is yes, then slow it down by eating more. If it is no, countiune on with your awesome work.

    No, I feel perfectly fine. I've been making good advances in all of my workouts, too.
  • sklpersonaltrainer
    Have you changed any of the variables in your workouts (sets, reps, volume) since the New Year?
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Have you changed any of the variables in your workouts (sets, reps, volume) since the New Year?
    Nope. I'm doing a DVD set called P90X3. I started it on Christmas.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    in reality the slower you lose the body fat, the more sustained it will be and ultimately the more you will lose.. depends on goals and how quick you want results.. if you physically feel fine and you don't feel like you are starving yourself then I would say you are okay... but if you want best results slower the better in my opinion
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Is it possible you were holding on to some water weight after the holidays? Your 8 pounds might not be 8 "real" pounds if there was a significant amount of water weight.

    Do you feel excessively hungry? Overeating often? That was my cue that it was time to increase calories.

    If you feel good, I'd probably give it another month. If weight loss is still significant, increase calories then.