if you eat at a deficit your body will eat fat and muscle so it should go. but any muscle is your friend if you want to burn fat as it raises your metabolism and burns more fat so I agree with your trainer. if you want to get rid of the fat dont worry about muscle. if you reach your goal of fat loss just stop training your…
lots of support on here. sure you'll be fine :-)
just keep using the site and you'll make friends. it sends you emails everytime you get a reply. and as for the number of calories I find it's mostly trial and error. if your not losing your eating too much or if it's going too fast and you feel awful then try a few more. it's an ongoing process. whatever works for you. :-)
i set my goal at 1200. but only as the 3 days I see my girlfriend we always go out for meals. so the only way I lose fat is keeping it at 1200 on my log days. prob averages around 1600 over the week. works out like a calorie cycling diet I guess. works for me though :-)
a good diet is one you can stick to. low carb or low calories or countless others. find one you can stick to. you have to be consistent. everyone knows how to lose weight really. if it's not working most people want a reason other than themselves. id love to eat bad food all day. it tastes way better than veg or salad lol.…
id say if your underweight with already quite low bodyfat if your serious with your diet and gym then you'd see quite a lot over 3 months. . :-)
dont be embarrassed. your doing it for yourself. lots of support on here :-)
no one can gain weight on 1400 calories lol. get some peanut butter. :-)
if your average over the week is good then it's fine. if I go way over one day then I go way under the next day to compensate. it's similar to intermittant fasting. your body will just use it's stores of glycogen. and then re fuel the day after. I wouldnt worry :-)
any diet works on the same thing really. burning more calories than you consume. trouble is if you dont eat protein you will lose muscle. so when you eat normally again your metabolism is lower so you will gain weight. pick a diet that suits you and you can follow but i'll say always make sure any diet contains protein in…
i have the odd day not logging but usually make up for it the day after so it evens itself out :-)
cheat days are never gonna help. just have a cheat meal and still log it. one bad cheat day can undo your whole week very easily :-)
i like low carb but only as it's easier for me to keep it low calories. I need one or two days eating carbs though as after two or three days my gym starts to suffer. you can get low carb pasta and rice though now if you still want to eat it but I generally just have the real stuff on my carb up days. in the end it's…
depends on the type of request I guess. probably might get a few more maybe. I dont get many but it doesnt bother me. I like the forums though :-)
no one really notices until it goes off your face. then I get annoyed when they tell me to put weight on. lol like other people said they will notice eventually. just keep doing what your doing. :-) x
baby food. sounds silly but they taste great and are usually organic. great to keep a few pouches in my bike bag. lol :-)
hey im 5ft 4. us shorties need to stick together lol :-)
i always try and find something else to substitute. I love cake and found it hard not to eat it but now I just make my own with protein powder and top them with peanut butter. feels like im being bad but it fits in my diet well. :-)