

  • Thanks everyone! I thought that might be the case, but I wasn't sure about the way body processes protein and what-not. Thanks again :)
  • Also, it's called Sargento Ultra Thin Sliced cheese. It's a product that you can buy in the cheese isle.
  • The protein adds 140 calories, I just am having two half servings today, since I'm not exercising as much. I try to get in avocado, but my avocado is currently a bit under ripened :/ our Walmart never has good avocados. Do you guys have any suggestion as to a decent place I could maybe order some nuts? They're so expensive…
  • Okay, yeah, I'll post my list for today lol. No diet/fat free foods for me. Breakfast protein powder - 70 cal quaker whole grain old fashioned oats - 75 cal medium banana - 105 cal silk almond milk - 15 cal Lunch sun dried tomato vinaigrette - 30 cal spinach - 3 cal green pepper - 12 cal sweet peas - 40 cal millet - 45 cal…
  • Thank you! I don't remember seeing that option, so it's very likely that was what happened, especially if it is auto-selected. Going to go reset now!
  • I guess I didn't make it clear, that I would like to lose some weight. I don't want to just bulk up, and I'd like to lose a little weight.
  • I set it to let me custom set my caloric goals though, which is why I'm confused.
  • If you know that you're going to be busy, and may be tempted by fast food, you could always try pre-preparing meals. If you look up "Meal Prep Mondays" you can find a ton of information about it. I cut fast food out of my diet a long time ago, and haven't gotten anything from the burger joint fast food types in about 4…