IrishBarbie Member


  • I am signed up to be in my first Warrior Dash Sept 10th! I'm nervous and excited! I am not the best runner, but I have finished 3 5ks in the last year. I do a boot camp class at my gym, which I think will really help with dealing with the obstacles. There are actually about 15 of us signed up from my gym and we are going…
  • Maybe sounds like the beginning of shin splint? I run, I started a year ago and I'm up to three miles three times a week. When I get done running I stretch (I stretch before too) and I also do toe lifts, standing up with my feet slightly apart I go up on my toes and then back down on my heels. I do this ten to 12 times and…
  • Congrats! That is awesome!! I had a victory of sorts too! I was going to be an 80's girl for halloween and I needed a corset to wear with my tutu and leggings and my husband was like, you have one. I said, yeah, but it hasn't fit for like ten years....I tried it on and it fit!!! I was so happy! This was the best halloween…
  • Bread is a biggie for me. If I eat bread one week and not the next (keeping everything else the same), the first week I won't lose any weight. Bread sticks to me!! In August I did three weeks with no wheat (gluetn), dairy or soy and I lost a good 6 pounds just changing that. So I think it does make a difference. Instead of…
  • I was naughty this weekend too. I had birthday cake at my sisters and roasted pepperoni over a campfire, and that was after a bacon cheeseburger! Yikes! Needless to say, I'm off to the gym. And like I tell my sister, I fall down all the time. You just have to keep getting back up and keep on going! You can do it! You ARE…
  • You might be right. Last night I stepped it up to 1650 calories and I was actually down a pound this morning! The way our bodies work sure is strange! lol! :)
  • Welcome! And I completely agree. I have lost weight on diets but as soon as I went off the diet, gained it right back. I FINALLY decided I just needed a complete life-style overhaul! So I am losing weight and eating, basically, what I want. All things in moderation. Good luck to you!
  • I'll try that. Thanks! :)
  • I have this same problem! I bought two pairs of Nike workout pants. They're not spandex, though they are more form-fitting than sweats. But I HAVE to have a draw string. Or else they fall down when I run! lol! Nike seems to be the best fit for me. Hope you find a pair that work!