
IrishBarbie Posts: 12 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Help! I need some suggestions! I have been under 1500 calories for forever! I work out 6 days a week, two times a day on Mon and Wed when I do my advanced boot camp class. I haven't lost one pound in a month! What is going on?? My body hates me right now! lol!
I have tried staggering my calories, like 1200 on mon, 1400 on wed, 1500 on fri. I have recently cut out gluten and dairy. Nothing seems to work. I even took a week off from working out thinking my body just needed a break. I am extremely frustrated!! I run 30 minutes tues and thurs and 45 minutes on sat. And I do the elliptical mon, and wed. I do abs, and something called the "nic nac boot whack" on Fridays, and I go dancing on the weekends, so I am constantly mixing up my workouts.

I eat healthy, I never eat fast food. I have one "cheat" night a week and on Friday nights I have a bacon cheeseburger. Its like my body has decided ok, you've lost enough now I'm done. I've lost 85 pounds total, 25 since I signed up for myfitnesspal, but I still have 35 more pounds to get to my goal weight! I'm afraid if I go any lower in calories my body will go into starvation mode.
Any suggestions on how to start my weight loss up again??


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    How many calories are you netting, sounds like you might be going below 1200 with your exercise
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    A month is a long time, are you checking for other changes such as inches lost, strength-endurance gained??

    Sometimes gains in muscle (which weighs more) offsets loses in fats so the scale can be discouraging.
  • Sounds like you're eating WAY too little for your activity level! I went through the same thing. Started eating more and dropped 5lbs in 2 weeks. Now i'm back to trying to get that going again! I either end up eating too much or too's driving me crazy! LOL
  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170
    Sorry if I missed it in your long have you plateaued for? As brutal as plateau-ing feels it is actually a good sign. Your body is re-setting its base weight. When I was losing baby weight it happened to me and it was hellishly frustrating, but it was a new set point as if my body as saying, ok, this is your new highest weight point, lets breathe and begin again.

    The trick is, keep up the good work (reall? what is the alternative... :smile: ) soon you will be rewarded again. GIve it two weeks of good behaviour and things should move again...
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    A month is a long time, are you checking for other changes such as inches lost, strength-endurance gained??

    Sometimes gains in muscle (which weighs more) offsets loses in fats so the scale can be discouraging.

    Actually muscle and fat weigh the same :wink:
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    I am in the same boat. Same weight for the last month. Have done the same thing....played around with my calories on weekly basis.

    Next week, I am just gonna do "no more than 1690 calories a day" (goal weight * 13 - moderate activity level) and import strength training into my workout routine. I can't live off 1270 cal a day, so I do a lot of cardio so I can burn calories to eat more. But its not working anymore.

    So I am just gonna allow myself the 1690 calories a day and start lifting weights; do bands; work with the "fitness orb" (the ball). Combine the strength training with cardio..but just not strict cardio.

  • IrishBarbie
    IrishBarbie Posts: 12 Member
    You might be right. Last night I stepped it up to 1650 calories and I was actually down a pound this morning! The way our bodies work sure is strange! lol! :)
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