How to blow your week in one meal

It was the wifes birthday dinner tonight. 4197 calories.... this is gonna hurt to work off.

the Keg - Garlic Mashed Potatoes, 10 oz 382 40 22 6 Ico_delete
Hormel Heat and Serve Meals - Beef Roast Au Jus, 5 OZ 210 3 10 28 Ico_delete
the Keg - Prime Rib Regular Size (10 Ounces), 23 Ounces 3,400 21 230 122 Ico_delete
Bud Light - Beer, 1 Bottle 110 7 0 1 Ico_delete
Beverage - Champagne, 125 ml/4.2 fl oz 95 2 0 0 Ico_delete

4,197 73 262 157


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    You'll do it - look at you already 47 lbs down!
  • Utahbeth
    So THAT's why Prime Rib is sooooo delicious! :)

    Yes, you may not be able to work all of that off this week, but if you stick to plan for everyday after, you may not even notice this little hiccup.

    Good job on the 47lbs too!
  • njjbosse
    you can't beat yourself up over one big meal, its all part of learning a healthier lifestyle, people of a healthy weight dont freak out every time they overindulge (or else there'd be no thanksgiving!) you've already lost almost 50 lbs, thats something to be so proud of!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Ouch... it hurts to think about it now, but in the long run one bad day (even if it's really bad) won't hurt you too much. Hope dinner was as good as it looks!
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    I knew it was going to be bad. I had the smaller one before since being on MFP so I knew it was going to be epic. Ill deinetly have that worked off over the next couple of days. I work midnights so I took a couple vacation days so I can have a couple good workout sessions and still be down for the week. Its the most Ive ever eaten in one meal.. anyone beat it?
  • IrishBarbie
    IrishBarbie Posts: 12 Member
    I was naughty this weekend too. I had birthday cake at my sisters and roasted pepperoni over a campfire, and that was after a bacon cheeseburger! Yikes! Needless to say, I'm off to the gym. And like I tell my sister, I fall down all the time. You just have to keep getting back up and keep on going! You can do it! You ARE doing it!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I too was very naugthy. Went to the baseball game in a suite so the food was free! YAY! Who doesn't like free food??? Well, me when I entered what I think I ate in my calorie counter-over 1000 calories for some bad nachos and taquitos. But wait, there's more! They didn't have any sweets in the suite so I developed a MAJOR cookie jones. Did I go to the bakery and buy 1 cookie? NO! I bought the tube. Well, you know what happened next. I stopped entering in my diary when I hit 6 cookies, it was too depressing watching that red number go higher and higher. So this morning I did a double spin class for 900 calories and I'll eat very conservatively for the next few days and THROW OUT THE REST OF THE COOKIE DOUGH!!!