deverez Member


  • Semantics. I left out the 1.2 sedentary multiplier for the deficit.
  • Your BMR is 1,604. That means the calories your body requires to maintain its weight is 1,604. To achieve a daily 500 calorie deficit just by dieting, you would need to eat 1,104 calories daily. This does not include exercise. If you burned an estimated 200 calories while exercising, you could eat 1,304 for the day and…
  • Just keep doing what you're doing. Weight goes up and down constantly because of water, and a +/- 2lb variation isn't anything to be worried about. Try weighing yourself every other week.
    in Help:( Comment by deverez August 2011
  • He said 30% of the weight that he lost was muscle. He didn't say that he lost 30% of his total lean mass. If you weren't confused about this, my apologies. Please consider the numbers: On week 2 (his heaviest) he was burning 9.77 calories PER pound of body mass. On week 8 (his lightest) he was burning 9.19 calories PER…
  • You are a voice of reason in this crazy thread, Newmammaluv.
  • Thank you for the test. I've always called B*S* on the 'starvation mode' myth. It's great that you measured the change in your RMR and your fat lost, and not just your reduction in bodyweight.
  • Well, I don't agree with fighting endangered species. I guess it's a good thing lions aren't endangered, right?
  • Whether or not something is 'OK' is subjective. It differs from culture to culture, and from person to person. If you want to get technical; if he is not breaking any laws, and what he is doing is generally accepted by society (which killing animals for sport is), then we can conclude that what he is doing is 'OK'. Whether…
  • You guys are being kinda harsh. He's just a man trying to put on a good show for his countrymen and internationals. The lion is just an animal. People kill animals for sport all the time. It's sad that you all would rather a human die, than an animal. That being said; he will not win the fight. Not even with a shield and…
  • The diet has a diuretic effect. It would make sense you had an unusually terrible hang-over the next day if you consumed a lot of booze.
  • Welcome back to the dark side.
  • A calorie burnt is a calorie burnt, no matter how short your exercise sessions are. You should push yourself without injuring yourself. That said, you should push for 10-15 minute sessions at first. Don't even worry about doing multiple sessions. Just get through the 10-15 minutes straight of working out. The next day, do…
  • So you're saying I weigh as much as 5,152 slices of bread?
  • Yes ++a wedge of lime to squeeze in. Very good stuff. Pretty much any liquor mixed with a diet soda will be O.K. I read somewhere that every gram of alcohol has 7 calories.
  • There is nothing unhealthy about a ketogenic diet. You will not go into the so-called 'starvation mode'.
    in Ketonic Diet Comment by deverez May 2011
  • This really depends on your body composition. If you are lean and healthy, it is more likely that you will experience muscle catabolism when significantly reducing your caloric intake. However, for anyone that has a high percentage of body fat (such as individuals who are overweight, obese, or super-obese) this is not…
  • 'Starvation mode' as most people know it, is a complete myth. To achieve a reduction in metabolism, a healthy individual would have to severely cut their daily required calories for a prolonged period of time. In 1950 a study was performed where 36 men were deprived of their daily caloric needs (as low as 50% below their…
  • Where are you getting your information from? Medical/scientific studies? Please link your sources if possible.
  • There's nothing wrong with GM crops. Monsanto, however, is a very evil company.
  • Is 'starvation mode' necessarily a bad thing? When your body runs out of its readily available energy (glucose), it turns to burning glycogen (stored in liver and muscles). When glycogen runs out, it turns to body fat.
  • Early in my ketogenic diet I made a huge hamburger patty out of 1.25 lbs of ground beef, melted about 4 ounces of cheddar cheese on it, topped it with a pound of bacon and 4 over-easy eggs that were fried in real butter. Mmmm! I ate about 4/5th of it. Turned out to be a little over 3200 calories for what I ate.
  • I haven't been asked if I was pregnant yet, but I've been disturbed by what people have said before: I work IT for the local government, and part of my job is (sometimes) going to the jail to work on their systems. When inside the jail, I turned the corner just as three deputies were chatting, and the female deputy said,…
  • I hate doing *.
  • I'm hoping to lose them completely!
    in Boobs Comment by deverez April 2011
  • Short answer: Nothing. Long answer: Nothing.
  • You should consider lowering your carbohydrate intake substantially. Perhaps try 100 grams or less!
  • What's so wrong with peanut butter?
  • Don't they have sugar-free versions of those by now?
  • Up to 5 large eggs pan-fried with approx. 3 tablespoons of real butter. Sprinkle with salt/pepper. Garnish with bacon, or sausage... or both. -OR- A beautifully marbled boneless rib-eye steak seasoned with kosher salt/pepper and grilled to medium-rare. Served with a side of eggs or bacon... or both.
  • The Atkins diet and ketogenic diets are very effective methods of weight loss if done correctly. However, some people find it VERY difficult to stick to at first.