

  • That is a great question. I would also like to know the answer to that. I have a real problem staying under my calories many days, but I work out to burn an extra 400-500 a day.
  • Hello there, boy can I ever relate to your sugar and flour cravings!! Some pople say to eat fruit in place of the sugar, but for me it just does not work. Do you have any ideas on how to help those sugar cravings??
  • I too read that book, and it is a true eye opener. I wish more people would read it, then I'll bet we would have more choices available to us in the supermarkets. Unfortunately I live in a rural area and have to travel quite a way to get any decent vegetarian options. My kids love the soy chicken tenders. I think they are…
  • Hello there I have been a vegetarian for about 10 years and I feel so much better both physically and mentally. Try Baked Tofu. Get firm tofu, drain and cut into strips about 1/4 inch. Baste with BBQ sauce and bake on a sprayed cookie sheet at 350 for about 45 minutes. You can cook to your liking whether you like it…