leelafry Member


  • She recommends 3s, 5s and 8's (also an exercise band). The first round I did with the 3s and 5s (I couldn't lift the 8s). The second round I did following her recommendations.
  • You are looking absolutely fantastic! Visible results are highly motivating! Keep it going!
  • On the weekend I fill up snack bags with vegies. I also have a variety of low-cal snacks available. When I get the munchies, it's much easier to grab one of these smarter options than to make something that isn't so smart (I have very little, if any, junk food laying around the house). If I buy it I eat it--just don't have…
  • oh, on weights...they aren't that expensive if you go for the basic lead (I think) dumb bells. They run about a dollar a pound. I started with 3's then eventually got some 5's and then some 8's. These seem to follow what she uses in the series. I'm playing with the idea of picking up some 10's but not quite ready for that…
  • I've never used a resistance band before, and didn't buy the DVD set with the JM band. I ended up getting a set (thinking I would work my way up to the higher bands--HA, what a dreamer!). The only one I use is a blue 4-6lb one. It is a bit shorter than hers so I have to modify some of the ways I use it. It kills me, I hate…
  • Gosh you are ambitious! I increased my weights. I'll admit I was a "pansy" and started out with 3's, after a few weeks I added 5's. I'm on my second round of JMBR and am using the 8's when she directs. YOWSER! I also hit the treadmill for a bit afterwards. I can't even imagine doing more than this. But as has been pointed…
  • I like a large glass of water with about 2 Tbsp of lemon juice and then 1 tsp of Stevia. Very refreshing while working out and flavorful, but not overwhelmingly strong.
    in Water Comment by leelafry February 2014