supnicole Member


  • Sometimes this happens to me if I go too heavy. If bending doesn't work, try lightening the weight.
  • I know quite a few people who say they can eat more calories on keto. I've never eaten below 1,600 calories daily on keto and had great success (196 lbs to 149 lbs). You may be able to eat slightly more, but I question 3,000-4,000 cals unless these individuals have a lot of weight to lose. Keep in mind keto reduces water…
  • Tried it today. AWESOME! My new favorite, next to cookies and cream/apple pie.
  • I like to do some unilateral exercises for legs once a week or so. Try using leg machines like the leg press, leg extension and leg curl to see if one of your legs is actually weaker than the other. If you do have some muscle imbalance, incorporate unilateral training into your routine. I'm sure it happens for different…
  • I don't think you're going to like this answer but I'm going to say it anyway. You don't need a workout plan tailored for "heavy women." All of those workouts you see for "skinny women" will also work for you. What you need to do is keep them low intensity (for your heart) and do the best you can. No one starts off able to…
  • Craving carbs and feeling tired should only be short term effects of a low carb diet. After a couple days of low carb, your body should switch to ketosis, which is the process where your body uses fat for energy (both stored and dietary) instead of carbohydrates. When your body is fat adapted, feeling tired, cravings,…
  • I've been eating low-carb for 7 months with great success. In my opinion, you should decrease carbs and increase protein. 150g of carbs is too many for a low-carb diet unless you're carb cycling. Try to stay under (or close to) 50g net carbs.
  • As others have said, you can't spot reduce. The only way you can "prevent having flabby arms" is to maintain the current muscle mass you have in your arms by weight lifting. You can't control whether or not your body is going to hold onto the fat on your arms. I'm not sure you're going to get the answer you're looking for.
  • No lie, I've been eating cottage cheese mixed with ranch and sunflower seeds since I was little and everyone always thinks I'm crazy..... I also like raw ramen noodles. Plain, with butter, with anything, really.
  • How often are you weight lifting? That's one thing to consider. Each muscle group 2x per week max (in my opinion). If you feel like you can do work each muscle group more than that, lift heavier. If you're only working each muscle once per week, it's possible you aren't stimulating it enough for growth if you aren't…
  • In my opinion, you shouldn't be hitting any muscle group more than twice per week. If you want to keep your lifting at 3x per week, doing an upper body day, a lower body day, and a full body day would be fine. Also in my opinion, if you're new to lifting and you're not sore, you're not working hard enough. You can probably…
  • I also practice IF and my first assumption is that your electrolytes aren't balanced. Are you getting enough sodium, potassium and magnesium?
  • A ketogenic diet. Before, I'd need like 10 hours of sleep to function and then feel tired by like 4pm. Ever since I cut carbs, I'll go to bed at like 1am and wake up at 7 every morning, without an alarm, feeling refreshed, awake, and ready to go. I'm literally NEVER tired.
  • Isopure is expensive and not worth the extra price. I've been eating a ketogenic diet for about 6 months (5% calories from carbs) and use Cellucor whey protein without a problem. Optimum Nutrition is a good brand as well.
  • There is no "correct" macronutrient distribution. Some people do awesome with 40%, 40% 20%. Others do better with 35%, 35% 30%. I eat low carb, so I try to eat 60% fat, 35% protein, 5% carbs and have had great success. It really depends on what your goals are. Do you feel better eating more protein, more fat, and less…
  • I used to do cardio and then lift. About a year ago, I switched the order and now I lift first. I see much better progress and I'm much stronger now since I have more energy to lift. Cardio stamina is still the same.
  • I lift 5x per week and do cardio 3x per week (both LISS and HIIT) and I've gotten stronger while on keto. Not sure why you're afraid to exercise.
  • I've been doing keto for a while, and I can have maybe 100g of carbs total and not come out of ketosis if I've been in it for a while (at least a month) and start right back at it the next day. 500g of carbs will kick you out, without a doubt. My only guess is that you tested close to the binge and still had ketones…
  • You should be eating more protein. If you're in a calorie deficit, you should be eating AT LEAST 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass (calculators all over the internet). If you don't increase your protein, I can almost guarantee you that you will continue to be "skinny fat" even as the scale goes down because your…
  • Make sure you are eating enough fat. If you're eating low carb AND low fat, there's no amount of sodium or potassium that will help with dizziness. I've been eating keto for months and a little fat will do wonders.
  • I've been doing a standard keto diet for about 3 months with great success. Feeling a bit dizzy is normal early on, just make sure you adjust your workout accordingly (i.e. slow your intensity). From my knowledge (and experience) with keto, your diet looks fine. If you notice you're not losing or your progress is slowing,…
  • That is 100% correct. I am also 23 and (used to) binge drink a lot. I gained 30+ pounds in 4 years of college. If I go out, 1 drink ALWAYS turns into 10, so I simply don't go out any more. I have lost friends and honestly, it's for the better. I have gone out drinking 4 times in the past 3 months and I've lost about 20…