

  • I did manage to just stop and did so for a month. It wasn't lying and boy do I have a habit/problem call it what you will. The way I mainly managed was by not buying the things I snack on. Throwing away (or giving away) those rascals that called me from the cupboard and trying so hard to ignore the cravings. I try to eat…
  • I fell off the wagon last night so back to day 1 today. I was tired, bored, lacking energy and just grazed mindlessly. Need to get back on track. How is everyone else doing?
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • Working away again and struggling to maintain routine. I've been getting to hotels late and the menus have not been great. But on the plus side eating late means I'm too full to binge. That's got to be good right? Hope everyone else is doing well?
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • I think I am at 31 days now but a week in a hotel has taken its toll. Late night meals ( not snacking) has left me feeling stodgy and bloated. I need a curfew of 7.30 for a meal as it just lies heavy and makes me feel less active. So back to 'normal' today. I managed a run this morning but less miles than I wanted and it…
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • Today is 27 days for me. I'm away all week this week on business though so may not get online ???? this causes other problems as I have less control of menus so it will be hard. I'm determined to try though.
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • Artype, thank you for your kind words and the fibre suggestion is one I'm certainly going to try. MFP has suggested the 1200 because of the amount I need to lose and my work (although long and irregular hours) can be quite sedentary. I had a Drs check up who has sent me for blood tests for my thyroid so it will be…
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • Well last night was 22 nights, so habit broken? I wish! For me the habit is not broken until I am sitting there home alone at 9.15 thinking I really want to eat. I don't need to eat but I want to. Last week my partner and I were off work so it was easy. As a secret eater when you have company it's not going to happen. But…
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • Well tomorrow will be 21 days for me. I've appreciated this grouping the support it offers but I know my journey continues. This last week has been easier as I have been off work and my other half has been around. I struggle most when I'm home alone so this week will be a telling point for me. I hope everyone is ok and…
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • Day 15 check in. Still doing well. My other half has been here in the evenings and that helps. Hope everyone is ok.
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • Late check in for me as I went straight to bed last night. Really proud that I have managed 14 nights though. Thank you for the support everyone. :flowerforyou:
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 July 2014
  • Had a great concert yesterday but only had 500 calories all day. Today was nearer 1500 but with no night time eating. Hope all are ok?
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Just checking in. Had a good day today. Settling back down. Won't be checking in tomorrow night but won't be eating either as I'm at a concert. Hope you are all doing well.
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Checking in on night 10. Really lacking energy today. Really wanted to binge so had some sweet cereal for tea. Staved the sugar craving but I need to look at my diet tomorrow as I'm not usually this lethargic. Off to bed now to avoid temptation.
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Hi Abobo08, this evening I am on 9 nights. Yay! Even though you had a setback it was not a habit breaking one as you consciously thought about it and are remedying it. Keep going - you know you can :smile:
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • After 3 long days away from home I can safely say I avoided night time eating as I was with people all the time and late to bed. That makes 9 nights since starting that I have been good! On. The minus side the food was not what I would have chosen as part of a healthy eating plan so I'm glad that I'm back in control of my…
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Another day in the hotel. I've walked miles again but still not found my Fitbit :cry: got a round table discussion this evening so no chance of snacking yay.
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Thank you equallyyoked I know I've done lots of steps as the syndicate rooms are miles apart and a good brisk 2in walk between them so I'm trying to keep on my feet. Nothing at the desk yet though. I've been good and kept off the free flowing wine though and drunk lots if water so I've avoided temptation there. Off to…
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • I'm away at a 3 day conference and struggling with internet but going to try and check in still. Not snacking at night is easy as it is a late meal - through the day harder as there are Danish pastries at every turn! Bad news is I have list my fitbit too so can't log my steps either. Struggling to stay motivated. :sad:
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Checking in tonight. I have enough calories left for a guilt free fruit snack too. Hope everyone is ok and on track :smile:
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Slightly off track today - not feeling great. Came under calories if you include exercise which I don't want to do. Try harder tomorrow.
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Check in night 4. Treat night tonight Chinese meal with the family but only had a small portion. Still within calorie for the day though yay. No cheating now as I am full and know it. Hope everyone else is doing ok?
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Tougher day today in as much as I worked 13 hours - often giving me the excuse to just eat rubbish but I've stayed in my limits. Tired but proud of myself.
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Just checking in. Another good day sticking to the plan yay. I can do this!
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • Early evening check in. I did not eat after joining the group at 7.15 last night. Believe me I could have done but having had a hugely bad day (only food wise -no excuses) I joined this group and thought that I would be letting me and all of you who are managing to do this down! I've just cooked a filling low cal tea and…
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014
  • I'm feeling stronger today, ate lunch (skipping lunch is a binge trigger for me) came home and cooked a low calorie tea. Proud that I've not used yesterday as an excuse to lose the week. :smile: I've still got 300 calories for a piece of fruit if I need something sweet later. Yay.
  • Well done. I've not got that far yet. Just admitting it to myself.
  • Realising that I am a binge eater. Logging honestly the over 4000 calories instead of cheating and 'forgetting'. Being honest with me is the way I will tackle this. No more hiding empty packets in the bin! Tomorrow is the start of working towards not binging.
  • Hi, I just spotted this forum. I'm new to MFP having signed up in January and then not done anything with it. I started again and have been doing ok for 10 days now. Today I finished work and totally fell off the wagon. I skipped lunch owing to someone being late for the meeting, ended up buying rubbish and binging. Feel…
    in Check-ins Comment by Gilly349 June 2014