Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself because I haven't binged even after I ate a trigger food (bread).
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Thanks you guys! It feels great to be part of a group of people who truly understand!

    Today I'm proud of myself for going to the gym for the 3rd day in a row! I haven't done that since December. It really is the best therapy for a bad day at work. It's kinda funny, considering being drained from work stress was always my excuse for "not bothering" with the gym.
  • queenbekks
    queenbekks Posts: 58 Member
    Today I am proud of myself for eating 2 of my trigger foods and still managing to STOP myself before the binge took over!!!! I'm so excited for myself! :)
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Today was a better day. 152 grams of protein - primarily from 3 scoops of cellucor that I added to oatmeal. Only the 5th time in the last month I hit my protein target, but I have hit it 2 days in a row. And I must admit - I feel better. Placebo / imagined / or legit, I do feel better. Also, 42 grams of fat hit today. The goal is 45, so I was close. And the fats I got in my diet came from flaxseed, oatmeal and cellucor. So these were healthier fats.

    Pluses: I'm not experiencing the fear & anxiety issues I had yesterday and this morning from eating. And I was able to go out and enjoy a 9 mile jog today. Praise God! It felt wonderful.

    Minuses: My diet consisted of several servings of broccoli and 3 bowls of oatmeal again today. I've got to get away from this short list of safe foods. These restrictions lead to eventual binges.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    What great successes!

    Maica & Queen, it is such an awesome feeling to moderate a trigger. Great work!
    Moxie, I agree. A gym sesh is the perfect de-stresser. It can be hard to get out and do it, but you never regret it once you do :)
    Ibleed, wowza great protein! Imagined or not (and I'd lean towards not), I'm glad you're feeling better from those awesome macros.

    Today I'm proud of myself for biking to work despite the 92% humidity :sick:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for living life. I may not be busting down goals one day after another, but I'm enjoying my life with my husband, staying active, and generally feeling great about where I am right now.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Great job everyone!!

    Today I am proud that I have gotten back on track despite life issues and challenges.

    Be proud everyone and keep checking in! I love this tread because too many times we do not pat ourselves on the back for what we do good and so much positive to focus on the positives. It may not take away the negatives going on with us but it is less stressful than focusing on them only and not on the positives.,

    Sending you all positive vibes......,!!:flowerforyou: :wink: Yay!
  • TheWeightOfFood
    TheWeightOfFood Posts: 58 Member
    Running my farthest ever (11.25km)!!!!!
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Running my farthest ever (11.25km)!!!!!

    That's awesome! Congrats on the great accomplishment.

    I had 400 calories worth of something I would normally eat 1400 of. I ate to fit my daily calorie goal and saved the rest for the following day. I'm trying to train myself, slowly, that I can still eat the foods I want to eat, but only as long as I practice moderation. It's been tricky, but I'm sure this is the right step for me.
  • itsthenewhealthyme
    Today I'm proud of myself for planning out my meals and eating well.
    I'm proud of myself for reaching for a cup of tea instead of chocolate.
    Most importantly, I'm proud of forgiving myself for binges past, and proud of myself for realizing my problem and working to fix it.
    Keep going everyone! I'm so glad I joined this group - I love seeing everyone's accomplishments and support for one another. :flowerforyou:
  • queenbekks
    queenbekks Posts: 58 Member
    Great job guys! I love this thread, its very uplifting :)
    Today I'm proud that I have started telling a few close friends and family (and my therapist, finally!) about my binge-eating. Most of them didn't believe me at first because I'm not very heavy, but once I give them a brief description, they're shocked. It feels SO good to get this off my chest and get help!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Today, I am proud of myself for trying a new "clean" food recipe for breakfast. I had rolled oats with sliced bananas, walnuts and cinnamon. It was delicious and it kept me satisfied until lunch. Only 309 calories!!!!! Eating like this will keep me in my daily carb, sodium, cholesterol and calorie goals. Eating like this will save my life.
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Realising that I am a binge eater. Logging honestly the over 4000 calories instead of cheating and 'forgetting'. Being honest with me is the way I will tackle this. No more hiding empty packets in the bin!
    Tomorrow is the start of working towards not binging.
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Great job guys! I love this thread, its very uplifting :)
    Today I'm proud that I have started telling a few close friends and family (and my therapist, finally!) about my binge-eating. Most of them didn't believe me at first because I'm not very heavy, but once I give them a brief description, they're shocked. It feels SO good to get this off my chest and get help!

    Well done. I've not got that far yet. Just admitting it to myself.
  • Welshgem84
    Welshgem84 Posts: 45 Member
    Great job guys! I love this thread, its very uplifting :)
    Today I'm proud that I have started telling a few close friends and family (and my therapist, finally!) about my binge-eating. Most of them didn't believe me at first because I'm not very heavy, but once I give them a brief description, they're shocked. It feels SO good to get this off my chest and get help!

    OMG I wish I had your strength!! One day I hope I can be proud of this accomplishment!

    Today I am proud of my self for putting back on the shelf at Sainsburys my go to binge weakness and leaving the shop empty handed! First time in a long time I have had the strength to do this.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I'm proud of myself today because I made the first steps in seeking professional help and I've admitted to my brother that I have a problem. He's the first IRL person, other than my husband, that knows what's going on with me and he was totally supportive.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    So, I'm not the only one who does that. Congratulations for admitting it and facing it.
    Realising that I am a binge eater. Logging honestly the over 4000 calories instead of cheating and 'forgetting'. Being honest with me is the way I will tackle this. No more hiding empty packets in the bin!
    Tomorrow is the start of working towards not binging.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Today I am proud of myself for getting right back on track after 2 days of bingeing. I tend to stretch my bingeing into weeks TT but now I am able to go back after just a couple of days :)

    I am also proud of myself because I was still able to log all of the foods I ate on my binge eventhough it is kind of upsetting to see the "2000-3000+" amount in my diary including the supposed to be weight I would be in 5 weeks if I continue the over calorie intake.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    logging it all yesterday despite mini binge.......
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    I'm feeling stronger today, ate lunch (skipping lunch is a binge trigger for me) came home and cooked a low calorie tea. Proud that I've not used yesterday as an excuse to lose the week. :smile: I've still got 300 calories for a piece of fruit if I need something sweet later. Yay.