


  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    forgot to say it but I am now on day #7 - ONE WEEK!!!!
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    @jafray4- good luck at the fair! I'm on vacation and going over my calories. But no snacking after dinner! Today, July 21 is day 7 (I think). I do much better when I have a routine.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Gregory - thanks so much for the encouraging words. The group seems to be down to a few posters, but there's good support here.

    I started over last night. The wagon seems to go faster and it's harder to climb back on after you've fallen off. So I had a lot of cravings last night, but I made it - day 1 of my restart.
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Working away again and struggling to maintain routine. I've been getting to hotels late and the menus have not been great. But on the plus side eating late means I'm too full to binge. That's got to be good right?

    Hope everyone else is doing well?
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Day 8, July 22. Right at my calorie limit, but no snacking. Looking forward to getting back to work!
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    I managed to get through day 2. So many days to go, but I'm taking it one day at a time.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    day 8 - Work was really busy and I was either walking or standing for 6 hours straight yesterday. It helped because I wanted to have a snack but was to tired to get up off the coach lol.

    This week is going to be crazy. I might not be able to check in as often, but I will try. Good thing is that since I'm busy and not sitting at my desk all day I am eating way less throughout the day!!! and burning lots of calories.

    @loves2knit- we have all started over even a few times for some of us. It OK. My theory is that we are trying to change and that's a big step right there. I also figure that if it was easy then it wasn't really a problem from the start.

    @gx - vacation it tough I'm impress that you are making it. I failed, so you are stronger then me!!! gives me hope that next time I might be able to make it.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    jafray4 - you made some good points. Who said this was going to be easy? I did get through day 3 last night and decided to eat healthier food in general. Unfortunately, there's a lot of room between deciding and doing. I exercised the last two days, but was in and out (mostly out) too much today to do it. We're going out of town again tomorrow, so I probably won't exercise.
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Back from vacation! July 23 & 24 were days 9 & 10 for me. And I was able to do my daily exercise again. I really missed that! Hop you all are well.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Day 4 - made it. This thread is really getting small. Hope the few people who are posting don't drop out.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    Now I'm hoping everyone but me hasn't dropped out. This group is sometimes the only thing that prevents some serious eating after supper. Last night - day 5 - was good.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Sorry I don't always get to a computer during the weekend and last week ended up being crazy for me. I was doing good until last night. Had to drive and pick up a cow that we order for the year. Came home starving and snacked then snacked some more just for no reason besides that it was sitting there.

    So starting over again!!! :sad: I too wish that more people hadn't dropped out. I really liked this group, I know that it is something I will always struggle with I just really want to get to 21 days to say that I can do it.
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    I fell off the wagon last night so back to day 1 today. I was tired, bored, lacking energy and just grazed mindlessly.

    Need to get back on track.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • _Clarana_
    _Clarana_ Posts: 73 Member
    I'm really sorry for posting a rant, but I've failed again and I'm so frustrated!! I've beaten the whole eating after dinner thing, I'm fine til midnight, but then I zombie walk in the middle of the night about 3 times and have like crackers, chocolate, cheese...It's so frustrating! Every damn day now. Every day. I'm not losing weight and I'm feeling awful every morning because of it. How the hell do people just "stop?" I've been brought up to snack and eat after dinner whenever I feel like it, though I and none of my family have ever been fat, so it just seems impossible to break, though I've done it before and I know it's technically possible. I just feel like such a failure now.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    @ anamonacc - I truly think that those that just stopped snacking and never failed just didn't really have a habit or issue with snacking or are lying lol. I can say I just have come to the conclusion that I will probably never stop snacking, because I started feeling so bad from failing I have given up. I don't even get up after I go to bed so mine is even me being aware but still snacking. Now I am focusing on what I have for snacks and making good choices through the day to have room to snack. Being in a group really has helped me but I need to find an active group that I can rant on because dieting with others that aren't at the same stage and struggles as I am having just makes me feel like I am the only one struggling and failing at times.

    Just remember your not alone!!!!
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    I did manage to just stop and did so for a month. It wasn't lying and boy do I have a habit/problem call it what you will. The way I mainly managed was by not buying the things I snack on. Throwing away (or giving away) those rascals that called me from the cupboard and trying so hard to ignore the cravings.
    I try to eat 'mindfully' now. What am I eating and why. My major fall down is when I have put in a 14 hour day. Miss meals through the day. I get home to an empty house and snack instead of preparing a meal because I am so darn tired and hungry.
    Until I can get a daytime lifestyle change I will continue to struggle with the night time issue.
    People cope in different ways and we just need to try and support each other through the wobbles.
    Say strong folks!
  • XanthePersephone
    XanthePersephone Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I've technically been a part of this group for a year - maybe more. I'm naturally a night owl and a snacker, but having a job where I'm coming home and eating dinner just as my family is going to bed means I'm eating dinner on my own and if it wasn't satisfying, continuing to eat until I fall asleep - which could take hours. There is zero accountability outside my mfp log and honestly sometimes the thought of logging everything I just shoved into my face is so daunting a task that I just leave it unlogged and know that day was a bad one. thankfully this doesn't happen all the time, but still more than twice a week probably and more than I find acceptable.
  • freya1979
    freya1979 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Is anyone still posting on this thread? I just woke up at 2am and went to the store to get snacks--it's always things I know I'll feel better if I don't eat, but the rebellious little kid in me wants to sneak out and nibble! I'm hoping keeping honest track of it on MFP will help me see the reality of the situation, and I'd love it if I could find friends to check in with each day! Also happy to be supportive of others who are making the same endeavor to give themselves the most chances possible to be healthy!
  • drfisher910
    drfisher910 Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to find this group. And good to know I'm not the only one who struggles with this. Looks like you've been idle for a couple years. My goal is to not eat after dinner--I allow myself water and tea. 2 days sober!