mummyjonno Member


  • That's what I am trying to do, I am eating as clean as I can, I have kicked out any carbonated drinks and replaced with water - so I know that is right and how I mean to go on although that doesn't seem to be doing anything. I've not lost 1lb in months. I am literally the exact same weight as when I began. In case it…
  • I'm currently eating 1700 a day and burning anything from 500-700 a day working out (I use a HRM to determine that) The doctor has booked me in for my thyroid checking on Monday, the last time I had it done was in 2010 but it came back clear.
  • Unfortunately with my body patience doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot. I am actually doing the rest though :)
  • I have asthma too actually and I am noticing that I don't have to take my inhaler more often during work outs anymore and I am going a little faster every few days, an incline extra if I'm feeling brave and more Kettlebell reps than when I started
  • I'm sure hoping so, but plonker here didn't take measurements. Will be doing that today and throwing the scales in the garage though.
  • I realise it's only two weeks, I am 100lbs ish overweight so I guess I expected to see something, anything change but I haven't in a positive sense. I will carry on anyway because that's all I can do. I am always under target although I tend to log in a book rather than on the site although I do use the site to gage how…
  • Now I know when I replace my treadmill oneday to get a higher incline. I didn't realize that when I bought mine
  • So I'm really not the only one! My husband is 6'2 (and a soldier) and his strides are insane! When doing an average walk i'm like the child trailing behind to keep up! No matter how much I run I can't seem to go any faster without thinking oh god help me haha!!! Even if some of the best sprinters are short - I believe they…
  • I'd like to think we will (I've had 2 sections too) But from what doctors tell me fat binds in between the muscles as they heal back together leaving the apron. I was told it will get smaller but it won't ever be gone without surgery xx
  • I expect the running thing will take a while. As I've said my asthma doesn't tolerate it too well. I am working on it however I don't think I'll ever be able to finish it. It's just something to do right now that isn't as boring as walking.
  • I can quite easily burn 300 cals in 40 minutes of incline. I was just trying to extend it. If i incline anymore than 8 my shins hurt pretty bad. Thanks for the site I shall have a looksy :)
  • Well I attempted it. The digital scales wouldn't pick up the weights at all and the normal ones did (not sure on accuracy though) x
  • I do actually have dumbells!' Fabulous idea! Thank you for that one!! X
  • I found out yesterday that many ladies do insanity in their knickers and bras!!! I couldn't help but giggle at the but I suppose each to their own. I had tons of issue's besides the foot, my pants kept falling down (bought more today that have much better hold and are so comfy) and then my asthma decided to show up!…
  • Hi everyone, nice to know I'm not being insane alone haha!! Fitness test I went longer than I thought I was - although had to stop as the underside of my foot (middle) was hurting. It turns out I have the wrong trainers for my feet and the new more suitable one's arrive tomorrow so I guess I shall start from the beginning…