

  • Believe me, unless your training for 1k sprints on the bike, spinning/ cycling are not going to bulk your legs up. this is especially true for women, a lot of women are afraid of 'bulking' or turning into a she hulk but they dont understand how difficult it is to gain muscle even for men. Without the higher testosterone…
  • Despite what most gimmicky workout equipment adverts would have you believe, you can t spot remove fat from a certain part of your body, all you can do is lose fat and your body decides where it comes from
  • An important part of exercise is recovery, i made that mistake racing over the summer and overtrained, took 2-3 weeks of rest to start feeling fit again. If your doing cardio take a couple of days off in the week to actually allow the improvement to happen. Its fine to exercise everyday as long as your not taxing the same…
  • What these posts want to do is draw in readers by making 'shocking', sweeping condemnations of common exercises. 'Useless' has an air of finality about it that draws readers. In reality, getting up out of a chair isn't a 'useless' exercise. Most of the reasoning here seems to be that an exercise is useless if there is some…
  • If your doctor ok's it, then thats a great goal! Just start off slow, when it comes to the cycling and running the best advice i can give is mileage, mileage, mileage. Just signing up for one can be all you need to get going, there is no better motivator than fear! :P
  • Thanks for the recipes! Ive wanted to get into avocado but i was never really sure what to do with it, ill try that
  • Hey im just saying, if your dreading your next meal because of the calorie cut and want to add a bit off exercise so that you don't have to cut quite so much, then don't get caught up with all the gimmicky, expensive fads out there at the minute that prey on well meaning new years resolutions.
  • oh absolutely, the low GI is purely for off the bike, while exercising if your not eating high GI gels youll bonk for sure, personal favorite are the energy cubes made by Blok, much easier on your stomach.