

  • It takes time. Dont give up. You are worth the time. It will happen.
  • Glad to have you here. You made the right move. There are so many things to do to get to your goals. The most important thing is you. First you have to know that this is not a diet its a life style, a habit that if done right will last you a life time. We will all be here for you. As far as alcohol, its sugar, and we know…
  • I so know how you feel. You are not on this journey alone. I will be here as much as I can. Good luck. Its time.!!!!
  • Hello. Im new as well. Great JOB! on your weight loss so far. Its hard to do but you did it. Way to go. When we hit these plateaus sometimes its a way for our body to tell us that its time to take it to the next level. Change up your workout routines . We are creatures of habit. Bump up your workout times, go a little…
    in Fairly New Comment by xarri March 2011