pipertargaryen Member


  • I am so horrified by this. Whatever difference my boyfriend and I have, he made it clear that he loved me at 150lbs, 180lbs, 215lbs, now at 163 and ever-dropping. I'm glad he's your ex! Edit: Yup, I have this exchange practically verbatim at least once a week!
  • I work somewhere with regular customers, so they've watched me shed a LOT of weight in the last 6 months, and many comment on it. Which is nice. Except when I get, "What's your secret?" and "What are you taking?" .... My secret is I count every calorie and work my *kitten* off? Like every other human that loses weight…
  • You're likely going to get much better answers from people that are alllll about the strength training, but coming from another beginner (as in, today was the end of my first week doing strength training (3 days a week, so today was the 4th time haha)), I had a trainer at my gym (the YMCA, where you get a couple of free…
  • I recently started with Simply bars when they appeared at my grocery store (for $2.29 each, not awful). Most peoples' only compaint is they aren't 'sweet enough'. I eat them for the protein and fiber, not the taste so it doesn't bother me.
  • You're a torso! Anyway, 33? V my guesser is very close, just a little under :)
  • Kale chips are pretty fantastic on their own or with a dip - plain salsa is fine but I like a mix of plain greek yogurt and salsa, because om nom healthy and protein, but still delicious. The only other time I use kale is in smoothies. I find if I have a cup of kale leaves, it doesn't have an effect on the taste. I bought…
    in Kale Comment by pipertargaryen July 2014
  • My apartment is pretty small too, I started out (I'm Canadian too, so I only got outside in about April) doing Leslie Sansone videos on YouTube. They're too easy for me now that I've lost 52lbs, but before they were perfect. There are quite a few on YouTube. But yes - as I said and someone seconded - I think you're a great…
  • My diary isn't open (it used to be), because I've seen too many friends have their 'friends' comment **** about what they were logging. I never, ever ask for advice re: food or calories(if I ever hit a weight loss roadblock, I Google. I do, however, ask friends about their experiences with different exercises, and so on.…
  • If you can't afford a normal gym membership, if there's a YMCA near you, they work with lower-income people, their philosophy is everyone deserves a place to work out and stay healthy (I have a low income membership myself - all classes and the gym itself included. I'm there 7 days a week! Zumba 3x, swimming twice,…
  • I'm just replying because I see this come up a lot, and I'm going to point to my ticker. 6 months, approximately 1.92lbs per week (very healthy). I do not eat clean. I make healthy choices when I can, but there is occasional pasta and white bread and processed food. And I've been fine.
  • No I totally understand that, trust me. The thing is though, there are plenty of people who laugh and point and shame people who are overweight but are *fine* - and I'm not talking about morbid obesity, I'm talking someone like me (or 10-20lbs larger than me). I mean, I weigh 165lbs and I am 5'4". I am 20ish pounds…
  • I have a glass or 2 of red wine most nights. Has had zero impact on my weight loss, as well as my fitness. Stronger and healthier than I've ever been. I'm assuming regularly getting drunk would have an impact (both for calories and because we're not the best judges of food when hammered, as well as hangovers messing with…
  • I take care of 2 elderly relatives who are crippled physically, on all sorts of medications, have all sorts of health issues, and have since they were in their 60s. They've never been overweight a day in either of their lives. So, maybe they owe me better? But their size certainly didn't impact anything. Edit: They also…
  • I understand what that's like. My mother had a ton of success on Weight Watchers when she was in her early 30s. She'd been thin her whole life before that, got a little chubby, lost the weight, whatever. Then she got pregnant at 34 with my brother, and learned that apparently your body doesn't bounce back from pregnancy as…
  • I just want to know if you know anyone who is actually a carnivore. Most people I know are omnivorous? My cats are carnivores, but I've never met any humans who are.
  • 5. v :laugh: That would be interesting. But the number is 1. And I'm perfectly okay with that/
  • This is how I try to find positivity in things :laugh:
  • On days when it's slow at work, I strap on the pedometer and literally do laps of the store I work in. Usually can walk 5-7km at work. Just by doing that I can control my weight much better than when I sat on my *kitten* in school all last year. I also may be starting a full-time cleaning job - you can bet a job that…
  • I eat between 2 and 9, and it's been doing wonders for me. I too sometimes end up with a coffee with milk and sweetener before that window, however. The only day I eat outside that window is Sunday, I end up with breakfast at noon because I head to the gym/am then out of the house til I get home from work at 11PM, when I…
  • *mentions of 'time of the month', apologies for squick* The week leading to my period, my loss halts. The week off, the first 3 days, I show a 'gain'. About 4 days in, like 5 freakin' pounds just drops off. Then another 2 the next week. The bulk of my monthly loss (which has been 8-10lbs per month for 6 months) happens in…
  • As far as Ci v CO, I'm a believer. Quite a few people aren't. I'm in a very long-term relationship with someone who has lots of obesity in his family. I've been working very, *very* hard since Jan. 1st and have thus far lost 50lbs. My significant other is happy for me, but thinks I'm just "lucky" (thanks for minimizing my…
  • I started near where you are, at 215 and was eating 1200 (because I didn't really know any better). I stuck with it, though. Lost 2lbs per week. Started working out when I got to about 185 and finally had the stamina, and rather than eating my exercise calories, I upped to 1300, then after a few weeks I upped to 1400, and…
  • My brother is 13 now, and he was really overweight at age 11, and then suddenly grew to be like 6'1" (and he still has a little boy voice, it's so weird). He's still heavier, but he cuts an imposing figure, not a fat one, if that makes sense.
  • First of all what you said about your period: I'm the same way. Its awful. No fun, but much better than having a baby. Second of all: when I get to a doctor, I will be going on the pill regardless. The last word I'd ever in a million years to use to describe myself is 'stupid' (I'd put a bunch of negative adjectives that…
  • This. I'm a Canadian with mainly American friends. My feed is dead, so I'm all over the forums, bored. It's raining and my boyfriend's working so I'm just sitting here, drinking a glass of wine and being a loser on MFP. Oh, and Woman after my own heart. :drinker:
  • I don't drive (ridiculous at age 25, I know), so I walk out of necessity. We have two parks with tracks where I live, plus some nice trails - I can get in 10-15km an outing exploring those. But if you don't have that kind of luxury - walk to work! Walk to the grocery store! I'm 3km from the grocery store, and because I…
  • In because I really, really want to go on the pill (of all the times to get pregnant, being barely-employed and trying to have my best body ever is NOT one of them haha), but I'm really, really worried about weight gain. Now, I quit smoking in March (which is a big source of gains for a lot of people) and have been losing…