msderes Member


  • Good luck ! I started the Keto diet today ! pretty much for the same reason. Day one was ok, a bit difficult to bypass the morning bagel ... but hopefully it will get easier :)
  • Thanks to everyone for the advice ! I really appreciate the feedback and the insight. I will see my Doctor again tomorrow to discuss the meds, symptoms and I will certainly ask her about a class ( thank you Robert) . :)
  • So totally there ! I am great at kicking. but here is the have to kick me back and we motivate each other. ;) Add me if you like .
  • I was told by my doctor I am pre diabetic as well. I went to see a nutritionist and she really helps me . Was told the same thing , cut out all refined sugar and carbs. She put me on a diet with 100 gr of carbs a day . ( which is really nothing if you are a carb addict like me). Best advice, find a good nutritionist who…
  • would love to have you as a friend on this weigh loss journey. feel free to add me
  • Don't be sad ! If you hit rock bottom then there is only one way to go, and that is UP ! !! I know exactly how you feel, I have been there. Just remember, you take it one day at the time, and you keep going. Even if you slip up one day, the important thing is to keep chipping away at it and not give up. This is a great…
  • quaker makes those really good mini rice cakes seasoned with sweet chili, they are spicy like tostitos but have only 130 calories for 18 mini cakes. but keep a bottle of water handy ;) . they also make tortilla chips that my teenage daughter loves, tasty and few calories.
  • congrats! thats a great job! feel free to add me if you like, I am fairly new to MFP, alas not new to trying to lose weight. :) Martha
  • great job !