espritbonne Member


  • what an inspiration, CaGinger!! You GO girl!! that's so awesome!
  • An exercise routine on a DVD my daughter gave me for Mother's Day a few years ago. (which I promptly shoved into a drawer back then! :ohwell: ) Found it when we moved recently, and started watching it and doing the "beginner's easiest" routine at first, now I can follow the moves of the "beginner's more difficult"…
  • Oh man. Don't get me staaah-ted. What's NOT good at Trader Joes? My family is addicted to that store. Their frozen lime pops for one thing. Mmmm. And their PRICES! We live in Burbank, CA just outside Los Angeles, and the cost of milk and eggs here in the regular grocery stores is outrageous. But at TJ's it's always nearly…
  • Yep, their web site is I just talked to them and they don't give out the recipes, but the guy said if I'd want to make my own lime fruit flow, searching online for natural flavor lime juice from concentrate (the key ingredient) would be a good start. He was really sympathetic for the folks who live in…
  • Ha ha! Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only Lime Pop Junkie, Gray Sweatshirt! ( "Hi, my name is Espritbonne....." :ohwell: ) Jeez, it really is like an addiction though, isn't it? Gotta have one nearly every day all summer long...seriously! oh well, at least it's a healthy, yummy addiction...
  • The sour cream and onion crisps sound awesome tamim1974! Thanks! ... not for now, but for sometime when I have a few extra calories to spend :wink: ....and a salty/crispy craving! I've never seen them, but even though I've been shopping TJs for maybe 10 years now I'm always discovering new stuff every time I'm there. I've…
  • Now I realize how silly it was of me to post about the glory of TJ's lime pops when they aren't readily available to all! :frown: Sorry! if I was reading about how yummy and low cal they are and couldn't get some, I'd be ticked! :angry: So I'll be on a mission this week to find a recipe for making them at home, -- there…
  • you CAN do it, parthayns! congratulations for not just throwing in the towel and giving up. hope you made it until bedtime. good luck!
  • Wish I could send some your way, nicole0177. they're soooo yummy. kinda like enjoying a sort of frozen margarita popsicle - but without the tequila. I really do wish I could send you a box of them, but I guess they would melt before they could reach you. :ohwell: if you ever get to a town where they have Trader Joe's…
  • just joined today. what a terrific site. so glad it makes it so easy to tabulate calorie consumption and burning! i'm a math bozo, but the times in my life when i've successfully lost weight and kept it off for many years were the times i just did the math every day with adding up calories, exercised, and weighed every…