:wink: I just found this website on Monday April 7, 2008, started counting my calories, and was exited to find that I have already lost 4 pounds. My sister teased me saying my morning weight will always be lighter because I don't eat throughout the entire night. What ever the reason maybe... I don't care, I haven't seen a drop like that for a while! What makes it even better, I found the trick! I use to eat high calorie foods, and now that I am watching the calories, I seem to pick the foods with low calories and I get to eat MORE and still see results! I think this is a great website, GO! Good luck to everyone! :heart: parthayns


  • parthayns
    :wink: I just found this website on Monday April 7, 2008, started counting my calories, and was exited to find that I have already lost 4 pounds. My sister teased me saying my morning weight will always be lighter because I don't eat throughout the entire night. What ever the reason maybe... I don't care, I haven't seen a drop like that for a while! What makes it even better, I found the trick! I use to eat high calorie foods, and now that I am watching the calories, I seem to pick the foods with low calories and I get to eat MORE and still see results! I think this is a great website, GO! Good luck to everyone! :heart: parthayns
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    :flowerforyou: welcome
  • Cheri_T
    Cheri_T Posts: 23 Member
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • parthayns
    Thanks for the warm ALOHA message!

    Sorry to say, I blew my calorie counting last night! :sad: I took my son out to celebrate the signing of his letter of intent to a university on the east coast! I tried to order healthy food, but did not have the calorie counter with me. I'll need to input yesterday's dinner in since I forgot until now. It's so hard to get back on the diet today. :cry: But I know I can do it. I have 300 calories left today and it is almost night time. Wish me luck.
  • commonsensefitness
    commonsensefitness Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome and your sister is so right. If you always weigh on morning then it should not matter much. I weigh before going to bed usually.
  • espritbonne
    espritbonne Posts: 12 Member
    you CAN do it, parthayns! congratulations for not just throwing in the towel and giving up. hope you made it until bedtime. good luck!
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    the key is to always weigh at the same time i have two weights i go by i have the one at the gym that is always around or on the 10th of every mth (i do weigh and measure) and its same time 6:45pmish then i have at home which is always first thing in morning after toilet stop but before i start the day they are both different weights but i only use the one at home as an indication of loss more than the true weight as even when i have gotten on the scale at home then straight to the gym for weigh in its been about 400g out i think in favour of the one at home lol hay its all only indicative anyway just go mainly by the whole picture weight measurements and how those clothes are fitting oh and how you are feeling about yourself