

  • while training in football training camp all people puke. Well that was in highschool, Is it good? No. Go in moderation, if you feel sick then stop. Better to lower the intensity and keep your lunch down.
  • A natural thermogenic, raises inner body core temperature which equals fat loss. Use in moderation or your heart may speed up, begnin issue. For each cup you drink make sure you drink an additoanlcup of water. 2 a day wont hurt.
  • absolutely. night shift workers do it all the time. eat light including protein and low cal carbohydrates like salad. Usually i eat a couple of pieces of sliced ham or turkey or protein shake. all low calorie and it should take care of your cravings.
  • Have him check out the link. I played for many years and gained 55 lbs in my senior year and went from LB to DL and OL playing both ways and ST. My rugby coach gave me the best advice. When you are skinny you have to lift heavy and eat everything and the box to gain. If he slacks off…
  • My wife says i am geting too skinny. She has a rockin body at 33 and after 3 kids. I dont care because i am doing it for my health and the job. When you are in emergency services any weight you lose, is less you have to carry around including your tools, and seconds can mean saving lives. So i'll keep trucking on because…
  • Go get that hug and skip the cheeseburger! just sayin. LOL
  • divide your km by 1.65 and you'll get actual miles. example: us crazy canucks drive 100km on the highway but we are really only going 60 mph!
  • no danger but the fruit with the protein might make you fart a bit. Protein should be consumed at every meal. Other wise the diet/meal plan will fail. I put protein into my diet daily like part of the grocery bill. Either bars or whey shake. Both are good. Just watch your sodium and cholesterol intake.
  • pick up basketball-full court Running from end to end, through screens, and constant jumping. Works cardio, legs, core strength, and hand eye coordination. Crushs calories and you forget you are running. Beats a tredmill anyday!
  • just do it. i have had construction workers laugh at me in my heaviest and taunt me while jogging. you can make it if you want it!
  • I watch Family channel's wizards of waverly place and hanna montana with my kids and love it!
    in Admit it. Comment by Shrek55 May 2011
  • Listen to your body. Based on the college athletes mentioned below (very good info), if you supplement and stay injury free you will be fine. Make sure you eat well and most importantly get your sleep! Supplements should include lean protein and vitamins. Everyone working out should be taking these. Our current diets lack…
  • Roughly 60%
    in Push-Ups Comment by Shrek55 April 2011