jessiefreshh Member


  • I'm a SAHM as well. I have an 8 month old daughter, feel free to add me. I have about 100lbs to lose. Already lost 25lbs, woohoo! :)
  • 1-1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil mixed with 1-1/2 tablespoons water and 1 teaspoon baking powder per egg, would this work in cookies? I have the ingredients for it, but not for any of the other replacements. I've been looking for a mayo recipe, but they all look super gross! lol
  • I can see a difference and for only losing around 20lbs that's awesome! Keep it up! :)
  • Definitely a huge improvement! You're doing an amazing job! ♥
  • You look amazing! Truly inspiration! ♥ ♥ ♥
  • Iron Man, Thor, Men in Black. :)
  • 8 cups of water isn't enough for everyone! I have to drink 12-16 cups just to feel okay. Increase your water intake, :) If I drink 5-8 cups I have all those symptoms, exactly. Go here, it'll tell you how much to drink.
  • I have a short list because I'm still figuring out my rewards.. -15 A new purse -25 A mini trip -35 Zumba for Wii -45 New workout shoes -55 thru -105 not sure -125 A new, very expensive camera!
  • I have a 6 month old, shes my whole world. :heart: Me and Hubby want 3 more! Oh boy..
  • I'm in the same boat so anyone feel free to add me! I'm almost 21 and have a 125lbs to lose! (Already down 16, yay!)
  • I'm not sure if it'd be enough for you, but Leslie Sansone. Her videos are 'low impact, aerobics' I have the 1 mile starter, and 2 mile high calorie burner. There's also a 5 mile fat burner, you can find them on youtube for free too! :)
  • I second! Their recipes are delicious and healthy!
  • I have my settings at sedentary, even though I have a 6 month old, I'm always carrying her (17lbs) while cleaning (vacuuming, mopping, dishes, laundry, Thank God for baby carriers!!) , plus running around playing, picking her up and moving her to change her diaper, feed her while carrying her, the list goes on. So in…
  • The smell just reminds me of some new that's plastic. Like new plastic ware. I'm not sure if its BPA free, I have like 10 days to return it though, maybe I'll look for a different one. Any suggestions? I'm trying to stay under $50.. Since I'll only use it once or twice a week.
  • My weight is that high too! And I feel ashamed of myself and all of the limitations. I wish I could shop anywhere I wanted, and people could by my clothes when they see something cute and it was actually fit. lol. I had to lose 45lbs to get pregnant with my daughter, and it took me and my husband a whole year of trying…
  • I love chocolate too, its so bad! I almost always have some kind of chocolate everyday but I make sure to log it and make sure it doesn't put me over, or its not worth it! So far so good! lol. Good luck with all your goals, you can do it! I have 60lbs to go until my first goal!
  • My long term goal is to lose 125lbs, so far according to my scale this morning I've lost 11.2lbs so far! I'm on here everyday logging my food, I TRY to exercise but with a 5month old its hard! I sent you a friend request, :)
  • I totally wish I could have eggs, I used to eat them all the time until I gained an egg allergy! My body can't handle the gases in them anymore, when they are fried, scrambled,etc. but as far as if they are an ingredient in something like batters for frying and baking, I'm okay. One day I suppose all those things will go…
  • As long as my body looks good after losing all my weight, I want to have a sexy photo shoot for my husband and make him a calendar. :) If that doesn't work out, I want to rebuild my wardrobe and go to Las Vegas for a getaway/go to some clubs with the husband! Never been because I'm too embarrassed, lol.
  • We have a Fresh and Easy grocery store here, I've never been inside though. I'm gonna have to go and find that ice cream! I drink a ton of water but still haven't tried the Mio water things, I guess I'll have to add that too. :)
  • Jalapeno Poppers are the best! I've been dying to make some just never get around to it! Another thing that is really food, boneless skinless chicken breast, with La Victoria Thick and Chunky Medium salsa and some mexican shredded cheese. I usually eat all those things in a burrito but if you cut the bread, its so much…
  • I don't know if any of you love ranch, but I eat it with my veggies and other things. But I found a skinny but good tasting ranch recipe! I can't taste much of a difference, but to each their own. :) Ingredients 1 CUP DANNON OIKOS PLAIN NONFAT GREEK YOGURT 1 PACKET HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH (DRESSING NOT DIP) 1/2 CUP 1% MILK…
  • I totally fit into this group. I'm 20 and I was always big, then got pregnant and gained even more weight! Feel free to add me, :)
  • You look AMAZING! I'm the size and height you were and I can only hope to look just as good as you do now! Congratulations on all the weight loss!
  • Thank you everyone for the responses. I'm going to lose the weight regardless. I just get worried that the girls might go too. A girl can just hope and pray they don't. lol I remember getting losing from 270 to 180 when I was 16 and I was a 36C at 180 I believe, so we'll just have to see. But I did it the unhealthy way,…
  • Yeah I just found out my gym has the classes, 3 times a week that fits my schedule, but I really don't want to embarrass myself! I heard you can burn a good amount of calories in the class too. I think to get myself started, I'm gonna start doing it at home with just the 20 min basics, and then maybe in a month or two…
  • I wanna start doing Zumba, but I have a hard time following along to dvds. How easy are they to follow?