amelie21 Member


  • I used to have a really active job so I never had to watch what I ate as I always burned it off. But then I got a desk job, I used to eat the same amount of calories but with no physical activity and the pounds piled on! I agree the nutrition info on this site is a real eye-opener as I would have never even thought about…
  • Thanks alot everyone. Im going to go to the health shop and pick one up there. I'll let you know how I get on :smile:
  • Theres so many varieties available its mind boggling! Buts its mostly geared towards men here. Will I put on fat weight if I drink them? Im looking to put on muscle weight but also trying to loose some fat so im afraid that they will do more harm than good? Edit: And I think I would have to stay away from Whey protein as…
  • Also inches. It doesnt matter what the scales say as long as you can see a visible difference then thats all that counts :)
  • I agree - its a nightmare! I crave chocolate and anything stodgy and its usually 1-2 days before up to 3-4 days after! To be honest I think you need to be a little more generous to yourself around that time. I eat the chocolate and burn it off in the gym - intense exercise actually makes you feel less hungry. I know its…
  • Hi, I usually wait about an hour aswell - just till most of my dinner is digested because I can get a much better workout if Im not full. Im not sure what the answer id from a nutritional / weightloss point of view though. Id like to find out?
  • Im the same - i actually hate it! For one its ridiculously expensive - avg €10 a class in Dublin, whereas I get as long as I like in the gym for less than €1 a day. Also I never feel like ive done enough after a class - Im never tired out. The class sizes are huge so people are bashing into each other trying to see what…
  • I will never ever give up chocolate! I gave up the burgers, chips, cheese, butter, white bread, my lovely fry-ups, potatoes & alcohol. The chocolate stays!:mad:
  • Thanks for the advice everyone :D I already do the HIT a couple of times a week - I'm going to up it to the 4 or 5 times a week. And i'll join a pilates class and hope that gets me somewhere! I drink an awful lot of water - thats defiantly not the problem and eat a fair amount of veggies - don't log them unless they are…
  • Me too :) Started at 140 - trying to get to 120 but with muscle - feel free to add me for support :)
  • Thanks a mill everybody :) I cant wait to get going now, there is such a great community and support here
  • Wow, thats brilliant, congratulations! Its such an inspiration to see somebody loosing alot of weight through hard work and dedication i.e. not laxatives or diet pills. Thanks for sharing your story
  • Hi! I have a photo of what I will look like when I reach my goal on my desk so I see it everyday. Place reminders where you see them and they will push you to keep going. Also having a buddy to help you along is great. I dont know how I would do it without my gym buddy!
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