Anyone around 140 trying to get in the 120's?



  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    I was 140, trying to get to around 126. I'm 5"6 :)
    Me too. This weight is just not coming off for me! Now I understand how the last few pounds are the hardest!
  • amccabe110
    amccabe110 Posts: 29 Member
    I started at 143, and I'm looking to be at 125-130 range and I'm 5'6"......I need some new friends on here-I'll be sending requests,,
  • Laurieannfanelli
    Laurieannfanelli Posts: 36 Member
    That too is my goal I am 143 want to get to 115 with muscle lol! I am going to try very hard.:happy: :happy:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Seeing if anyone out there has my same goals and wants to friend me! I haven't opened up to anyone but a few "real life" friends on here and a handful of others...but could use the support....I give good encouragement back!

    I was at 145 when I stepped on the scale back in December and wanted to faint. I am only 5'3" and was never that heavy. Finally got back in the 130's. My 20 year hs reunion is in June and I need to get back to my college hotness (I say college, because I was 140 my sr year of hs-but only 120 in college)....

    OMG, you and I have so much in common! I, too, am about 5'3" and weighed about 140 in HS but got down to 120 in college and stayed around that weight for most of my 20's and 30's. I hit 138 at the beginning of this month, when I turned 45, and decided that was IT! My goal is to get back down to 120, and stay there. I might like to be thinner than that, but don't think I can maintain it for any length of time unless I suddenly develop a liking for exercise (I'm not counting on it!)

    We can do this, girl!!
  • Laurieannfanelli, I understand about the age thing...I used to be able to eat anything anytime and it didn't matter, I'm going to be 39 this birthday and for about the last 10 years losing any weight has been as big a pain in my butt as my butt is big!:laugh:
    Don't quit on yourself. I will pray for you that you be encouraged to move forward even when you feel hungry or deprived. You know you will feel great when you reach your goal. So just try to get moving when you find yourself heading to the fridge, head to the door and take a walk. I find that if I can find something to take my mind off of the hungry or cravings, I do better.

    Take Care and good luck,
    "I can do all things through Christ."
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm 5' nothing, and 140 lbs. aiming for around 120 ish.

    right now I'm struggling having lost nothing over the last 10 weeks despite exercising more and eating better, so I'm bowing to the wisdom of others here and bumping my calories up from MFP's 1200 to 1380 to see if that does something.

    Feel free to friend me and we can chase away the lbs.....

    Be sure to measure yourself and track it. You may find you're losing inches, if not weight, and that's more important! I need to follow my own advice... I can't find my tape measure. I need to hit the fabric store for a new one.
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    And we shall call ourselves Team Hot Chicks in Progress!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm around 5'6" and currently decided where I want to end up with my weight loss...I current have my goal at 134 but am considering the 120's depending on how I feel at that point (and look and how much fat I have).

    Either way, I am right around you all want to get going!

    SW: ~154
    CW: 145
    GW: 125-134 (how thin should I be??)
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    That's me. And, Im not getting much support. Cause, they all think I am crazy for counting calories when they don't see me as a heavy women. But, I am not happy with me. I used to be in such great shape!! My current bf doesn't get it either & we have been having lots of fights about the work outs cutting into our time & me not want to sit around & drink beers all weekend. :(

    And, so, I get discouraged and quit. Not to mention, I am a single mom that work full-time outside of the home trying to raise 3 kids. My time is so stretched thin!! But, I want to get this weight off me! I can't stand it anymore.

    I need SUPPORT!
  • beachbum8
    beachbum8 Posts: 82 Member
    Ya I'm 5'6" and now weigh 143... I'm trying to get back to at least 135lbs, It would be nice to get under 130. That's where I was at before I had my knee injury in a soccer game in September. I'm finding it hard to get back to my pre-injury weight, but surely yet slowly a pound a week it's coming off! This site does work and so happy that I found it!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    lbetancourt.....I hear you. I have a kid, one full time and one part time job. I am now doing the Shred every a.m. either before my daughter gets up or if she is up early I do it while she is eating breakfast. It's just 20 minutes, but it is intense!
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    Well I'm not currently in the 140s, I'm in the 150s :cry: But I think I am a bit taller than most gals on this thread (I'm 5'8") My goal is still to be in the 120s, though I would be comfortable in the lower 130s given my height. But I would love to join in on weight loss efforts with you all even though I am a tad heavier currently....
  • amelie21
    amelie21 Posts: 16 Member
    Me too :)
    Started at 140 - trying to get to 120 but with muscle - feel free to add me for support :)
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    my highest weight was 149 and i am about 139-140 now. i want to get below 120, maybe 115 or so. i was 120 about a yearish ago, but i still wasn't the shape i wanted to be in! glad to know there are others out there!
  • k_harvey
    k_harvey Posts: 23 Member
    I'm glad I found this post because I feel the same way. Even though we don't have a lot of weight to lose, we are at the point where it is very hard to get any more off. I am athletic and work out hard about 5-6 times a week. I'm 5'6'' and am at 143 but want to get into the low 130's. It's painfully slow getting the weight off but hope we can all support each other in sticking with it! I used to either work out a lot or be watching my calories, but not usually both at the same time and this site has finally made me realize that when I was exercising a lot, I was definitely eating back the calories (and more). Also, being in my late 30's - I can tell the weight definitely wants to hang on! :tongue:
  • sherrynewm
    sherrynewm Posts: 22 Member
    I am 5'2" and currently at 148 struggling to continue to lose. I started at 190 so I was quite heavy. I have lost a little over 40 pounds since last May, I don't stick to my plan 24/7 obviously, but hopefully I am on the right road to eventually getting my weight to a level that I will be happy with........and then maintain it !!!! I try to get to the gym about three times a week including cardio and some weight training. I have really enjoyed MFP and although I don't have lots of friends on this site I do read the postings a lot. I find it to be motivational most of the time.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Same here... 5'3" and at my highest was 150 my goal range is between 115-125, so ideal would be 120.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    I'm 5'3 and started at about 148, my heaviest weight. I've lost 5 lbs since Feb. I want to get to 125 and then maybe 120-115 but I will just be glad to get back into 120s!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    That's me. And, Im not getting much support. Cause, they all think I am crazy for counting calories when they don't see me as a heavy women. But, I am not happy with me. I used to be in such great shape!! My current bf doesn't get it either & we have been having lots of fights about the work outs cutting into our time & me not want to sit around & drink beers all weekend. :(

    And, so, I get discouraged and quit. Not to mention, I am a single mom that work full-time outside of the home trying to raise 3 kids. My time is so stretched thin!! But, I want to get this weight off me! I can't stand it anymore.

    I need SUPPORT!

    Once again, I am right there with you! My husband hates when I'm trying to lose weight because I "eat differently". He tells me I don't need to lose weight, but I think he's just defensive because he knows he needs to lose a few, too. My co-workers don't think I need to lose weight (most of them are overweight) so I'm betting it's partially the same reason. I tell them, "My clothes are too tight so it's either buy a new wardrobe or lose the weight and I HATE clothes shopping!" They seem to get that and back off. While it's true about the clothes (and the shopping!) , I am really just not happy with the way I look or feel.

    Time is definitely an issue and I haven't had much time to work in much exercise yet. I work full-time and go to school part time so I'm gone from the house about 12 hours a day as it is. I'm trying to take the stairs, no matter how high (and one of my classes is on the 9th floor!) and I walk around campus between classes.

    It's probably not my place to say this, but if your BF isn't supportive, I'd worry a little. If it's the only issue where he isn't supporting you, everything might be fine, but I have to wonder that if he won't support you being more healthy, in what else won't he support you down the road?
  • Me me me!
    I'm 5'1, and lost my breath when I stepped on the scale last week and it hit 139!

    My goal is 125. That's what I was at a year or so ago, and I felt that's when I was at my happiest.

    Nice to know that other people are in the same boat as I am.

    I feel like people are judging me and telling me that I'm not overweight and I shouldn't be worrying about all of this. But I'm not happy with me, and that's a good enough reason for me!
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