

  • I have people ask me everyday how I lost the weight......I always and exercise.....they give me such dirty looks! it's not an easy answer.....truth is sucks!
  • go to they have different hair textures (curly straight wavy) Every length you can think of and a lot of styles. I am a hair dresser and if you take care of it correctly then it will last for ever and your hair will always be styled!
  • kind bars! they have ALOT of flavors and are way better than granola
  • I can not stress this enough..... ALL victories are BIG victories! congrats and keep up the great work!
  • I have found the opposite to be true actually. I was always hot, now with 75 pounds down I am always freezing. Especially at work where they keep it pumped down to 68 degrees! Brrrrrrrrrrr........
  • Me too! Me too!
  • Thank You! Can't claim the term though! My brother said it to me one day and it stuck! lol...... of course he also tells me "Pain is just weakness leaving the body! Suck it up!"
  • I love all your ideas! I love clothes and shoes and have begged everyone around me to nominate me for what not to wear when i finally get down to my goal weight! I am definitely a fan of my local goodwill at the moment, i give them clothes then i buy more it's a vicious cycle. lol! my husband thinks I am funny because when…
  • I use one scoop of the EAS myoplex chocolate mixed with the yoplait triple berry smoothie ( a little frozen bag of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries with little frozen chunks of yogurt ) and about a cup of milk. I think it completely hides the taste and it is really super yummy, sometimes I even put a scoop of…
  • I have the same problem...... my doctor told me not to eat those calories and i feel fine. i just use the total calories consumed or i will put them in at the end of the day. Either way works for me with no confusion.
  • It's half an oz per pound of body weight. It really isn't sooo bad..... yeah you pee but i feel more energetic i can go longer with my workouts i sleep better and i just FEEL better! The other thing my trainer taught me was if you are thristy then you are already dehydrated! wow! ........ya know the…
  • it's not really that muscle burns fat's more that muscle burns more calories than fat............. because even right now sitting there doing nothing you are burning calories........ like 5 pounds of fat will burn about 2 calories and 5 pounds of muscle will burn like 25 ..........( i can't remember the actual…
  • don't plant your tomatos next to the house......they leech the concrete from your foundation makes them taste gross and they will die..... always plant your okra and tomatos together they help the other ones soil..... and unless you have an arbor or some place for vine things to grow then stick away from all varieties of…
  • I prefer "Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body"
  • The trick is not to beat yourself up about ..... then it controls you and you will do it again because now your feeling like crap and think...... oh well I knew I couldn't do this anyway..... you mess everything up that way....... so instead acknowledge it and move on..... also before you eat something just to eat…
  • oh my god that is just so bad..........
  • I only weigh and measure myself once a month..... because.....well..... my trainer said so and she's a little scary....... soooooo I listen...... seriously she is great and all but we do that once a month, and seriously it's like christmas morning for me I just can't wait to weigh in! You should totally go by…
  • Wow all of you had such great suggestions for such a sensitive subject thank you very very much and I will definitely be putting your advive to good use. Again Thank You LIly
  • First don't fret about going up in pounds muscle weighs more but is leaner..... you should go by inches not pounds. Okay so the whey protein...... I could be completely wrong about this but the benefit is that it helps you build lean muscle mass, but i was told by my dietian that your body can't break down more than a…
  • i currently am the heavy girl at the gym...... i gotta tell you i don't mind if someone encourages me...... the funny thing is when i started this thing 2 months and 7 inches ago NO one even gave me a second look (which i don't mind because working out is not pretty lol) but now i have random people talking to me about…
  • I didn't even think to ask but i totally will at my next class
  • my dietian calls this her "ultimate power mix" it's really just a bunch of cereals mixed together so you get the good benefits from all of them Combine one box each: Cheerios (10 oz) Grape Nuts (16 oz) Bite-Size Shredded Wheat (17.2 oz) Fiber One 1 cup = 170 calories 11g fiber 1.5g sugar 230mg sodium It's really not…
  • :smile: I started this class at my gym (with a dietian) and it says when you hit a plateu like that you should increase your water intake....Also really watch your caffiene because that is a natrual dehydrator. When she had us figure uo our ideal calories for losing weight we used those bmi charts(that are good for nothing…
  • We had salmon burgers the other night and they were awesome!!!!!
  • as odd as it sounds this came up in my nutrtion class today as long as you drink sugar free or decaffienated drinks then they can count towards half of your water intake. Caffiene is a natural dehydrator so stick away from that and you should be okay. hope this helps.