taking measurements?

cvtga Posts: 118
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have never taken any measurements but I starting to think I should. I have relied on the scale and the way my clothes fit. It just didn't occur to me that taking measurements could also be a good motivator. I know I have lost 1.5-2 inches on my waist based off of my belt and I can see the difference in my legs. So I know progress is being made. Just curious. How many of you take measurements, and how often do you take them?


  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I too recently decided that I will be doing this!

    I've read muliple posts that state the weight loss isnt there every week but the inches are falling off!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I do - I think they figure you should do it once a week or whenever you weigh-in. It's interesting to keep a record. :happy:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    me too me too! i just started taking my measurements yesterday - i'm anxious and excited to see how they change in the future. my check in page only gave me the option of measuring my neck, waist and hips, but i am not measuring my neck at all, and i added my chest, my right/left bicep area and my right/left upper thigh. i think those are telling parts of weight loss too - especially with my body type, because i know that everything is going to lose mass waaayy before my midsection! <sigh>
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I definitely think measurements are important, but I don't do them that often. Maybe once every 2-3 weeks for me . The best results I see are when I'm doing strength training along with cardio. Not always a lot of movement on the scale, but the inches come off :happy:
  • ddss37
    ddss37 Posts: 36 Member

    I sat down one weekend and wrote out alot of different measurements that I thought were "Critical Success Factors" for me. Now - if I have a week where pounds are slow coming off - there are alot of other ways to see how I am doing.

    I created an Excel Spreadsheet for my measurements and I measure every Saturday for 6 weeks in a row.

    Here are some of the measurements:

    6 Week Fitness Check-Up Sheet

    Saturday Check In 1/16/2010 1/23/2010 1/30/2010 2/6/2010 2/13/2010 2/20/2010 2/27/2010 Running Totals
    Weight (Insert Height)
    Clothing Size (Land's End Chart)
    Resting HR
    Morning Fast Sugar (70-99 Target)
    BMI (25-29.9 Overweight; 18.6-24.9 Healthy)
    Covert Body Fat % (22% Target)
    Covert Pounds Fat
    Covert Pounds Lean
    Covert Target Weight
    Target Weight Loss
    Covert Target Active Heart Rate INSERT RANGE - INSERT MAXIMUM
    Aerobic Minutes
    Weights & Sculpting Minutes
    Cross-Training Minutes
    Sprints/Cardio Bursts Minutes
    Abs/Core Minutes
    Stretch/Yoga Minutes

    Above Bust
    Below Bust
    Right Up Thigh
    Left Up Thigh
    Right Lo Thigh (Near Knee)
    Left Lo Thigh (Near Knee)
    Right Calf
    Left Calf
    Right Arm
    Left Arm
    Right Forearm
    Left Forearm
    Inch Loss
    Running Total Inch Loss

  • I take my measurements once a month. It really is a good motivator expecially when the scale is not being friendly. Remember the number on the scale is just a small part of the overall picture of weightloss.
  • embr
    embr Posts: 21
    I take my measurements every week, when i'm logging my check-in weight, over the past month i lost 3 inches off my hips and 3 more off my waist, I'm considering taking other measurements too just to see how they change, it really can be a great motivator!
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    I definitely take my measurements...I take them about every two months. I like doing it this way because when I do I see a bigger change than I would if I did it every week.
  • I only weigh and measure myself once a month..... because.....well..... my trainer said so and she's a little scary....... soooooo I listen...... lol.......no seriously she is great and all but we do that once a month, and seriously it's like christmas morning for me I just can't wait to weigh in! You should totally go by inches because I have lost only like 10 pounds but have lost like 7 inches!
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