

  • I was saying this exact thing to my wife the other day. I will say this, though, I know this approach works...I am living proof of it. I have tried for years to slim down, and felt really helpless. But these past two months on here, logging my food and exercise, and being honest with myself, has changed my life. Hang in…
  • I don't go anywhere without my Nalgene bottle...I even take it on business trips with me.
  • Plateaus happen a lot...the body is am amazingly complex and adaptable system. It will always seek that homeostasis, no matter what. Exercise is the same way...after 30 days, your body adapts, and if you don't switch up your exercise routine, you'll notice a plateau. We are creatures of habit, and in these cases, these…
  • No worries...that's all water and weight that burns off at night. I typically can fluctuate that much between morning and night no problem.
  • I used to do a LOT of power lifting in my younger days, before my shoulder blew out on my. If you go to any of the lifting boards, all the serious lifters go to one place, and it's the only place I've bought from for the past 12 years or so... The protein is super high quality, and you can order…
  • The mobile app is actually really good. I depend on it when I'm traveling for work, or out to eat with my wife. I use it to look up food before I order it, keep track of how I'm doing during the day, etc. And of course logging my food. I haven't used for anything except that yet.
  • For me it was ice cream, cookies, cake, pie, etc. And candy! I have a MAJOR sweet tooth, and tended to eat those things every day...especially ice cream. Once I started here, I found that just the ice cream I was eating in the evening was almost 800 calories, at the portion I was eating. I haven't eaten ice cream in 3…
  • My wife isn't annoyed...she actually suggested it. Her frustration is that she thinks I'm not eating enough, and that the food database is wrong. lol
  • It does get easier....the first three days I felt like my stomach was eating itself from the inside out. It took every bit of will power I could muster to make it through. But it's a lot easier now. And you are spot on....recording what I eat is the only way I would be able to keep on track. I'm hoping that after awhile,…