i seriously hate binging. so much.

i wish i never had this problem. i wish i never began this problem. i would not have ended up in this horrible physique at all. ugh, i wish this would go away.


  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Oh man, I couldn't agree more.

    My problem is that I binge eat, not because I am doing it for comfort or for support, but because I LOVE FOOD! All food! I haven't met any food that wasn't good when prepared well.... except the damn healthy diet food stuff.
  • dfunk06
    dfunk06 Posts: 56
    One day is not the end of the world. Relax and stay strong tomorrow :) You can do this!
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    aw i hate it too. i dont know why we do it?! we know we are not hungry, we know we are very very full up, we know there will be food tomorrow. whyyyy do we binge?!

    chin up girl :) , we understand xx
  • bigbluejim
    bigbluejim Posts: 10
    Oh man, I couldn't agree more.

    My problem is that I binge eat, not because I am doing it for comfort or for support, but because I LOVE FOOD! All food! I haven't met any food that wasn't good when prepared well.... except the damn healthy diet food stuff.
    I was saying this exact thing to my wife the other day.

    I will say this, though, I know this approach works...I am living proof of it. I have tried for years to slim down, and felt really helpless. But these past two months on here, logging my food and exercise, and being honest with myself, has changed my life.

    Hang in there,see it though, and you'll see results. And if you slip one day, just understand that one day can't derail you once your on the right path.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I don't want to sound like a former president, but I feel your pain. I've managed to fight my binges by decreasing their magnitude.

    I used to binge for weeks on end, then days, then hours, and now I've reduced it to minutes. Still, it can result in a 500 - 1000 calorie mistake that either makes me go over for the day or means I have to be extra careful.

    Binging is purely emotional to me. But the emotions that cause it are pretty varied: happiness, sadness, stress, anxiety, depression, relief, and that feeling that I deserve it.

    What I hate the most about my binges is that, when I'm in that state of mind, I don't care. I don't care about the calories or possible weight gain. All I want to do is eat, my health be damned.

    I've forced myself to stop feeling guilty about binges, because guilt is a catalyst for the binging. However, I also force myself to fess up to a binge in my food diary. I take responsibility, but I don't allow the downfall to crush me.
  • Britt22706
    Britt22706 Posts: 97
    Oh gosh been there done that :-(

    It's like I don't have control over myself...it's all mindless to me. Sometimes it's almost like I'm not conscious, I'm just going in and out of consciousnes thinking "what the hell am I doing? I'm not hungry, I KNOW I shouldn't be eating this" but I just can't stop :-(

    Luckily I haven't had a bad one in awhile, but still I have those screw ups that result in +500 calories.

    Lately if I find myself in the kitchen if it's not a normal snack/meal time, then I leave immediately and go on a walk. If it's crappy outside or whatever and walking isn't an option, I grab my boyfriend and we go play some ping pong in our basement or play some wii :-) the key is to find an activity that takes it's place...think of us like druggies or alcoholics really. Instead of doing the bad habit, find something productive or not as bad to replace it!
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I think if I hadn't of binged so much this past month I probably would have met my first goal weigh by now! Uggh! i feel the pain, too!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    For me it's usually a way to physically punish me for the emotional pain that is there. You know you're sad or upset or stressed but you don't really "feel" that like a physical pain. If you binge or even eat something you just don't like or really want you feel physically ill. I did this today and I have no idea why. I could blame PMS but that's not the only reason. I guess I'm feeling down for letting so much stuff pile up on me and now I'm financially paying for it. To punish me for mail financial carelessness I punished myself physically too. Instead of getting right on the solution to correct this, I'm sitting here on my computer rummaging around my pages on MFP.

    I know this isn't for me. This is not how I wan to live and I don't have to feel this way and I don't DESERVE to feel this way.
    Today is one day of many.
    It's only got so many hours and then it's gone.

    Pick yourself up and make the best choices you can going forward with the rest of today. Don't even wait for tomorrow.
    DO IT NOW!

    Just because you stumble doesn't mean you have to fall completely down.
    (they really need to get a huggy smiley)
  • rdaraz
    rdaraz Posts: 103
    What I hate the most about my binges is that, when I'm in that state of mind, I don't care. I don't care about the calories or possible weight gain. All I want to do is eat, my health be damned.

    same here!!!!
  • rdaraz
    rdaraz Posts: 103
    awww thank you so much guys!!! :) i have hope! :D
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    I don't want to sound like a former president, but I feel your pain. I've managed to fight my binges by decreasing their magnitude.

    I used to binge for weeks on end, then days, then hours, and now I've reduced it to minutes. Still, it can result in a 500 - 1000 calorie mistake that either makes me go over for the day or means I have to be extra careful.

    Binging is purely emotional to me. But the emotions that cause it are pretty varied: happiness, sadness, stress, anxiety, depression, relief, and that feeling that I deserve it.

    What I hate the most about my binges is that, when I'm in that state of mind, I don't care. I don't care about the calories or possible weight gain. All I want to do is eat, my health be damned.

    I've forced myself to stop feeling guilty about binges, because guilt is a catalyst for the binging. However, I also force myself to fess up to a binge in my food diary. I take responsibility, but I don't allow the downfall to crush me.

    I relate to the "absolutely don't care" state-of-mind. The reason could be anything. What I do now, to avoid that is eat a bunch of good stuff at breakfast and have a filling lunch. I also keep junk food out of the house. If it's there, I will eventually eat it.


    a lot of members wrote that they write down every thing they eat, I do too. It keeps it front and center so when you chart your day you can see what you were doing at the time. The "Thin Commandments" was a helpful book for me. It talks about triggers and similar issues.

    remember there's always an opportunity to eat healthy the next time. :smile:
  • elg963
    elg963 Posts: 17
    I struggle with the same issues. I totally feel your pain. We can support each other! Hang in there!