

  • You can do a "bland diet" consisting of some white rice and ground meat. I homecook for my dogs and they're meals are pretty much Paleo. (snacks, not so much). Hope your pooch feels better soon!
  • thanks! I liked it...was expecting something different but it was really good. I can see myself going crazy on this stuff however so probably a good idea that i only bought a sample packet :)
  • Just came across this website that has pretty good tips on make-ahead meal planning: http://robbwolf.com/2011/01/16/pre-cooking-paleo-diet-food/
  • How about a meatloaf recipe? I printed this one out b/c I'm hoping to give it a try this coming weekend: http://www.rebelspatula.com/index.php/the-book/2-uncategorised
  • I actually SKIPPED my usual dark chocolate and almond butter dessert last night! going to see if i can keep this more as a treat a few times a week rather than a regular thing that it's been. I still had some blueberries and a teeny bit of heavy cream and that was a nice finish to my evening meal. Thanks for everyone's…
  • I am getting used to not having that sweet taste of equal in my coffee. I have not had one single packet since yesterday morning and for me, that's a huge accomplishment! woohoo :) Also laid off the "no sugar added cocoa" packets...still have two more in my cupboard but i just can't toss 'em out...yet... Intention and…
  • Dinner out is always a nice treat but I find I hardly do it anymore these days. I did go to Il Fornaio on Sat night for my friend's b-day and ate fish, veggies, and mashed potatoes. I managed to say NO to the bread basket but I did indulge in a big piece of Tiramisu! Sometimes, you just gotta let loose a little :) Let us…
  • thanks monkeydharma. For me, i was referring to eating my "dessert" like 20 minutes after dinner. I'm not much of a late night snacker b/c i tend to sleep fairly early most nights. Hopefully once i wean off the artificial sweeteners, I won't be so triggered to eating/wanting sweet things as much. Fingers crossed!
  • Thanks a bunch for the encouragement! I have trouble with the self-control thing too so i think next time i will need to buy smaller blocks of chocolate! :) I enjoy sweet potatoes too...i probably eat that 3x/week myself. I only had 1 packet of Equal this am w/my coffee and no hot cocoa..yay!! hopefully will be able to…
  • Yes, I do still have sugar cravings. A lot has to do with the fact that i still use Equal, Splenda in my coffee, and drink a packet of "diet" hot cocoa almost daily. I'm definitely working on that however and have tapered off but it's still a work in progress. I just stopped drinking diet Coke though, like three days off…
  • I've been weaning myself off of diet soda for the last few days. It's day 3 of being diet soda free :) Got some plain carbonated water and lemon and lime slices instead. The recipe sounds interesting but i think the sweet fizzy-ness of it might make me want to go back to drinking the "real" stuff again. Let us know what…
  • mmm…looks great! I do love shirataki noodles myself but have never tried the kelp ones. Can you find those at Asian markets too and are they usually in the fridge section?
    in spaghetti Comment by pbjonrye April 2014
  • I eat veggies at every meal, pretty much. A typical week I will go through: a couple heads of cauliflower, 4-6 zucchinis, a bag of carrots, 4 bags of lettuce or spinach (the pre washed kind from TJ's). I eats red onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus pretty much everyday as well. Good thing I love veggies so much! plus, i…
  • I enjoy listening to Jason Seib and Sarah Fragoso on the Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness Podcast; also, Primal Diet-Modern Health with Beverly Meyer is great.
  • I don't use any sauce, just some salt/pepper, chopped up garlic and a tad coconut oil. For crispy veggies i prefer to roast them than stir fry. Don't stir fry for too long, otherwise you may get wilted veggies.
  • I must be just as weird then...i do love liverwurst any time of the day myself!
  • I just did a stir fry last night of ****ake mushrooms and Japanese egg plant--very quick and easy--stir fried in a little coconut oil and garlic. I also bought some snow peas and plan on stir-frying that tonight. Also got some okra which I don't think i've ever cooked before but will likely roast those in the oven.
  • I appreciate all the encouragement! :) Got through my first day and thought I did okay. Not perfect, but okay. Also, after reading more on paleo vs. primal, I think my style is going to be more primal as I still want to incorporate some dairy. The stuff I ate today that was definitely not in the plan included half a packet…
  • Thanks a lot, ClutchBone! I have heard the first couple weeks can be pretty tough. I'm definitely going to read thru all the posts here during this new food journey. I appreciate the support!