downby15 Member


  • You look great! I feel like I probably should break out my Jilian DVDs. I've never gotten very far into them bc I have such a hard time making it a habit.
  • you look so great! congrats on all the hard work.
  • Hi all. This past week was rough. I had finals and I started a new job. I didn't get to the gym much at all, after making a habit of going 5 days a week. I'm trying to get back on track, but it's tough. I unfortunately didn't lose anything, but I also didn't gain, so I'm happy about that. SW (4/27): 131 CW (5/3): 131 GW…
  • If it's not too late, I'd like to join. The last challenge helped keep me on track. SW (4/27): 131 GW (6/21): 125
  • Have you tried cauliflower? I keep hearing that it's a good mashed potato substitute. I haven't tried it, but I'm curious. I don't really like cauliflower, so I have a hard time accepting that it could be any good. I've been doing the slow carb diet for a couple weeks, but I'm not really enjoying the constant legumes, so…
  • I'm thinking about starting keto soon. I have been on mfp for a little more than a month. I started a slow carb diet about 3 weeks ago. I've decided I don't like eating beans all the time, so I'm thinking about switching over to keto. Overall, I've lost almost 10 lbs. I'd love to have some keto buddies, so feel free to add…
  • I ended up not losing anything this week. I'm a little bummed, but I kind of expected it bc my week ended on a terrible note. It's also the beginning of TOM for me, so I'm hoping that has something to do with it. I'm going to kick it into high gear this week and make up for this past week. SW: 140lbs 3/21:139lbs 3/38:139lbs
  • you look tinier than 145. great job!
  • You look great! I love your hair, too!
  • I did pretty well last week as far as the challenge went. I ate out only once during the week, which was last night for my mom's birthday. I had a little bit of a rough week as far as working out went. I didn't make it to the gym as much as I have been, but I'm planning to work much harder on that this week. I'm so excited…
  • I'm in! This is a great idea to get me started! CW- 140 GW- 135