becca1282 Member


  • It was amazing - great fun and such a sense of achievement at the end! So much commraderie and team spirit as well. Really really enjoyed it. Except arctic enema. That was horrible. I am a bit bashed and bruised (amongst others, I have a foot print bruise on my shoulder!) But generally feeling pretty awesome about it
  • My other half did it, got up to week six and suffered a spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung). I can't do it, as it would agitate my hip injury, and also because I simply don't have the motivation or skill to watch a man on tv and know I'm doing it right. I would personally go to classes at the gym, where an instructor…
  • 3500 calories burnt? In a week? -- sounds like a challenge! :D Fuhrmeister - you may be 'super unhappy' because of a lack of hormones etc...try some more exercies it releases feel-good endorphines and should make you feel more positive!
  • Hi - am I joining this challenge abit late? I may just challenge myself anyway :b Height:5"8, dress size UK 12, was 168 at Xmas (and a UK 14-16) Goal dress size (UK10) CW: 153 GW: 140 Not a lot to lose, but I am struggling A LOT. Barely making 1lb a week despite sticking to my calorie goals. I play sport and run regularly…
  • Good morning! I joined a few weeks ago - and forgot to introduce myself, the website seems awesome, although my only friend at the moment is my mum! lol... I hope to lose some weight before my holiday to Egypt in May.... Becca
  • Yea - I agree, however, I drink diet cola and I know that has all sorts of issues because of the aspartme. It's worth checking for aspartme in any carbonated drinks you may have. Any reliable source online can tell you the negative effects of that ingredient!