Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Becci has a boyfriend. :wink: Nice and if he doesnt treat you right, just tell him there is nowhere to hide in this world. You have friends all over the globe.

    Yes indeed!
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Another Monday! And i am please to post a 1.4kg loss this week! YAY!! I now weigh 93.6kg and i am super happy :)

    It is inspiring to read everyone's progress! I cannot believe how much exercise everyone is fitting in, makes me feel a little lazy! I did nothing over the weekend... but i did spontaneously drive home late on Friday night to visit friends and family. Although, this thread is perfect to read on a Monday morning, to get you back into the right frame of mind.

    I really need to go and get some work done, so i best be off! Hope you all have a great Monday :)
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    lost 3 lbs this week! i am 291.4! :D i also dropped a pants size! this weekend ROCKED!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    This week I have GAINED 0.7 kg. That'll put me on 96.8 kgs or 213 lbs. Sucks and I haven't been that bad, have I? Anyone got any suggestions? And it isnt because of TOM, unreasonable amounts of salt, no exercise or going over calories every day... Any help what ever it is would be welcomed!

    Congratulations on you losses girls! You are doing great as always :)

    Now I'm off for an early walk. Talk to you later!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Aww you guys! I'll be sure to tell him, haha!

    Well done CM & OJB!

    Hanna & Jen, think about how many calories you burnt this week, muscle is denser than fat, dont be disheartened on what the scales say, take into account how your clothes feel and have you measured your inches? You might see a loss there.

    Everyone is doing wonderfully, think of the bigger picture!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Well I wasn't expecting a loss this week... But I have! 1.6lbs lost so I'm now 266.6lbs! Really back on it today... Will do some Just dance 2 later and possibly some zumba or something...
    Going to try and do 3500 cals burned this week...

    Good luck to everyone with their WIs today and well done to the peeps who have already posted!

    Hanna and Jen - could you be a bit constipated? Sorry if TMI but it's another reason you could have put on? Don't be disheartened x

    Glad my head is back in the game this week... Was really thinking about swapping my WI to a Friday but I'm going to persevere and see how it takes me...
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Hanna and Jen - could you be a bit constipated? Sorry if TMI but it's another reason you could have put on? Don't be disheartened x

    No constipation as far as I am aware so it has to be something else... But good thing is I have weighed more during the week so I have gained and lost some of that as well... Hmm doesn't make much sense, but that's life...

    Good news girls! I have a job interview this Friday. Would be so awesome to actually have a job to go to... Been home looking for one the last 4 months... So my happy-level will go through the roof if I get it. It is just a job during the summer but still. I need something to focus on....

    Happy Monday and good job on the losses!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Nope not constipated either. I went off the rails at lunch time today. Even though I was trying not to let the weight gain get to me. It did. Maybe Hanna, you and I are getting great muscles. I didn't think to measure myself, but I'm going to keep moving forward and hope for a better weigh in next week.
    Congratulations to every ones weight loss and to the those of us who gained, congratulations for trying.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    1970 calories burned this week. :grumble: Oh well. I got to have my off days, and I hope they will be gone for the rest of April!

    CW: 177! I was so happy to see it again the last few weeks of gaining!

    Hanna, Jen, and anyone else looking for a new suggestion... Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating close to bedtime (if so, stop, and see if that helps). If you are eating REALLY low calorie, try bumping it up, just for one day. I used to do this once a week (weekends), and it helped me lose 55 lbs in the past. You all seem to be working out really well, so I don't think that's the issue. :wink: Avoid "diet" and "fat free" foods if you can too. I always try (this is a big TRY) to opt for real foods over anything else. Even protein bars or slim shakes.
    lost 3 lbs this week! i am 291.4! :D i also dropped a pants size! this weekend ROCKED!
    Congrats! I'm trying so hard to get into 16's. Making it to a new pant size is a great success!
    Hanna and Jen - could you be a bit constipated? Sorry if TMI but it's another reason you could have put on? Don't be disheartened x
    That's perfect! Apparently not the case, but that was me about a week ago, when I ate mostly fruits and veggies, and only had about 900 calories. :laugh: Drink your water, and get your fiber!

    Hanna... Good luck at the interview! I got invited to one too, for a summer job. I'm excited and nervous! I don't go to many interviews. I have to apply for more jobs that start immediately...
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    1970 calories burned this week. :grumble: Oh well. I got to have my off days, and I hope they will be gone for the rest of April!

    CW: 177! I was so happy to see it again the last few weeks of gaining!

    Hanna, Jen, and anyone else looking for a new suggestion... Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating close to bedtime (if so, stop, and see if that helps). If you are eating REALLY low calorie, try bumping it up, just for one day. I used to do this once a week (weekends), and it helped me lose 55 lbs in the past. You all seem to be working out really well, so I don't think that's the issue. :wink: Avoid "diet" and "fat free" foods if you can too. I always try (this is a big TRY) to opt for real foods over anything else. Even protein bars or slim shakes.
    lost 3 lbs this week! i am 291.4! :D i also dropped a pants size! this weekend ROCKED!
    Congrats! I'm trying so hard to get into 16's. Making it to a new pant size is a great success!
    Hanna and Jen - could you be a bit constipated? Sorry if TMI but it's another reason you could have put on? Don't be disheartened x
    That's perfect! Apparently not the case, but that was me about a week ago, when I ate mostly fruits and veggies, and only had about 900 calories. :laugh: Drink your water, and get your fiber!

    Hanna... Good luck at the interview! I got invited to one too, for a summer job. I'm excited and nervous! I don't go to many interviews. I have to apply for more jobs that start immediately...

    Sleep and fiber might just do the trick. I'll try that!! And congrats to the interview, it'll go just fine and both you and me will be busy during the summer. or me it would destroy my plans on visiting my sister who is working abroad - but I can do that after the summer. And on the sunny side - I will have lost even more when I see her. :D
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Wow! I see so many great loss and many sucesses with teh 500cal burn and other goals. Great job ladies.

    Personally I am very frusterated. Even though I did not burn 500 cals every day I burned more last week than in a long time about 2600 cals and i have been at a plateau for 3 weeks ahngign out between 218.4 nad 219.4. I haven't stayed teh same weight this long since I begain in December. I was under every day but yesterday last week, nettign about 1450 cals (my goal is 1670) I think I need more rest.

    My goals this week are to be under my cals all 7days, to exercie at least 5 days and to be in bed by 11pm Monday -Thursday and Sunday nights. I love stayign up late on Friday and Saturday espically when hubby has the weekends off.

    Good luck will your challenges this week ladies :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone!! Good job on all the losses and to those of you who are struggling remember that they say slow weight loss is the way to do it to make it a lasting change.

    I only have a sec as I have a meeting I have to go to, but wanted to give my update before I go. I am at 331 this morning for a 5.2 pound loss this week. I am 2 pounds from being the lightest I have been in 8 years. I only have 1 friend who has ever seen me at the weight I am now. It feels great to be getting rid of this stuff.

    Everyone keep up the good work. Remember hard work pays off in the end. And whatever you do, don't give up!

    Today's food for thought: "To make lasting changes, you've got to believe that what you're getting is loads better than what you're giving up" ~~ Cynthia, Nutrition Counselor for Prevention Magazine
  • welcominganewself
    Weigh in this morning showed 154.6, that is down .6 from last week and with the way I ate this weekend, I will take that. Definitely figured there would be a gain.

    Looks like you are all doing great. I am going to challenge myself to the 500 calorie a day burn....
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I'm going to join the early to bed eat more fibre brigade too. My aim is to be over on my fibre every day, from today, and to be in bed by 10.30pm. That will be a challenge, but I'm planning to do my exercise first thing in the morning, so that will surely help.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    My personal goals this week are to burn 3500 this week and to walk every other day. I got the walk in for today - 1.2 miles and next time will be increasing it to 1.5 miles. I am excited to add that even though it is only a small addition. My walking time should be about the same as when I started out since I have decreased the amount of time from 45 min to 30 min to walk the 1.2 miles.
  • welcominganewself
    Day 1 of this weeks challenge done and I was successful at burning 500 calories, 554 to be specific. YAY!!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    ~Yesterday bummed with regard to exercise... Today I have to walk home from the local college which about half a mile and I've signed up to go to a kettleworks session this evening... Never been to kettleworks so don't know what to expect really!

    Should def burn some cals though!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    They do free lunches when suppliers come in at work and I just had a panini, so I need to make sure I get my burn sorted later to get rid!

    Its TOM for me though, I did a sneaky weigh this morning to see how much it affects me and I am up by about a 1 1/2 lbs. BOOO! Hopefully by Friday it will be gone!
  • becca1282
    becca1282 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi - am I joining this challenge abit late? I may just challenge myself anyway :b

    Height:5"8, dress size UK 12, was 168 at Xmas (and a UK 14-16) Goal dress size (UK10)

    CW: 153
    GW: 140

    Not a lot to lose, but I am struggling A LOT. Barely making 1lb a week despite sticking to my calorie goals. I play sport and run regularly (3+ times a week) so I am thinking that I am toning and developing muscle as opposed to weight loss...so I have a dress size goal as well as a weight loss goal.

    Anyway, It's Tuesday today, so by Sunday I would like to be 151 (and i'll accept 151.5 as being near enough!)

    I am a little short on the friends and support side of things, so would appreciate the motivational comments :D Everyone on here seems to be doing so well!!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Hi - am I joining this challenge abit late? I may just challenge myself anyway :b

    Height:5"8, dress size UK 12, was 168 at Xmas (and a UK 14-16) Goal dress size (UK10)

    CW: 153
    GW: 140

    Not a lot to lose, but I am struggling A LOT. Barely making 1lb a week despite sticking to my calorie goals. I play sport and run regularly (3+ times a week) so I am thinking that I am toning and developing muscle as opposed to weight loss...so I have a dress size goal as well as a weight loss goal.

    Anyway, It's Tuesday today, so by Sunday I would like to be 151 (and i'll accept 151.5 as being near enough!)

    I am a little short on the friends and support side of things, so would appreciate the motivational comments :D Everyone on here seems to be doing so well!!

    Welcome Becca! If you are looking for friends and support you have come to the right place. What is your personal challenge for this week? You wanna join in on the 3500 calories burnt?
