Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • I'm at 272.6lbs.... So I've now lost a total of 30.4lbs! Woo hoo! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'm off to see Kylie in Manchester and will try to be good but will take it as it comes! xx

    Have a great time in Manchester, you deserve it!

    Jen - good to hear that you are too exhausted to feel down. Thats the way it should be on a grey day. Better than the alternative at least ;)

    I just finished a sculpt and toned Zumba DVD and i was sweating like hell during it but it was so much fun! That will be my rainy day workouts...maybe i can squeeze Zumba in on a bright and shiny one too :) Hope everyone is doing okay and have a nice weekend y'all.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hey ladies! I have been super busy with my new job and the like. Weighed in this morning, 1.5 off so officially under 280 by April the 1st! Woo hoo! Joined the gym yesterday so hopefully so good burns coming with that!

    fantiastic loss! I hope you love you gym as much as I do! Keep up the good work.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Clair, Just dace..aweseom way to have fun and be healthy!

    jenni - Thanks and you are doing amazing work outs keep it up.

    Steph. Thanks and I'm so glad to see you closing oin on you 70km goal

    Calliope - Keep up with teh water sorry you have ahd a tough week.

    Hanna - sounds like a great video keep up teh good work.

    AFM - 30 treamill incline intervals and 45 min sculpt class yeaterday. 225min down 75 min to go. 55 min yoga class planned for tonight. Maybe i'll trow in a little treadmill nad knock out my last 75 tonight.

    Keep up teh aweseom work ladies :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Jellyfishjen had a great idea... to work out how many calories were burned in March and then try and beat it in April by 10% Well I have worked out that I burned 14,184 calories in the month of March... 10% of that is 1418 so in April I need to burn 15,602... Game on!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Jellyfishjen had a great idea... to work out how many calories were burned in March and then try and beat it in April by 10% Well I have worked out that I burned 14,184 calories in the month of March... 10% of that is 1418 so in April I need to burn 15,602... Game on!
    Claire, I know you can do this easy. Sooooo I'm thinking you have to aim for 16,000:laugh:
    PS I will push you. Ok
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Beccy... Congrats on the gym membership! That's gonna be awesome! And sweet job making it under 280!

    Claire... Wow! Great progress! 30 lbs is a real milestone!!

    Hanna... I'm so jealous you have the Zumba DVDs! I absolutely love Zumba! I feel like no one in my class actually sweats from it though. Only me and one other woman bring towels to dry ourselves off. :laugh:

    Courtney... Those minutes are really flying by (at least on my end)! :wink:
    Jellyfishjen had a great idea... to work out how many calories were burned in March and then try and beat it in April by 10% Well I have worked out that I burned 14,184 calories in the month of March... 10% of that is 1418 so in April I need to burn 15,602... Game on!
    Oh, I love that!!I feel like I worked out a lot in March, so it would be a great challenge to try and beat it. My March calories burnt were 13163! I know this is over guessing because I didn't have a HRM for most of March, so I will try and beat this number.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Steph you are funny, but right they are flying by.

    I love that you guys are tryign to beat your cals form teh previous month. i will have to take a look at mine.

    No yoga for me today had to go buy a weddign shoer gift afterwork than had dinner with hubby. Did 60 min of treadmill incline intervals instead. 275 min down 15 left. probably won't work out tomorrow b/c of teh shower 2 hours away. I plan to shred on Sunday to meat my goal or maybe a yoga video well see. have a great weekend!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Jellyfishjen had a great idea... to work out how many calories were burned in March and then try and beat it in April by 10% Well I have worked out that I burned 14,184 calories in the month of March... 10% of that is 1418 so in April I need to burn 15,602... Game on!
    Claire, I know you can do this easy. Sooooo I'm thinking you have to aim for 16,000:laugh:
    PS I will push you. Ok

    Wow Jen! You crazy lady! I'll give it a go! It averages out at 533.3333333333333333333333 cals a day! Hurry Mr Postie and bring my Zumba game! Think I'm going to need it!!!

    I'm off to see Kylie - I'll give her all your regards! Will try and keep up with you all this weekend - have a good one!

  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am up for the calorie burn challenge!! I burned 11,985 in March so need to increase that by 1,198.5 (don't know how to burn 1/2 calories though...lol). so that makes my goal for this month 13,184....and away we go!!
  • Jellyfishjen had a great idea... to work out how many calories were burned in March and then try and beat it in April by 10% Well I have worked out that I burned 14,184 calories in the month of March... 10% of that is 1418 so in April I need to burn 15,602... Game on!
    Claire, I know you can do this easy. Sooooo I'm thinking you have to aim for 16,000:laugh:
    PS I will push you. Ok

    I'm in for this one too... im a little ashamed to say i only burned 11069 in March :embarassed: and with an extra 10 percent that will be 12176 calories, but since we are rounding up i'll give 13000 my best shot. That is an average of 434 calories per day. Cant be too hard, right?

    As for my marathon challenge i'm officially screwed. I think i'll aim for 500 calories burned every day next week instead. Unless we will have a challenge that is for the entire group? What do you guys say? :happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I think i'll aim for 500 calories burned every day next week instead. Unless we will have a challenge that is for the entire group? What do you guys say? :happy:
    That's a lot like another challenge I'm already doing with one of my MFP friends, so I'll be right there with you Hanna!
  • I think i'll aim for 500 calories burned every day next week instead. Unless we will have a challenge that is for the entire group? What do you guys say? :happy:
    That's a lot like another challenge I'm already doing with one of my MFP friends, so I'll be right there with you Hanna!

    Nice to have company, even though i dont think we are alone ;) and burning 500/day will give room for me to take a day off or getting sick in my April challenge. THAT is good to have a calorie reserve :D
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    just stopping by to check in! i may have spoiled this week's weight loss by drinking 6 (YES, SIX) beers yesterday evening! i felt the effects this morning that's for sure. i've been trying to down water like crazy! i worked out Thursday but not Friday and have been cleaning and walking this morning, going to go do some Wii fit in a bit. hope everyone is doing well!

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok I'm in. 500 calories burn a day this week. I think that is a great way to start burning our April calories.

    I have already whinged about this to Hanna, but I guess its sort of funny. With my new treadmill, I have been enjoying walking. I am a slow walker I know this and its good having the treadmill as it can make me walk at a better pace. So last night I did a good solid 40min at 5km/hr. Came ang logged it and thought woo hoo, I have enough calories to now put noodles with my stirfry. Enjoyed my meal and was completing my diary, when it finally occurred to me that on here the walks are in miles/hour. Big difference. 5km = 3miles :explode: Not as many calories but I had already eaten them. Converting weights and measures all the time can be a real pain. If only using the brain burnt calories.

    calliope, so long as you enjoyed the beers, we all have to live now and then. Join us on 500 calories burn a day, and they will soon be a distant memory.:drinker:

    Reminder... for anyone who wants to join in. Burn 10% more calories for April than you did in March. :bigsmile: Work it Ladies.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I'll join the 500 calorie a day burn for this next week. With TOM lurking around nearby I can use all the calorie burn I can get to defeat the bloat.

    Now if the weather would just cooperate so I could go walk....today has been nothing but rain and hail.
  • Yeah converting kilometres to miles, kilos to pounds, decilitres of water into cups is a real pain. I'm just glad I'm not alone on that one. Things take so much longer when you have to think about what you do. Anyway my Monday weight is now official (no its not Monday, not even here in little Sweden but to keep me off the scale during the week I use my Sunday weight) 96.1 kilos or 211.4 pounds. Feels good, but knowing it's mostly the gain from Tom that I've lost I'm not too happy about it. With 500 calories to burn every day this week i hope the scale will be moving a bit more. I now have 1.1 kilo to lose in 13 days... I should be able to make it! Come on ladies, burn, burn, burn!!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Well I am going to try and do the 500 a day challenge! I had a HORRIBLE day yesterday. I binged for the first time in ages. Over the last three or four weeks I have had it completely under control but yesterday I must have had at least 5000 calories. I know that B.E.D is something that is going to stay with me for my whole life and once day out of weeks is actually pretty good going but I stepped on the scale and it's up already. I am going to eat doubly well this week and am about to hit the gym to make up for it. Urgh.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Poorcopies - You sound as though you're dealing with your binge, you've accepted that it's happened and you're still here, and moving onwards. Well done you.

    Claire - Hope you were well enough to enjoy Kylie. x

    I was all up for the increase your burn by 10%, but I'm not sure I could do it ... I did a few triathlons in March, and they burn a fair bit! My total burn was 16970 for March! That's 547.4 Kcal per day! I'm amazed that I never succeeded with the 3500 a week challenges, obviously consistently chose the wrong weeks! I'm just going to aim to burn the same this month, which puts me at burning 566 Kcal per day.

    Not done great with my challenge to increase my distances, Bike and swim was achieved, but then I've done 3 days of running 5km (ish). I just took my trainers and went for runs over the weekend, which fitted in well with Granny and Granddad watching the hot air balloons with small children, but my aim was to run 8km each run. So I'm keeping that target again this week.

    Right, bed time here, weigh day tomorrow .... tom is on the horizon, so fingers crossed for a good one.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well I may have over done it but I managed to do 560 mins of exercise this past week. 9hrs 20min (I think, another conversion to do). So happy with that, well very happy, be even happier if it shows on the scales tomorrow. I know I have at least 5 days in April when it may be hard to get to exercise. I will really try and do 500 calories a day this week. (2 problem days but hope to work around that).

    Hanna you should be pleased with the loss, TOM, is part of life and It could have stayed on but you took it off.

    Yeah Rach, I think you do plenty of calorie burning without adding 10%. But I know I could do better, so am pushing myself. I am hoping to do the Mothers Day Classic Run/Walk. I think its 8km. Which is a challenge for me to walk I hope to do it in under 2.5hrs.

    Tami, glad you are doing the 500 burn too.

    Poorcopies, we all have our bad days or binges, it's how we pick ourselves up afterwards that counts. You will drop that extra weight quickly enough.

    Claire, hope you enjoyed your weekend away before you got sick and recover quickly.

    Katie, How was Sydney? Hope you enjoyed it. But its now back to work, dearie.

    V, how is the house hunting?

    And to everyone else you are not forgotten,Calliope, Steph, Courtney, Alaina, Sarah, Cheryl, Queenie and if I have forgotten you I'm sorry. But post more then I will get to know you better.

    Ok Ladies, a new week is about to begin. We can make this week whatever we want, positive, recovery, busy, restful, whatever, just remember, you will only get to live this week, once. Make it memorable. :wink:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    62.7 / 70 km --> I just need a few minutes on the bike to reach that goal. :smile:

    Edit: Oh! And I've almost burnt 1000 calories in 2 days! Yesterday made up for my slow Friday. Today, I'll be out, but Zumba should make up for it on Monday... :bigsmile:
    Converting weights and measures all the time can be a real pain. If only using the brain burnt calories.
    Who uses their brain?
    My favourite:
    http://www.wbuf.noaa.gov/tempfc.htm :laugh: :laugh:
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