Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • This sounds like a fun challenge and I can alwways use motivation....

    CW- 257.8
    GW 245

    My personal challenge for this week will be to have a fresh fruit or veggie with every meal and to go to the gym at least 5 times.

    I actually want to modify this....
    CW- 257.8
    challenge GW- 240
  • Interesting fact - I HATE needles, but LOVE tattoos

    Hi Sarah and welcome to the group! Everyone is so lovely and supportive here :)

    I am EXACTLY the same!! I freak out whenever i have to get a needle at the Dr, but i like the pain from getting a tattoo! Mind you, i only have 2, but i definitely want more. I have one on my ribs and one on my foot, and i have been told they are the most painful places to get one, so i figure if i survived those 2 then i should be right with any more that i get haha!

    How many do you have?

    Currently I have 3, but will DEFINITELY be getting more. I have one on my lower back, one on my ankle and one at the base of my neck.
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Hi All

    My weekly challenge is to make snack box's and home made kunches everyday, so I don't get caught out with hungry grabs during the week.
    Also do 5 hours of exercise and 1.5 litres of water a day min.

  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I have not weighed in yet for Monday morning as it is 2am here and I have yet to go to bed so I will weigh in when I get up and post it then. I have a feeling it is a higher number than my weight on Wednesday at the close of our last challenge as I have been fluctuating with two stupid pounds that I just cannot seem to shake off. I am really hoping this plateau does not last long.

    My personal goals this week are:
    ~ exercise 5 days this week
    ~ do 5 different exercises
    ~ drink at least 96 oz of water
    ~ eat all the food on my hcg protocol - no skipping any meals this week
    ~ drink at least one cup of tea daily

    My goal for the 12 week challenge is to be down to 298 pounds (my weight before my pregnancy with my daughter 16 years ago). This would put me down the the lowest weight I have been since 1994. That would be about a 42 pound loss for this challenge. If I can over this dang hump I am stuck on this should be do-able (3.5 pounds per week). We shall see!!


    Name - Tami
    Location - Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (U.S.A.)
    CW - 341
    GW for this challenge - 298
    GW - 135
    Workouts - Walking, aerobics, wii Fit Plus
    Food facts - I am allergic to shellfish and I absolutely HATE mushrooms
    Interesting fact - I am of Norwegian descent and am in the group "Daughters of Norway", but I absolutely despise eating fish (the main staple of Norwegians)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Tami, You have certainly set yourself a high goal. Give it your best shot. You have my full support. I am aiming for a pound a week. I have to ask, what is hcg?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Name: Claire
    Location: Wales
    CW: was 275.6 last wednesday -
    GW: would like to be a UK16 at the most - that's my starting goal... So probably around 160-180lbs?
    Work outs - I try and get to the gym 3 times a week, I do EA Sports Active 2, swimming, 30DS, and like going to walks with my OH and the kids
    Food facts - I can't live without crunchy peanut butter and houmous (not together of course!)
    Interesting fact - I'm a welsh speaker...

    Haven't managed to weigh in today as overslept and was in a rush to get DS to school... Then I ate breakfast and went to the gym so will weigh in tomorrow morning for the challenge - Sorry :blushing: :blushing:

    My goal for this week is to try and exercise every day to make up for probably not being able to exercise on the weekend as I'm away.. Will try and do at least 45 mins a day... Oh and water - drink plenty of water too...

    TOM is rearing it's ugly head so I have no idea how I'll do this week... Feel awful if I don't lose but there we go!

    I'll post my challenge goal weight tomorrow once I know my start weight for the challenge but I'm aiming for a 2lb a week loss so will be around the 251lbs mark by June...

    Sorry to be such a crap secretary in the first week!!

    OOO a couple of notes...

    VezNo1 - I need a goal weight please!

    Calliope-music - Need a goal weight please!

    And for anyone who gave me their weights in kg I have converted them into lbs for the purpose of the challenge - it's just easier for me to keep track of in the spreadsheet i'll be preparing...
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Everyone! Hey Claire, do you make your own hummus? Made some last night for first time-it was delicious-never buying store bought again!

    Name : Cheryl
    Location : High River, Alberta, Canada
    CW : 127 lbs
    GW for this challenge : 120 lbs
    GW : 118 lbs
    Workouts : Jillian Michaels "ripped in 30 days", weight training, running
    Food facts : eight weeks now of clean eating, love it!
    Interesting fact: this Friday is my weigh in day for Fitness Challenge. Started Feb1 ( SW 141.6 lbs) am competing with 24 other peeps, wish me luck!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hi Everyone! Hey Claire, do you make your own hummus? Made some last night for first time-it was delicious-never buying store bought again!

    Name : Cheryl
    Location : High River, Alberta, Canada
    CW : 127 lbs
    GW for this challenge : 120 lbs
    GW : 118 lbs
    Workouts : Jillian Michaels "ripped in 30 days", weight training, running
    Food facts : eight weeks now of clean eating, love it!
    Interesting fact: this Friday is my weigh in day for Fitness Challenge. Started Feb1 ( SW 141.6 lbs) am competing with 24 other peeps, wish me luck!

    Hi Cheryl! Welcome to the challenge!

    I tried to make my own houmous once and it was vile! Could you send me your recipe?!!

    Good luck with your fitness challenge weigh in too!

  • Oh my! So many new people, gonna have a hard time keeping track of everyone and everything but I'll give it my very best and a big WELCOME to all of you. So here comes the facts about me:

    Name: Hanna (no h in the end :))

    Location: Norrköping, Sweden

    CW: 214.7

    GW for this challenge: 195

    GW: 150

    Workouts: I walk as much as i can. Not employed at the moment so i cannot afford a gym membership, but as soon as I get my money - I'll try to figure out which one I wanna join. Also have to try to throw in some exercise DVDs just to mix things up a bit.

    Food facts: Hmm, I like almost everything. Recently I've gotten interested in old Swedish foods. So maybe I'll try to experiment a little soon :D

    Interesting fact: I collected snails as a kid lol... Never tried to eat them though
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Name - Courtney Virginia (USA)
    CW- 219.4
    GW for this challenge- 199lbs
    GW- 150
    Workouts- treadmill incline intervals, hi/low aerobics class, zumba, aqua aerobics, yoga, sculpt calss, 30 day shred video and a I lvoe to walk outside when teh weather is nice.
    Food facts- I still eat fast food. I love french fries. But uasually I opt for a chicken and strips salad at chick-fil-a. Life is not complete w/o chick-fil-a
    Interesting fact - I am under contract on a new house (Is painting considered cardio?) And we are trying to get pregnant. So keep your fingers corssed.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    So my beginning weight for this challenge is 340.4 (1/8 of a pound heavier than my weight on Wed at the end of our last challenge). My goal for this 12 week challenge is to be down to 298 (42.4 pounds). I will give it my best shot. I know I can do it if I get past this plateau that I am on. Hopefully the pounds get moving again soon!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hi Jenni ~ hcg is a hormone based weight loss program. It is taken 3 times a day with a very restricted 500 calorie diet. It is said that women average a loss of 1 pound a week and men 2 pounds a week. I love it, but after losing 3o pounds on my own prior to starting the hcg I seem to have reached a plateau and I thought this would kick it back into gear, but so far it hasn't. I am at a standstill (fluctuating between 2 pounds). Once it gets moving the scale downward again I know I will drop quickly. My husband is doing the hcg with me and has lost 28 pounds in 17 days.
  • Hi Jenni ~ hcg is a hormone based weight loss program. It is taken 3 times a day with a very restricted 500 calorie diet. It is said that women average a loss of 1 pound a week and men 2 pounds a week. I love it, but after losing 3o pounds on my own prior to starting the hcg I seem to have reached a plateau and I thought this would kick it back into gear, but so far it hasn't. I am at a standstill (fluctuating between 2 pounds). Once it gets moving the scale downward again I know I will drop quickly. My husband is doing the hcg with me and has lost 28 pounds in 17 days.

    Wow! that is an enormous amount of weight lost! Hope you'll get off that plateau soon.. sucks to be stuck!!
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    Ok, so my weigh in for the beginning of this one is 249.6. :grumble: I actually gained 2 lbs (darn cookie cake!!) but oh well, it's going to come off again. Anyway, my goal for this challenge is 225 lbs. And my mini challenge for the week is to burn 3500 calories. I'm doing good so far, burned a little over 900 today at the gym! :happy:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    As i weigh on Friday that can be my starting weight. My goal for this week is to burn 3500 calories. Determined to do it this time!

    Started my new job today, it went well! Decent kitchen facilities so can take my own lunches, yay!
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Hello fellow friends :)

    So my challenge this week was to exercise for an hour each day!
    Yesterday i did my hour, and i have already completed my hour today, but have been asked to go for a walk with a friend this afternoon which will be great! So hopefully i might be able to log around 2 hours today :)

    I spoke to my friend who i am going to Sydney with this weekend and he mentioned we will be walking EVERYWHERE cause their apartment is right in the city, so that is awesome! I won't feel so guilty about all the food and alcohol i will be consuming and should definitely be able to ace the challenge this week!!

    Very excited :)
    Hope you are all having a great day!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    CherylYMerritt... Congrats on all that you've done so far! 8 weeks of clean eating! Wow!
    oooh, I really like everyone having their own challenges, it's helping me to think of what I could/ need to change! Love the move more than 70km challenge Steph, that's about what I'm going for too!
    Great! Let's do it!!
    I am EXACTLY the same!! I freak out whenever i have to get a needle at the Dr, but i like the pain from getting a tattoo! Mind you, i only have 2, but i definitely want more. I have one on my ribs and one on my foot, and i have been told they are the most painful places to get one, so i figure if i survived those 2 then i should be right with any more that i get haha!

    How many do you have?

    Currently I have 3, but will DEFINITELY be getting more. I have one on my lower back, one on my ankle and one at the base of my neck.
    I really want to get a tattoo (or several), but my sister tells me I'll just wuss out. :laugh: I love the way they look though. I have so many ideas for them.
    Interesting fact: I collected snails as a kid lol... Never tried to eat them though
    Me too. One time a friend and I brought tons of them into our porch in a bucket, and they all climbed out and went all over the place! :happy:
    Hi Jenni ~ hcg is a hormone based weight loss program. It is taken 3 times a day with a very restricted 500 calorie diet. It is said that women average a loss of 1 pound a week and men 2 pounds a week. I love it, but after losing 3o pounds on my own prior to starting the hcg I seem to have reached a plateau and I thought this would kick it back into gear, but so far it hasn't. I am at a standstill (fluctuating between 2 pounds). Once it gets moving the scale downward again I know I will drop quickly. My husband is doing the hcg with me and has lost 28 pounds in 17 days.
    Good luck! I've read a lot about it, and was considering the program until I heard there are shots involved (which is ironic if you read my tattoo post above). It's pretty extreme.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Okay I posted wrong information about the hcg diet....I said 1 pound a week and it should be 1 pound a day for women and 2 pounds a day for men that is expected weight loss....sorry for the error. And as you can see by my hubby's weight loss it is pretty much accurate. Anyway, I am not doing the shots I am doing the drops. The shots are WAY too expensive. I've read both good and bad about it, but am doing it under doctor recommendation and his watchful eye.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Right... Through bleary eyes and in between my son being sick into a bucket I managed to weigh myself... And I've put on since Wednesday (no surprise there)...
    My starting weight for this challenge is 276.2lbs. (0.8lbs gain)
    So my goal weight in 12 weeks is 252 lbs... That's a 2lb per week loss... Fingers crossed eh!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Anyway, I am not doing the shots I am doing the drops. The shots are WAY too expensive. I've read both good and bad about it, but am doing it under doctor recommendation and his watchful eye.
    Thank goodness!! I approve then! :drinker: You and your doctor know what's best. :wink: Best wishes!
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