Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello fellow friends :)

    So my challenge this week was to exercise for an hour each day!
    Yesterday i did my hour, and i have already completed my hour today, but have been asked to go for a walk with a friend this afternoon which will be great! So hopefully i might be able to log around 2 hours today :)

    I spoke to my friend who i am going to Sydney with this weekend and he mentioned we will be walking EVERYWHERE cause their apartment is right in the city, so that is awesome! I won't feel so guilty about all the food and alcohol i will be consuming and should definitely be able to ace the challenge this week!!

    Very excited :)
    Hope you are all having a great day!!

    Great JOb So far! Keep up teh good work :)

    Keep up teh good work everyone.

    No exercise for me yeaterday for my 300 min challenge. I was filling out financial aid forms with my step son. Have a double work out planned today. 45 min yoga and 45 min aqua aerobics :)
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Hi Team

    Claire my GW for 12 weeks time is..........drum roll..........205lbs - symbol smash!

    I'm moving house so the stress should help me burn a couple of pounds on route and I'm moving in with a friend who has dramatically changed his eating habits, so we'll be a beans, quinoa and pulses household!!! Oh and plenty wine to resist, but nobody's perfect!!

    BTW for those I have not met on here I'm Verity and when get a mo I'll add you as pals so I can see you updates and fabulous progress!

    My challenge this week is to stay practical and focused, amidst a sea of hassle and searching for a new home!!

    Good luck all.

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Courtney - Yoga and aquarobics, love it. Some days I love exercise and wish I had more time and energy to do all the different types.

    Verity - Moving ugh.. I have lost count how many places I have lived in. Its about 19. Raised by a single mum, can you imagine how outrageous that was 35 years ago and she was like a gypsy. And then I married a soldier, and we were moved every 2 or 3 years.

    Claire - the joys of mother hood.

    How is everyone going with their personnal goals? I have managed 3 1/2 hours of exercise so far. But its a bit uneven as I do a lot on the days I can and then none on some.

    Got doctors report today, and my diabeties is under control. No medication and if I keep going the way I am should delay that happening for at least 3 to 5 years.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Nice work keeping the diabetes under control Jenn.

    I'm doing pretty good on my challenge, MOnday ran 7.5km, Tues biked 29km, today swam 1.4km .... tomorrow I will run again, as I'm too busy to run on Friday, hopefully I'll be able to manage a bit more than 7.5km, I'm working up to that 10km ... slowly getting there, but I still don't really 'enjoy' running.

    Hope we're all doing good.

    We're off to see the hot air balloons this weekend with Granny and Grandad, the kids will LOVE it .... so hopefully I'll be able to fit a bit of exercise into that ... might have to take my bike!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    V- Good luck with the house hunt. It can be super taxing. (I'm waiting on closing day)

    Jenni - I can't ive w/o my yoga. You are dojg a great job exercising and I'm so happy to hear your doctors apt went well.

    Rach - Great job gettign that body moving and good luck gettign to that 10K. Antd teh hot air baloons sound like so much fun :)

    I did my planned exercise last night 45 min yoga nad 45 min aqua class. 90 MIn down 210 to go. I have 45 min zumba class planned tonight. I hope to get to teh gym early and do 15 min on teh readmill for an even 60 tonight.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hello peeps!

    I've just finished the spreadsheet... The link for you to see it is


    If you see anything that's incorrect then let me know...

    Not doing to badly with my mini challenge though haven't had time for 30ds today... Will do it tomorrow before I go on a walk (around some shops) with a friend!

    Drinking water is going well though.. We shall see how it goes on Monday I guess!
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Thursday!!!

    So far this week, i have managed 4 hours of exercise, only 3 more to go and hopefully i can manage that with my weekend away. I am pretty sure all the walking and (hopefully) dancing we will do will be more than enough...
    Although all the eating and drinking we will also be doing makes me a bit nervous! Hopefully i don't put on too much come Monday...
    I was hoping to be 5kgs down by today, but managed 4.9kgs! So frustrating!! Why couldn't the scales just have given me that last 100grams haha!!
    Oh well :)

    I am just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to be going home tonight to see my bestie Haley and then road tripping tomorrow with Haley and my old house mate DJ!! Two of my favourites!! You do not know how happy they make me!! And i cannot wait to spend a WHOLE weekend with them!
    Makes me wonder why the hell i moved over 3 hours away from them last year haha!! :(

    Hope everyone is having an amazing week!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well done Katie with your 4 hours of exercise. I'm 10 mins short of 4 hours. Just did Day 3 or 4 of 30 day shred. 4 days if I count yesterday as 2 days when I did 2 sessions of it.
    Interesting numbers I aim to improve on. I just worked out that for the month of March I had 9 days of no exercise, but I burnt 12,392 calories for the month. Will improve on that for the month of April, less days off and more calories burnt.
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Well done Katie with your 4 hours of exercise. I'm 10 mins short of 4 hours. Just did Day 3 or 4 of 30 day shred. 4 days if I count yesterday as 2 days when I did 2 sessions of it.
    Interesting numbers I aim to improve on. I just worked out that for the month of March I had 9 days of no exercise, but I burnt 12,392 calories for the month. Will improve on that for the month of April, less days off and more calories burnt.

    You are going so well Jen, you are truely motivating!!! I don't think i would have survived on this site without you!

    Am almost ready to leave work for the week, i cannot wait to head to Sydney tomorrow!!!
    You have a super weekend, and i look forward to seeing if we have all managed to stick with our challenges!
    I will try and check in on my phone over the weekend, but sometimes when i do it on weekends it doesn't work, so i will see what happens haha!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well done Katie with your 4 hours of exercise. I'm 10 mins short of 4 hours. Just did Day 3 or 4 of 30 day shred. 4 days if I count yesterday as 2 days when I did 2 sessions of it.
    Interesting numbers I aim to improve on. I just worked out that for the month of March I had 9 days of no exercise, but I burnt 12,392 calories for the month. Will improve on that for the month of April, less days off and more calories burnt.

    You are going so well Jen, you are truely motivating!!! I don't think i would have survived on this site without you!

    Am almost ready to leave work for the week, i cannot wait to head to Sydney tomorrow!!!
    You have a super weekend, and i look forward to seeing if we have all managed to stick with our challenges!
    I will try and check in on my phone over the weekend, but sometimes when i do it on weekends it doesn't work, so i will see what happens haha!
    Have a great time in the city Katie. I could be in there myself this weekend, expecting family and not sure what they want to do. My daughter is working at Sydney Dance Company, friday night and all day Saturday. (Pier 4 Hickson road, Walsh bay or some call it The Rocks.) Pop in and do a class. Stretch, ballet, tap, hiphop, jazz ....
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I think I'm doing well so far, but I haven't had a chance to add up my mileage yet. :blushing: I'll have to do it later today.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Clair, good for you with the water. don't worry about today just pick up teh shreddign tomorrow.

    Katie, Great job so far. I'm sure you'll get your &hrs in. Have tons of fun with haley.

    Jenni - keep up the good work you are awesoem!

    Steph, - i'm sure you are doing great. i can't wait to see how many miles you have done.

    AFM- 60 min or treadmill incline intervals last night. 150 min down down and 150 min to go. Plan on 30 min of treadmill and 45 min of sculpt class tonight.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    No shred today - did an hour or so of Just Dance 2 at my friends house... Was wicked fun and a good burn for 2 girls just messing about!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    No shred today - did an hour or so of Just Dance 2 at my friends house... Was wicked fun and a good burn for 2 girls just messing about!
    Thats how exercise should be....fun....
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    AFM- 60 min or treadmill incline intervals last night. 150 min down down and 150 min to go. Plan on 30 min of treadmill and 45 min of sculpt class tonight.
    Wow great exercise....enjoy...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Finally added it up: 53.7 / 70 km. Maybe I put out a number that was too low... It was that really long bike session that I had the other day. :happy:
    AFM- 60 min or treadmill incline intervals last night. 150 min down down and 150 min to go. Plan on 30 min of treadmill and 45 min of sculpt class tonight.
    Wow! Amazing. Half way!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    well i'm crap at posting, that's for sure. my week has been very busy and today was a craptastic day so i figured i should hop on MFP for support :) i weighed in at 295 this morning (YAY) so already 2 lbs lost. some of it may be water though. if i'm 295 or under on Sunday, weigh-in day, i get new workout clothes!

    doing well with my water goal. i've had quite a bit today.

    glad to see you're all doing well!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey ladies! I have been super busy with my new job and the like. Weighed in this morning, 1.5 off so officially under 280 by April the 1st! Woo hoo! Joined the gym yesterday so hopefully so good burns coming with that!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok so after having a few low hours, with the support and love from my fellow MFPers's. I worked hard physically and mentally. I have now done 20 mins on Jillian Michals DVD, 40 mins on the treadmill and 30 mins on the stationary bike. If nothing else too exhausted now to feel low. :laugh: I am determined to better my calories burned for the month of March by at least 10% I am aiming for that nice figure of 15,000 calories. (13,631 would do it but hey lets go way out).
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Jenni - I'm so glad you're feeling better about things... You rock and are an inspiration to me to keep going...

    Becci - Glad the job is going well - Great news on the loss! That's fantastic! You'll love the gym too I bet!

    I've put in my weight loss today as I'm sure as heck I'll put on over the weekend so I'm just giving myself a bit extra time to get it off though I'll still post Monday's weight - I never know I might surprise myself!

    I'm at 272.6lbs.... So I've now lost a total of 30.4lbs! Woo hoo! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'm off to see Kylie in Manchester and will try to be good but will take it as it comes! xx
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