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Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member

    That's just to summarise how I'm feeling. I had planned to do some exercise yesterday, but only managed half my Denise Austin DVD .... too much work to do ... reports to write, lessons to plan etc. I had decided I'd do it again once I'd finished doing my work, but that was at after 11pm. And I stood and thought about doing it, I almost got changed, but then I thought, I'm just too tired, and I could have cried, because it just made me think that this is so hard without Granny and Granddad here to look after the kids so I can exercise! And I really, really struggle to stay under my calories without the exercise, and I just felt like I couldn't do it ...

    My hubby suggested that part of the whole process is learning to deal with the fact that every day doesn't go to plan, and making tomorrow better. I did appreciate him saying that, and it has helped

    Anyway, I'm feeling more positive today. All my work is out of the way, and once the kids are asleep I'll do that Denise Austin DVD, then tomorrow I'm going to get up early and ride my bike, and I'll swim in the evening, and be back on track ...
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Blurghhhhh! Me too.

    Planned to do so much today. But just couldn't get moving. So took it as a rest day.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni - thanks for teh encouragement. Nothign is going well with teh house right now--UGH! My son (stepspon really) will be 19 may 23rd. This will be teh second attempt to take ou tteh wisdon teeth. The vicidan and novocane didn't work teh first time. he has to be knocked out Friday. Good luck on may 8th! You can do it!!!!!

    Clair - good goals for the week.and good luck with teh clean out.

    Rach - i feel lik ehtat sone days...a lot of days lately. But Hubby is right learing to deal with teh strees and rooling with the punchs is part of teh process. I think you are doign great!!! Glad you are better today.

    No exercise unless yo ucount running up and down the stiars a teh house walk through yesterday but I was under my cals. :)

    Keep up the good work everyone and have a great day!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey all! Hope you all had a good weekend, I was at the Battersea street party, we got filmed quite a lot as we were at the front of the crowd as my friend had her baby and the pushchair so we didn't go in the crowd. Then after that we went to Shoreditch to another street party and had some drinks and then I went to a party. So much fun! Some photos!

    This is me and my friend Libby:


    Partying it up in London:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Looks like you had a great time Becci! And looking so pretty!! :smooched:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Awww thanks Claire! I am paying for it though, had a weigh in and put on a couple of pounds, eeek! Need to shift those quick smart! I might not eat back my exercise calories for the rest of the week, it can't hurt if its just for a couple of days, can it? Either way, I don't think I am going to change my weight loss counter until I lose again, is that cheating? I just can't bear the demotivation of seeing it go back up again, I think it will send me the other way and make me binge more!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Awww thanks Claire! I am paying for it though, had a weigh in and put on a couple of pounds, eeek! Need to shift those quick smart! I might not eat back my exercise calories for the rest of the week, it can't hurt if its just for a couple of days, can it? Either way, I don't think I am going to change my weight loss counter until I lose again, is that cheating? I just can't bear the demotivation of seeing it go back up again, I think it will send me the other way and make me binge more!

    I'm the same - i'm not adding my 5lbs back on! Hell no!! And I'm the same with the exercise cals... I'll eat them if I'm hungry but just going to save them as a buffer and just eat well this week... TOM arrived today so I'm hoping that some of it is water weight and by Friday some of it at least should have shifted!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Becci. Thanks for sharing your photos and fun time. It looks like you would have had a wonderful time. You look great in the photos.
  • Becci - That looks like so much fun. And you are so pretty!!! No problem with the exercise cals... just don't stay away from food when you are hungry!

    I am starting to think I might not log the weight when I gain (cause it will happen again) but it just hit me that if I don't log it there will be a problem when I exercise with the wrong amount of burned cals and also with the food. Not much, but still... I weighed this morning and it showed a loss of .5 kg but I don't wanna log it if it was just fluctuation... I'll wait and see till Sunday. Guess that is as bad as not logging the gained weight... Can't do too much damage!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I log my weight gains. It helps me to try and work harder. Also when I look back I can see a pattern and that may help me to make changes.
    Hope you are all having a lovely week. Work hard, eat well and rest easy.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I have signed up for bootcamp ... starts 5.45am tomorrow ... that's what time I have to be there, so I'm going to be out of bed by 5.15am ... eeek!! Going to be every tues, thurs and saturday for the next 4 weeks ... wish me luck!

    Becci, that looks like such fun! And you do look lovely, love your rings x
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Blimey Rach! That's some dedication! Good luck with it...

    I guess I should really log my weight gain... S'pose it is cheating really... I'll weigh in on Friday and whatever that is I'll log.... Promise...

    Just done my kettleworx for this week and have signed up to boxercise class on Friday... Hopefully I'll still be able to move on Firday after my class today!

    Had a yummy lunch though - Falafel with salad and yoghurt and mint dressing... Yum yum! Wouldn't have been able to have 10 falafel if it were not for the kettleworx class! Woo hoo!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Rach, Boot camp sounds exciting. It will be great for you, hard, but I'm sure it will make you feel strong. Tell us all about it.

    Claire, isn't it great how we have been re trained, to eat we must exercise. I need my exercise calories. Although I am starting to think that if MFP over estimates the calories burned and I eat them, hence no or little weight loss.

    Bought new clothes today had too, now size 18. It is so expensive losing weight. Buying clothes. I bought 2 trousers, 3 tops and 1 cardigan. Sale on so all for $115. Will make that do for the winter. I have also a good going out outfit. It will be worn to all occasions. I just need a new pair of shoes.

    Tami where are you?
    Has anyone heard from Tami since her graduation?
  • Rach - Boot camp sound like so much fun! Like Jenni said, we want to hear all about it!

    Jenni - Congrats to new clothes! yes it is expensive, but it is a journey all worth it.

    I really need a new wardrobe. Will go shopping in June I think. I think I'll take a long weekend to a city in Europe. It doesn't cost much to fly and spending some nights at a hostel isn't too expensive either. I really wanna go back to London, but it would be nice to see something new. Maybe France or Spain... Have to think about that! :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Actually no - haven't heard from Tami... Very odd... Hope she's ok...

    I'm trying to avoid buying new clothes - getting a lot of things in charity shops or it our local catalogue clearance shop too - and generally have bought a size less than I am - incentive see!

    Failing that I'm just wearing leggings a lot!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Boot camp was AWESOME! A really nice group of about 20 ladies, and the trainer is motivating and firm, but not evil!!

    Today we focussed on 'legs'. We were outside in a local shopping mall car park! Someone was late and so we all had to do 20 pushups! Then we had different 'stations', so we kind of went for a run, then stopped in a random place (obviously the trainer had preplanned the stopping places) and we did 40 squats, ran to next station then 40 sumo squats, ran to next station then 80 lunges and so on, all the station stops were leg work including running up some steps in a car park!! For the running we did 30 seconds running normal pace, then 30 seconds running as fast as you can, we also randomly stopped to do plank holds, pushups, pushups where you stand up inbetween each one (they had a name, but I can't remember!!). Then to finish we played a game, the tag game where you do head down dog if you get tagged and then someone unfreezes you by going underneath you. My kids play it, that was such a laugh!! The whole thing was challenging, and my legs ache now, but I came away feeling really good! Our saturday session is in a local park, which has lots of native bush walks.

    It's such a bargain too, $20 per week (about 10 of your english pounds), there are 3 sessions each week. This week she's also organised us all a talk with a nutritionist, at no extra charge, and a spinning class on Friday, again no extra charge!

    leggings is a very good idea Claire!

    Jenn - that is some real bargain shopping well done. I'm saving up my 'weight watchers' money, and I'm going to spend it on new clothes! I would have been paying $20 a week to weight watchers with without you lovely losers to support me, as of next week I'll have $300 to spend on ME!! May wait until I'm down another size, my size 16 clothes fit really nicely now, once I'm into size 14 I'll spend it! I was also thinking that I'd just buy second hand stuff off trademe (NZ ebay). And I totally agree with the brain re-train on the exercise to eat, last night I really wanted a mini magnum, but didn't have enough calories (because I baked flapjack and had been eating it!), so I went out to the garage and skipped until I'd burnt enough, then I ate it!!!

    Hope Tami is all good. Thinking of you Tami, hope the graduation went well. x
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I jumped on the scale this morning.... Didn't want to not log my weight so was ready for the outcome of the gain... And it wasn't a gain! I now weigh exactly what I weighed before my scale amnesty! 266.6lbs!! How random is that! I'm pretty happy as it's a bit like my little break didn't really happen (although I know I'd be about 5lbs down had I not had my holidays but hey ho!)

    Aching muchly after my kettleworx yesterday but as Hanna said - pain is good! Just hope I'll be able to walk up the stairs to the dance studio for boxercise tomorrow!!!

    Rach - your boot camp sounds brilliant! Wish there was something like that here!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Yay! That's great news Claire, you're back here and carrying on and that's the main thing I reckon. Good job. The break may actually do you good, must be hard for our bodies all this losing weight business ...

    I have been reading about sugar. A while ago I mentioned to my husband that I was ALWAYS over on my sugar, that's still the case. Even if I don't have any sweet treats I'm still a bit over. With sweet treats I generally end up having about 50% more than MFP recommends ...

    He sent me this link to read:

    there's a you tube video in the first paragraph which is about 1.5 hours long. I watched it today and it made me cry as it seems such an avoidable tragedy! So, I'm a total sugar addict. I exercise mainly so I can have the sweet treats, my intake from meals doesn't change much at all each day, if I exercise more I generally eat more sweet snacks. I don't think I could cut out the sweet stuff completely, but over the next few weeks I'm planning to work on cutting back my sugar. Like a pro dieter, I firstly have to eat all the treats I have in the house, that will most likely take me a week or two ... then I'm thinking I'm just going to have a bar of dark chocolate, no more sweet treats, no more mini magnums, no more ice cream ... sounds like hell to me, but in 2 weeks time I'm going to aim to stay within the sugar levels set by MFP!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Not tracking over the weekend was the worst idea ever, I have struggled all week to get back into it, haven't managed to go to the gym and I just went out on my lunch and binged like I have binged in weeks. I think it is because I weighed myself today and I am now 3lbs up from my last weigh in! I feel like bursting into tears to be honest.

    In a very bad place right now. Really don't want to undo all the good work I have done. Don't have the time to gym until Saturday either. HELP?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Not tracking over the weekend was the worst idea ever, I have struggled all week to get back into it, haven't managed to go to the gym and I just went out on my lunch and binged like I have binged in weeks. I think it is because I weighed myself today and I am now 3lbs up from my last weigh in! I feel like bursting into tears to be honest.

    In a very bad place right now. Really don't want to undo all the good work I have done. Don't have the time to gym until Saturday either. HELP?

    Ahhh hun - don't beat yourself up about it... I was the same after my 2 weeks of not logging - put about 5lbs on (if not more)... I weighed this morning and am surprisingly back to what I was the last time I logged my weight so it will come back off... You know where you've gone awry and so that's the first step back on it...

    When you binge - what do you binge on? Is there anything you could change so that you binge on something healthier? You're dealing with a sort of eating disorder so you can't be too hard on yourself and it's been ages since you had your last episode so that's a good thing no?

    Have you got any workout dvds you could do? If not, do you have sky as they have workouts on channel 282? Or check out youtube for something? Or just go for a walk?

    We're all here to support you chick - I was really awful for the last 2 weeks - BBQs, booze, lots of bread and crisps.... REALLY didn't want to get back into the gym as I knew I'd rather just be eating chocolate as TOM was knocking but just chucked myself into a kettleworx class...

    Have a good workout on saturday at the gym and take it from there... Get the fire lit again...

    Much love chick - you're not alone.. xxx:heart::heart: