Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Tami... amazing loss last week. Keep it up.

    sjc... great job with the 500+ cls yesterday

    poorcopies...that weight is all water it willbe gone in a few days watch teh sodium :)

    Becca welcome we are so happy to have you.

    Claire good luck with kettle works tonight.

    I met 2 or my 3 goals for teh day yesterday. I exercised, not as long as I like but I went to get my haircut last night and hubby isn't feelign well. I also was under my calorie goal by about 300..netted around 1400cals :). Didn't get to be by 11pm but I wasn't to late about 11:25. Feeling gloomy today. I've been super unhappy lately and I'm not sure why. Oh and I hate my haircut. Getting it cut again on friday or Saturday if i don't change my mind.

    I am super proud of everyone keep up the good work.
  • becca1282
    becca1282 Posts: 7 Member
    3500 calories burnt? In a week? -- sounds like a challenge! :D

    Fuhrmeister - you may be 'super unhappy' because of a lack of hormones etc...try some more exercies it releases feel-good endorphines and should make you feel more positive!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am happy to say that I am no longer in the "need to lose 200+ category". I have only 195 pounds to go instead of the 240 pounds I started with. It is still a HUGE amount to lose, but I am ecstatic with the progress thus far.

    This is brief as I need to get off here and go walk my mile and a half (increasing today from 1.2 miles to 1.6 miles). The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day so taking the dogs for a walk (first time walking the puppy on a leash so that should be fun). Gotta get going though as I work in an hr and half and want to get a good burn in first.

    Have a good day all.

    Calorie burn so far this week: Mon 632
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Well, my calorie burn today was rubbish! I just walked to / from work, which I think is barely 200 calories. Gym again tomorrow though, I was going to do some step when I got in, but I got waylaid trying to sell a load of stuff on Gumtree / Ebay.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Feeling good ~~ burned 1194 calories so far so in 2 days I have burned 1826 calories -- way more than the number of calories I eat now!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hello to Becca!
    Never too late to join! I'll add you to the spreadsheet... Weigh in is a monday but if you want to weigh on a different day that's fine - i'll just use that weight on a monday for the ss.. I'm Claire and I'm kinda the unofficial secretary!

    I've just got back from my first kettlebell workout... I was using a 4kg kettlebell - my god it hurt! next time I want a 2kg!!! Have already booked my place for the week after next as I'm away next week..

    Wow it was tough - but i REALLY enjoyed it... Got that buzz after it - probably will be paying for it tomorrow though!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Welcome Becca! I love this group, they are all so supportive.

    My challenges are to eat more fibre and to be in bed by 10.30pm. I'm doing good on the fibre ...

    I'm not doing so well on going to bed early, 11.30pm last night, which is earlier than usual, but then I also didn't get up for my run this morning ... just wanted to stay in bed! There's something very wrong with getting up before my kids get up!! It's all good as my inlaws are staying with us, so I can go for a run this afternoon, but soon they will be back in the UK and I'll have to fit in my exercise early in the morning. I think when I have to I'll do it ... hope so!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Missed you guys. It was lovely to get the extra work but am I tired. I did 9am to 4.30pm then back on 5.30pm to 10pm then train home, an hours trip so got in at 11.30pm to a very hungry cat. Got to bed after midnight then was up again at 5.30am (as well as 4am stupid cat), worked 9am to 5pm. Home 7pm. I am so so tired. Steph, you are right a lot of my weight issues could very well be related to not being well rested. I am a poor sleeper at the best of times.
    So no exercise, which is odd since I work at a dance studio, however sitting outside of the studio does not count as exercise, tried to walk up and down corridor as often as I could. Did however try to monitor my calories in, yesterday was good , today not so. Hope to sleep in tomorrow and then I work again tomorrow night.

    Welcome Becca nice to have you on board.

    Good luck to everyone doing the 500 calorie daily burn this week. You are all amazing.
  • Missed you guys. It was lovely to get the extra work but am I tired. I did 9am to 4.30pm then back on 5.30pm to 10pm then train home, an hours trip so got in at 11.30pm to a very hungry cat. Got to bed after midnight then was up again at 5.30am (as well as 4am stupid cat), worked 9am to 5pm. Home 7pm. I am so so tired. Steph, you are right a lot of my weight issues could very well be related to not being well rested. I am a poor sleeper at the best of times.
    So no exercise, which is odd since I work at a dance studio, however sitting outside of the studio does not count as exercise, tried to walk up and down corridor as often as I could. Did however try to monitor my calories in, yesterday was good , today not so. Hope to sleep in tomorrow and then I work again tomorrow night.

    Welcome Becca nice to have you on board.

    Good luck to everyone doing the 500 calorie daily burn this week. You are all amazing.

    Great to have you with us again!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good morning All!

    Becca - Ithanks for teh sugestion but I have exerceise more in the last 3 weeks that I ever have. I think I might actually be over doing it a little I'm taking a lighter but often approach this week to see how it works.

    poorcopies -any burn is a good burn. Don't get agnry with yourself. Just make today better.

    Tami - great only 195 left to lose. Keep up the good work you are awesome!

    Clair - I'm glad your work out was a sucess.

    Jen - working extra can be tough. I have worked 6 6day weeks in teh last 2 months I'm exhausted. i bet you are too. Try to rest up and keep rocking the weight loss.

    I met all 3 goals yesterday. Under my cals, exercised and was in bed way before 11pm...9:30 actually it felt so nice. Today I hope to hop on the treadmill reight after work. I have a drives ed meeting for my stepson though so we'll see.

    Keep up the good work all!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Today is a mixed emotion day for me. I have been losing steadily and am currently 4/10 of a pound from being the lightest weight I have been in 8 years. This is great though I was mad at Mr. Scale this morning -- why couldn't he have been just a little generous and given me that 4/10 of a pound...lol. So I am feeling good about the loss, but the the fear sets in.

    I used to panic, get scared, and sabotage myself when I would be down 30-35 pounds. I would see and feel changes in my body and begin to panic. I have been overweight ALL my life and so badly want to be a "normal" weight and size, yet I would fear it. I reached that panic 2 weeks ago, but thanks to some dear friends I made it through. Panic mode left and I have been doing really well. Until today.

    When I had lost 19 pounds several years ago (and got to the weight I am now) I began to swell and gained 17 pounds overnight. This landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks. My doctor then restricted my water intake and would not allow me to exercise for a year. Of course with this set back I ate and ate and ate some more. I had always turned to food in the past and so here food was again, my best friend and my comfort.

    I am stating to panic and fear this will happen again. Today I am afraid to walk, to exercise, to eat. I was all excited because I walked yesterday and the day before. Yesterday alone I burned over 1100 calories. I have been so excited for the last 2 weeks for the day I step on the scale and am back to the lowest weight I have been in 8 years. And then when it happens I panic. My first thought was omg I need to eat a bunch of calories so I don't lose that other 4/10 of pound that will put me back there. Thankfully I have NO fattening food in my house of any kind. So instead I sat and cried. I am so scared right now. I don't know how to get over this fear other than to keep going and hope and pray the same thing does not happen again.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Tami, don't let the fear beat you down!

    Went to the gym after work and used a HRM and have discovered, as I thought, that the calories built into MFP are WAY out. No wonder I was eating too many calories! I tested it and it said my gym work out alone would have been 850ish calories burnt, when in reality it was about half of that! Hopefully I will see better figures on the scales this week but its TOM, so maybe not.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Tami, you have recognised your fear and acknowledged it. Wow thats a big positive for a start. Now beat it. You are so strong as we all know how hard this journey is. You are strong enough to beat down this fear and win.
    Here is a few words for you from my little book of inspirations

    "Confront your inner fears. You can't grow until you do."

    We are all here holding your hand through this next step, and will be with you on the other side to throw our hands in the air and cheer.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Tami - I so agree with Jenni! We're all here to support each other and cheer each other too... You can do it - face your fear and do it anyway... Don't give up... My mum says you should do one thing that scares you every day - makes you feel alive!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    By the way - my thighs are never going to forgive me for the pain they're in... :grumble: :grumble: :tongue:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    My mum says you should do one thing that scares you every day - makes you feel alive!
    Oh I like this saying. Guess I will face housework today.
    Guess your thighs are letting you know you are alive, Claire.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm alive and hurting!!! Lol!
  • Tami - I understand the fear, it hit me 2 years back and I broke down and cried in the kitchen. The changes in my body was to big to cope with, of course I realised that the loss was a good thing but I didn't like how my body looked. It was nothing like the 24 year old I felt like. Just take boobs for an example... I get a little sad when I look at them, but then I look at the rest of my body and I feel proud. You have to let yourself mourn your body, but never let that feeling take over. Feel proud and happy and know that this is the last time you'll look like this. It is scary but with loving family and friends you'll get through this one as well!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Tami *super huge hugs coming at you*. You can do this, and it is what you want, and as Jenn says we're all here to hold you tightly as you go below that memory marker, and I'm sure once your beyond it the memories that it's awakening for you now will be history. Just keep keeping on, one step at a time.

    Poorcopies - My DH gave me his 'spare' HRM (I was unaware he had a spare, fancy having two!?) and I have been using that for exercise for a while now. I found that initially MFP estimates of calories was good, but as I got fitter it didn't really account for that. I assume it just uses your weight to decide how 'fit' you are, and as we exercise more regularly we become much fitter. I still have to use MFP for swimming, as the HRM isn't waterproof!

    I'm doing good thinking of backing out of my triathlon on Sunday as apparently a big storm is passing over, and quite frankly I don't fancy it in torrential rain ... I'll make a final decision tomorrow!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I just realised i hadn't done my measurements since the beginning of Feb so i just did them and i have lost 1/2 inch from my neck, 4 inches from my waist, 3.5 inches from my hips, 1 inch from my arms and 2.5 inches from my thighs! I am so stoked! No matter what the scale says tomorrow that is a massive boost for me! Woo hoo!
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