Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hanna, I can see you as WonderWoman.
    Have just done 45mins on the dreadmill 189 calories as my daughter was baking biscuits and I was already over my calories and I knew I would want one. :ohwell:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I think they have different races all over the UK. The website is www.raceforlife.org

    I'm not fit enough to do it this year and I'm away on the days when it's near me so it's my goal to run/walk it next year.... It's 5k so I think it'll do-able then... Hopefully will have lost more weight from my boobs so it'll be more comfortable to run! At the moment even with a sports bra is a bit bouncy!

    I've not heard of the Heroes Run... Will have to google it! Sounds great fun though! How about storm from x-men? or Mrs Incredible (from the incredibles)? Bat girl? Cat Woman? ooooo the girl from Kill Bill?!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Anyone up for a challenge this week. Although with going to the Easter show here on Tuesday, and then easter next weekend and family get together it could be a difficult week.
    I had a couple of ideas. One a mini biathalon - maybe walk for 5 hours and cycle for 3 hours. (over the week)
    or a 1 2 3 4. Four different forms of exercise your own choice, one for one hour, one for two hours, one for 3 hours, one for four hours. eg. walk for 4 hours, gardening for 3 hours, exercise dvd for 2 hours, swim for 1 hour. Spread out over the week.
    Or we could leave challenges till after easter.
  • I know! Heroes run sounds like so much fun. Have wanted to participate for like 2 years but haven't been fit enough. So next year here I come!!

    I'm up for a 1 2 3 4 challenge!

    1 hour of swimming
    2 hours of window cleaning (does that count? if not i'll come up with something different)
    3 hours of biking
    4 hours of walking

    This week's challenge is met btw. 4463 calories burnt, and I feel proud! For the April challenge I have burnt 11365 calories - only 2000 from my goal! I dont even wanna think of how much i'll have to burn in May:noway:

    Edit. Just calculated on how much I'll have to burn in May with an estimate that i burn 500/day for the rest of this month and end up with 19651 with those 10% included. That is 633/day... INSANE!!!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    ahhh i'm struggling this week! can you share your best tips to stay on track and stay motivated?

    and i'm up for the challenge:

    1 hr of the AMT trainer (it's like death...so difficult!)
    2 hrs of biking
    3 hours of elliptical
    4 hours of walking

    i can do this!
  • ahhh i'm struggling this week! can you share your best tips to stay on track and stay motivated?

    and i'm up for the challenge:

    1 hr of the AMT trainer (it's like death...so difficult!)
    2 hrs of biking
    3 hours of elliptical
    4 hours of walking

    i can do this!

    Struggling and lack of motivation is never fun. I share here and the support from you guys always make me happy no matter how I felt to begin with. Other than that i challenge is always making me work harder and I know that even if I'm on a plateau I have to keep going. Even if I'll never ever lose more weigh again I'll rather be a healthy fat girl than just a fat girl with no stamina who just sit around eating crap food. I know you can do this!!!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I agree with Hanna... That feeling of lack of motivation and struggling is not a good one - I try and exercise it out but sometimes I feel pretty deflated... I've felt a bit like I've struggled this week - I've done no exercise today and will probably be over my cals and I'm off on holiday tomorrow so I'm going to have a hard time next week making the right food choices as I won't be able to weigh anything so it'll all be guess work... Don't really want to have to live off salad for the week to make sure I'm under my target!!

    That's another reason why I'm not going to weigh in until the 30th (or rather the 2nd May as thats the monday)... It means that I have a week to lose anything I put on while on holiday! I'm hoping it won't come to that but it's def in the back of my head...

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week, I'll try and check in but I don't know what the network coverage will be like.. There may be free wifi somewhere if I'm lucky but it'll only be on my phone so may not get on the forums...

    Love you all!!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Morning ladies

    Weigh in day for me and I'm posting a 1.2kg or 2.6lb loss, yay to that! So I'm now weighing in at 84kg or 185.2lb, my little ticker looks like it's almost halfway! I also now have $240 to spend on ME! I was going to join weight watchers, but decided to try MFP instead, and so I decided I'd save up the meeting fees and spend them on me as a treat!

    Awww! Love you too Claire, have a fantastic holiday!

    Nice burn Hanna! I've burnt just over 3500kcal this week, including my triathlon yesterday. I'm happy with that!

    With the motivation thing I think you just have to make the positive things we do on here habit, logging your food, doing your exercise etc. I think we all lose motivation at certain points, but if we can keep doing those things until it returns we'll do fine. I do find that, exercise wise, having an event to aim for helps me, also seeing myself getting faster and fitter helps too!

    Nice challenge suggestions Jenn! I'm up for the 1, 2, 3, 4 challenge ....

    1 hour of swimming
    2 hours of running
    3 hours of fitball
    4 hours of cycling

    Be good to get a bit of strength training in!

    I have a couple more events lined up ... a 45km bike race on the 1st of may and then the first of my run auckland runs on the 8th May ... so I need to increase my biking distances, and add in some more hills, as the course is quite hilly! eeeek!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Calliope motivation is a mind game. I saw recently on TV a trainer saying she didn't believe it was motivation that was needed just consistency. I sometimes just do it, even when I dont feel like it, I think to myself I would not not brush my teeth. So just walk, or turn on that DVD. Also stop and think if you will be happy with your efforts at the end of the day. But like Hanna this site is best for me. I will see what others are doing and get inspired, or just get a whinge off my chest, then suck it up and do something. Same with the calories, sure sometimes I go over, way over. But then I put that behind me and just keep trying. It is a long journey and thats hard. But i think if we do it slowly and make it part of our life it can become easy and enjoyable. Its good that you are doing the 1234 challenge and thought of things to do. I thought of the darn challenge but am now struggling to think what i can do. I will use all your posts to help me decide.

    Claire have a fantastic holiday.

    Rach that is a great weight loss. Congrats and I like how you have set up your next lot of events to work towards.

    I am in shock with mine. 2kgs. I am now finally under 100kgs 98.6kgs, but will not celebrate until I'm under for 2 weeks in a row. So in pounds thats 217.3

    Good luck with everyones weigh In's.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Nice loss Jenn, that one has been well deserved for the hard work you've been putting in for quite some time now.

    Hanna the heroes race sounds AWESOME! I might have to time a trip home, just to give it a go! I think wonder woman, power your mind to believe you are wonder woman too!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I am already sabotaging my great weight loss. My food diary today is not good. Have a very sore body from yesterdays pilates class, so not sure about doing zumba tonight. But need too, to work off some of the excess I ate today. :sad:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello all! I am back from my wonderful weekend in Williamsburg. Sorry i don' thave tiem to catch up on every post.

    Rach I am super proud or you for completeing your triatialon that is amazing!!!

    Clair I love the new hair style. I support teh no scale challenge but I have to weigh in weekly for another challenge right now.

    Hanna- i'm so glad you are feeling better about oyur body and how you look in pciks.

    I have finally lost some weight durring this challenge. I am down 2lbs to 217 :)

    I did pretty well on my personal challenges laste week in bed on time 5 out of 7 days. Under my cals 5 or 7 days (teh trip made it dificult) and I exercised 6 or 7 days..one mor ethan planned.

    I am up for the 1, 2, 3, 4

    1 hour yoga
    2 hours aerobics (highl/ow and zumba)
    3 hours packing boxes (does this count we're moving and that will cut into my exercise time or maybe I can do 3 hours of yoga and change my 1)
    4 hours walking

    I will also stick with my persoanl challenge of getting in bed by 11pm mon-thurs

    Good Luck All!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    This week's update ~~

    gain: 0.2 pounds

    calories burned: Mon 632 Tue 1194 Wed 609 Thur 638 Fri 914 Sat 683 Sun 272 for a weekly total of 4, 942 and so far this month 9,537.

    I drank all my water except yesterday which was lower than it should have been.

    This week's goals: drink 96 oz of water each day, exercise and burn 3500 calories, not skip any meals no matter how emotional, frustrated, or bloated I feel.

    I have finals this week so am more stressed than usual. I am hoping the extra stress does not negatively affect the scale this next week.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Courtney, well done on your loss. Glad you enjoyed your weekend away.

    Tami, a point 2 pound gain is hardly anything, so dont be concerned. Just concentrate on you finals this week. That is your priority. Good luck with them.
  • rudy0001
    rudy0001 Posts: 3
    My goal for this week is to drink 8 oz of water before I have anything to eat. Wait 1 minute before eating & if I'm still hungry, I'll grab a snack. I'm trying to cut down on snacks. I've found that's where a lot of my caloric intake is falling. But, I'm starving!!!!
  • No weigh in for me this week. Away on vacation without accees to my scale, luckily we are getting in lots of walking. Hope you all have a great week!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Wow, well done Rach! Well done on your losses ladies and Tami 0.2 is nothing! You could sweat that out in a day, try not to let it knock you!

    I am up for the 1,2,3,4 challenge

    1 hour bike
    2 hour cross trainer
    3 meals a day (no skipping brekkie!)
    4 hours walking
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    *update ~~ today is day 90 on my journey and I am down another 2.2 pounds for a total of 46. I am at the lowest weight I have been in 8 yrs and am ecstatic!! Now I just hope the scale keeps going downward and doesn't decide to stand still again. The plateaus are killing me!! I am hoping to be down an other 9 pounds by the 30th for my graduation weight goal. We shall see if Mr. Scale works in my favor or not!

    Have a blessed day everyone and happy losing!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Thank Jenni I'm supper happy to be goign down again.

    Tami you are doing great. keep your eye on teh prize you rock!

    rudy welcome- I feel your pain on snacks espically on the weekends. I also had to change my snacks. I love clemintines on 30cals. I think you defintaly have a great plan

    sjc i hope you enjoyed your vacation

    Becci- great goals.

    I completed 1 hour of walking yesterday. I have 30 min of walking an an hour of yoga planned tonight. Also hoping to get teo bed on tiem tonight. epic fail last night went to be shortly after midnight kept thinking of little things to do.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Yay Tami on your 2.2 pound loss and at being your lightest in 8 years. You must feel great.

    Yesterday I went to our Royal Easter Show and walked a lot. So I have recorded that as my 4 hours of walk. Had no intention of doing it in one day but thats how it happened. It felt good to be fit enough to keep going and going. probably walked for longer, but feel thats a fair record with the stopping to look at things that I did. Food was tempting. food at the fair always is. but most of my choices were pretty good. Sushi for lunch, ice cream for arvo's, fresh pineapple pieces, donut (opps) ice cream (opps) sml pizza (opps again)
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