Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Today's food for thought: YOU are the one who chooses the outcome of today. It's YOUR choice.
    Thanks for the daily thoughts Tami. I enjoy reading them.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    So much to catch up on!

    Hanna _ I say work out at night. I'd bee more annoyed at being woken up early.

    Tami - I am thrilled you are so happy. I think happiness is teh key to sucess in all aries of our lives.

    Clair - hun I'm so sorry your illness keeps kicking you in the butt. But listen to your boduy you'll be better soon. Greta loss in inches too!

    Calliope - Just keep at it you are doign great. Hope the mouth is better soon.

    Jen - awesome an 8K walk! Enjoyt teh training and all the benifits you'll do great.

    AFM - I am afreainf a 500 cal a day challenge was a bit too much for me. I made it oinday and Tuesday, came up a little short Wed. thurs was rest day and Friday and Saturday I was short. But I am not disappointed b/c I have worked out 382 min so far this week witch is aweseom fore me and I have burned 2299 calories. I am super sore fro yoga but feeling great. Have a great sunday everyone.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I did good with my 500 cal challenge until yesterday which was 451 and today....a big fat 0!! I should be able to get in the 3500 for the week, but it was not by doing the 500 each day (dang cramps anyway).

    I tried the cayenne trick and not sure if it has helped or not, but the fever is gone now so maybe that was the trick!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Today is day 7 of our 500 cal a day burn challenge and for me today is nearly over. I am just so tired and to burn 500 calories at this stage of the day means 1 hour on the bike.(don't think my tush could handle it). I had thought breakfast with my brother would have meant back home early, but we enjoyed walking around the harbour and didnt get home till after 5pm. I am really happy with how I ate today and I guess walking (strolling) around burnt some calories. I just hate to think I that I didnt do the 7 days. I have burnt 3716 calories. I have a busy week ahead of me so will this week concentrate on eating good food and keeping my calories under control. Would like to aim for food with least amount of human interference. But dont think that is going to happen, just to busy.
  • My 100th day logging and day 7 of 500 calories burnt/day challenge. I didnt make it to 500 each day but most of them. And with a smashing 4606 calories burnt this week I am pretty darn proud of myself. AND it is only the 10th of april so the Calorie challenge for April is looking good too. Well tomorrow is monday again - do you guys have any ideas on what next weeks challenge should be? Have a happy happy sunday everyone! You deserve it!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Evening losers!

    I've just got back from a lovely weekend away, I've eaten far too much CRAP that I shouldn't have, but I enjoyed myself ... and I'm still here and back on track again ... hoping to have not gained tomorrow, but I won't be surprised if I have ... ho hum!

    My username is what my Mum used to call me when I was little. I think I used it as my mum was just about to arrive from the UK a week or so after I joined up on here!

    Tami - You're on true inspirational form at the minute, it's lovely to read your posts. You go girl! RE: TOM, Claire posted an article about low calcium and TOM a while back, but I noticed that my calcium was generally at about 50% and I made an effort to make sure I always had my quota of calcium, and seriously my cramps and PMT have really improved. Though my desire for CHOCOLATE has not changed ...

    Claire - I hope you're better soon. You just take it easy. I am rather jealous that BBQ season is starting there ... winter is creeping up on us here ...

    Jenn - The showgirls walking team sounds like a fab plan! I really find that working towards an event motivates me. I have signed up to do another triathlon next weekend (eeek!), this one is twice as long as the others I've been doing (this one is 500m swim, 20km bike ride, 5km run) ... and it's not a ladies one ... I'm a bit scared that everyone else will have fancy wetsuits and the like ... ah well, there's a full distance triathlon on at the same time, so even if I'm last no-one will ever know ... unless I take longer than the people doing the full distance, which I hope is unlikely!! My hubby is doing the full distance and my aim is to finish before him, which will actually be quite a challenge!!

    Right ... I'm off to bed, hoping my run tonight has helped with my poor eating ... fingers crossed!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    . Well tomorrow is monday again - do you guys have any ideas on what next weeks challenge should be? Have a happy happy sunday everyone! You deserve it!
    I am concentrating on calories in. Making them good healthy calories. We have all heard of Low Gi, well I heard from another fellow Mfper about Low Hi. Low in human interference. It wont be all my food but I will try and be conscious of my choices and to keep within my daily calorie allowance as well, without exercise. I hope to exercise but seriously it may be difficult this week. Notice I had a skinny cow ice cream tonight, i class that as not a good choice. there really was no benefit to my body having it. A piece of fruit would have been a better choice.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    . Well tomorrow is monday again - do you guys have any ideas on what next weeks challenge should be? Have a happy happy sunday everyone! You deserve it!
    I am concentrating on calories in. Making them good healthy calories. We have all heard of Low Gi, well I heard from another fellow Mfper about Low Hi. Low in human interference. It wont be all my food but I will try and be conscious of my choices and to keep within my daily calorie allowance as well, without exercise. I hope to exercise but seriously it may be difficult this week. Notice I had a skinny cow ice cream tonight, i class that as not a good choice. there really was no benefit to my body having it. A piece of fruit would have been a better choice.
    Ps I am on the bike as I write this, if my butt can hold out (put an extra cushion on nthe seat) i AM GOING FOR THE HOUR , 28MINS TO GO, CHEER ME ON. (I think I get to obsessed with challenges)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    . Well tomorrow is monday again - do you guys have any ideas on what next weeks challenge should be? Have a happy happy sunday everyone! You deserve it!
    I am concentrating on calories in. Making them good healthy calories. We have all heard of Low Gi, well I heard from another fellow Mfper about Low Hi. Low in human interference. It wont be all my food but I will try and be conscious of my choices and to keep within my daily calorie allowance as well, without exercise. I hope to exercise but seriously it may be difficult this week. Notice I had a skinny cow ice cream tonight, i class that as not a good choice. there really was no benefit to my body having it. A piece of fruit would have been a better choice.
    Ps I am on the bike as I write this, if my butt can hold out (put an extra cushion on nthe seat) i AM GOING FOR THE HOUR , 28MINS TO GO, CHEER ME ON. (I think I get to obsessed with challenges)
    I DID IT. THE WHOLE BLOODY HOUR. SORE BUM. BUT I DID IT. so can now add another 553 calories to total, and wont feel so bad if I have an easier week this week.
  • I DID IT. THE WHOLE BLOODY HOUR. SORE BUM. BUT I DID IT. so can now add another 553 calories to total, and wont feel so bad if I have an easier week this week.

    So proud of you! the biking thing is hard, just because of the sore bum. But you did it - as always! :D Lovely!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm in such a dip... Today I just want to eat the wrong things.... Didn't do too bad at the BBQ yesterday but today I just want to chomp! I'll probably regret it tomorrow but for today I'm just doing it...
    So I apologise in advance...:frown: :embarassed: :indifferent:

    This week I 'll be back at it - i'm feeling 95% better so I'm back to the gym and doing work outs... Think I may take on that 500 cals a day challenge that I missed last week - throw myself back into it...

    TTFN my lovely losers xx
  • So I've decided my challenge. 3500 calories burnt the next week. I am pretty damn sure I wont reach my goal for my mums birthday (16th) since i've been gaining this week. Don't know how much until tomorrow though. I don't know what to do. If I maybe should go back to 1200kcals/day. Im now at 1400. Or if I just should give it a few more weeks...I am clueless. Challenge number 2 is big for me and that is to weigh in on monday and then stay off the scale till sunday. Maybe I have to hide it away in the storage room? Something has to be done about it. Besides that, I will drink a lot of water and try to make healthy choices.. Just like every week...

    Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I DID IT. THE WHOLE BLOODY HOUR. SORE BUM. BUT I DID IT. so can now add another 553 calories to total, and wont feel so bad if I have an easier week this week.
    :laugh: You're awesome Jen! When I had my challenge as 70km last week, I had to get on that bike and pound out the miles too!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good morning all ~~ I am kind of bummed, yet also happy today at the same time. I did not burn 500 calories each day, though I am close to 3500 for the week and definitely hit that today. So I burned the same number of calories I would have, but didn't exercise all 7 days. I had to weigh in today for another group I am in and was happy with the results. Not the amount I wanted for this week, but at least the numbers are going down (and in spite of TOM at that!!).

    Great job on all the calorie burn efforts. You girls ROCK!! I can't even imagine sitting on a bike seat for an hour....I hurt just thinking of it.

    Claire, it is normal to feel deprived and want to eat after being sick. Especially if you were not eating your normal amount of calories each day. Your body is trying to compensate for it.

    I will weigh in again tomorrow and post those results here. I absolutely love seeing the numbers getting smaller and seeing how close I am getting to my next mini goal.

    Have a great Sunday everyone and remember, We can't change the past, we can't predict the future, but we can make necessary changes for today.

  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I didn't do 500 cals a day but I did do 3500 over the week, so pretty chuffed with that!

    Gone over my cals yesterday and today, but it was my Aunt's 50th birthday last night so there was a party and today I went for a carvery lunch with my boyfriend. YES! He is officially my boyfriend now, haha!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    . YES! He is officially my boyfriend now, haha!

    Woo hoo! Chuffed for you chick! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Tami - thanks for that - I've proper had a blow out today and I feel very bloated...

    Am not getting on with this Monday weigh in at all!! Think I may have to do what Becci does and post a friday weigh in on a monday!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Monday weigh in did not work for me at all! It was my original weigh day but I had to change it. Fridays is much better as I don't feel as bad being a little bit naughty at the weekend, its a more sustainable lifestyle choice for me, as weekends I do go out and socialise more. I think MFP works because it is adjusting your eating but with the constrains of your life so Mondays weren't for me!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I think you're right... Even Wednesday's were better than Mondays!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Good morning all

    A loss is a loss, and I'm very pleased to be posting a 0.1kg loss! Weighing in at 85.1kg or 187.6lbs, this week should be a good one ...!

    Good luck to everyone else with your weigh ins.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Woohoo Rach a loss is a loss. I would have been very happy with that 100gms.

    I put on 100gms. After all that exercise last week. I hate to think what I would have put on without it. Anyway before I allowed myself to get to down about it. I looked back on my weigh ins and there is a pattern this is the week I put on. A week before TOM. But at least this time it was only 100gms it has been much more before. So I shall just keep trying. Bought myself some bathroom scales from Aldi's. Only $14.95 and surprisingly they aren't too bad. They at least weigh the same when you jump on and off, and on and off again. About 200gms lighter than the shopping centre ones. So I could have loss 100gms if I had gone with them. Damm.

    If anyone can see where I can improve please feel free to advise.

    I dont think it matters when we weigh in, so long as its the same each week. I know weekends, can put it up a bit. But it all balances out in the end.

    Claire, your body has been through a lot, so don't be too hard on yourself.

    Becci has a boyfriend. :wink: Nice and if he doesnt treat you right, just tell him there is nowhere to hide in this world. You have friends all over the globe.

    Tami I really need an uplifting daily quote today.
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