jadetigereyes Member


  • Love the Charge! Feel free to add me :) https://www.fitbit.com/user/2YWHY8
  • I try to get over the hurdle of talking myself out of going to the gym by being prepared: - Making sure my gym bag is right by the door / in my car. - Scheduling an hour or two in my calendar just for my workout. - Ensuring that I have a few good gym buddies to get me into gear when I'm feeling the desire to just go home…
  • Great job! Keep it up - you'll definitely get the encouragement here!
  • I'll ask for a take out box to come as my meal is served so that I can portion out what I want to eat for that meal. This prevents overeating and helps a ton with dining out.
  • ^-- SO true about what you put in - I'm always drenched after kickboxing class. I've also been practicing taekwon-do for 10 years; all my classes and self-practice are a fantastic form of exercise and teach a great deal about self control, discipline, and self defense.
  • Depends on what your goals are. Are you looking to be able to lift a certain amount? Tone? Get stronger overall? If you're just beginning with weights, I'd recommend mastering your form. YouTube is a great resource for learning various exercises with weights, and there are plenty of websites online that provide…
  • A 30" waist isn't so bad. College tends to have that effect - we just have to work on getting back to where we used to be. :) I think it is normal - the calculation is an estimate since not everything is fully accurate. It's also dependent on how accurate the food inputs are, so there is the possibility of…
  • I'd don't think 128lb is all that chubby - maybe it's muscle mass! I had the same issue when I started reducing my Asian diet intake - reduced the carb intake and increased the clean protein and vegetable eating. Within the first week I lost 4 pounds, and I'm assuming it's mostly water weight (I'm 5'2" started at 136lb…
  • Interval training with one of my crazy trainers at my corporate gym. It's an hour's worth of HIT with cardio and strength exercises using body weight.
  • When I'm siting at my desk I try to remember to sit up straight to activate my abs, and maybe do sets of squeezes every hour or so. I get up and stretch every hour (I try to, anyway), and do lunges or squats in my cube. It gets my blood flowing and releases some of the tension I have in my upper body from typing on a…
  • All it means is that there's some more work to do. Just remember that you have a support team to cheer you on!
  • Same here! It's nice to have the reference images, since everyone is so different. 15% body fat looks different on everyone, as does 6% body fat.
  • I typically broil or saute - it's quick and easy and gets the fish just a tad crispy without all the breading and whatnot you'd normally need to achieve that flavor. Lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper are my go to seasonings; occasionally I'll add paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, or even a teaspoon of soy sauce…
  • I usually drink a lot of fluids to help with staying full. If you're looking for something to munch on instead of liquid replacement, I would eat a 1/2 cup of fruit (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) to get that sweetness effect without eating something super unhealthy. Like falkeon said, almonds are a great alternative as…
  • My bf and I cheat once a week, but for one meal rather than a full day's worth of food. As long as we maintain portion sizes, it makes us feel much better about our food plans. Like other users, we try to make our regular meals as tasty as possible, and vary everything as well.
  • You can only view other user's diaries if they make their diary public / viewable by friends (in which case, you would need to friend other users).
  • My goal is to lose 10 lb of fat and tone up by this October (in time for my friend's wedding in Aruba). I set my goal at losing 0.5 lb per week, which is quite attainable for 10 months. If I want to be more aggressive and lose the weight by June, I'd target losing 1.5 lb per month. How about you?
  • I judge my progress by how much more weight I can lift vs. how sore I am the next day - it's easier to track than how many days you're sore for. :)
  • You're not going to get big from lifting weights - women's bodies don't have enough testosterone to produce the muscle that you see on body builders. So lift more!
  • Totally working on it! I have three weddings to go to this year, with one that I'm in and another that's in Aruba! Definitely want that beach body for the photos :) I'm also training for the Warrior Dash in June (after the first wedding I'm attending), so that's part of my goals this year. Feel free to add me for…
  • ^--- This on the nutrition. It's about 80% nutrition, 20% exercise to reach your goals. Abs are created in the kitchen!
  • Broiled salmon, sauteed bok choy, spinach & celery, quinoa with almonds
  • Here are a few of my go-to dishes for ground turkey: - Stuffed bell peppers with seasoned ground turkey and chopped veggies - Mapo tofu with turkey instead of pork - Bunless turkey burgers with a sweet potato or veggies There are plenty of healthy recipes online for these dishes. Happy eating!
  • Broiled balsamic salmon - so delicious and easy to make! Drizzle the olive oil and balsamic vinegar on the salmon and marinate. Broil 4-6 inches away from the heat source at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes or until the fish flakes with a fork. Serve with veggies and/or quinoa/couscous/brown rice, or whatever other sides you…
  • I try to eat small, filling meals throughout the day to combat the hunger pangs (more veggies and protein, fewer starches like potatoes). It's been working so far. Drinking water helps a lot too when you get the stomach rumbles. Try that for a few days and see how it goes!
  • There are plenty of healthy chicken breast recipes on the Internet - it's the most versatile meat! Here are some of my favorites below: Baked seasoned chicken breast (season with herbs of your choice, add chicken breasts to pan and add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of chicken/vegetable broth to pan, bake at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes…
  • Congrats on the success! Small wins are what it's all about. It really helps to have the tracker show empty calories - it's amazing what's in our food these days. Great job on staying on track!
  • I find that having a workout buddy to hold you accountable helps to get that workout in. I'm lucky to have a gym at my work campus (which overcomes the hurdle of actually having to drive someplace to work out) and coworkers who are also gym buddies (my support system). I wouldn't want to stand someone up if I promised to…
  • I don't think there's an actual way to spot reduce fat. To tone lower abs, exercises you can do are leg lifts, hip raises, leg hovers, pendulums, and toe touches while on your back. Add some resistance with leg weights to get your abs to do more work once you get to a point where you feel like you're plateauing. I also…